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Created February 1, 2016 11:10
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Save yamahigashi/2aa430e00dde0cf905a9 to your computer and use it in GitHub Desktop.
maya python api 2.0 exploration, banned PyMel / maya.cmds
# -*- coding: utf-8 -*-
import re
import anyconfig
from maya.api import OpenMaya as OpenMaya2
PARENT_CONS_TYPE_ID = OpenMaya2.MTypeId(0x44504152)
def get_node(x):
y = OpenMaya2.MGlobal.getSelectionListByName("{}*".format(x))
except RuntimeError:
return ''
return y.getDagPath(0)
return y.getDependNode(0)
def get_rotation(dag_path, space=OpenMaya2.MSpace.kWorld):
tra = OpenMaya2.MFnTransform(dag_path)
return tra.rotation(space, True) # as quat
def set_rotation(dag_path, v, space=OpenMaya2.MSpace.kWorld):
tra = OpenMaya2.MFnTransform(dag_path)
return tra.setrotation(v, space)
def get_translation(dag_path, space=OpenMaya2.MSpace.kWorld):
tra = OpenMaya2.MFnTransform(dag_path)
return tra.translation(space)
def set_translation(dag_path, v, space=OpenMaya2.MSpace.kWorld):
tra = OpenMaya2.MFnTransform(dag_path)
return tra.setTranslation(v, space)
def match(def_file_name="test.yaml", domain="match_guide_on_bone"):
map = anyconfig.load(def_file_name)
for m in map[domain]:
def do_match(entry):
d = get_node(entry['dst'])
s = get_node(entry['src'])
if not d or not s:
print('nothing todo with {}'.format(entry))
v_s = get_translation(s)
set_translation(d, v_s)
def connect_on_deformer(def_file_name="test.yaml", domain="bone_on_deformer"):
map = anyconfig.load(def_file_name)
for m in map[domain]:
plug_exp = re.compile(
def _get_plug(node, name):
if '.' in name:
m = plug_exp.match(name)
container_plug = node.findPlug('parent_name'), False)
if container_plug.isArray:
# mind glitch, setting connection index
# with "selectAncestorLogicalIndex"
kid_attr = container_plug.attribute()
kid_plug = node.findPlug('target_name'), False)
int('parent_idx')), kid_attr)
kid_plug = node.findPlug(name, False)
return kid_plug
def do_connect(entry):
d = get_node(entry['dst'])
s = get_node(entry['src'])
if not d or not s:
print('nothing todo with {}'.format(entry))
cons_name = "{}_parentConstraint".format(d)
cons_node = OpenMaya2.MFnDependencyNode()
cons_node.create(PARENT_CONS_TYPE_ID, cons_name)
x = get_node(cons_name).node()
dag_mod = OpenMaya2.MDagModifier()
dag_mod.reparentNode(x, d.node())
src_node = OpenMaya2.MFnDependencyNode().setObject(s.node())
dst_node = OpenMaya2.MFnDependencyNode().setObject(d.node())
d2c = [
["jointOrient", "constraintJointOrient"],
["rotatePivot", "constraintRotatePivot"],
["rotateOrder", "constraintRotateOrder"],
["rotatePivotTranslate", "constraintRotateTranslate"]
s2c = [
["translate", "target[0].targetTranslate"],
["rotate", "target[0].targetRotate"],
["scale", "target[0].targetScale"],
["parentMatrix[0].parentMatrix", "target[0].targetParentMatrix"],
# ["instObjGroups[0]", ""],
["rotatePivot", "target[0].targetRotatePivot"],
["rotatePivotTranslate", "target[0].targetRotateTranslate"],
["rotateOrder", "target[0].targetRotateOrder"],
["jointOrient", "target[0].targetJointOrient"],
["segmentScaleCompensate", "target[0].targetScaleCompensate"],
["inverseScale", "target[0].targetInverseScale"]
c2d = [
# "inverseScale",
# "drawOverride",
# "scale",
# "worldMatrix[0]",
# "lockInfluenceWeights",
# "objectColorRGB",
# "message",
# "bindPose",
["constraintTranslateX", "translateX"],
["constraintTranslateY", "translateY"],
["constraintTranslateZ", "translateZ"],
["constraintRotateX", "rotateX"],
["constraintRotateY", "rotateY"],
["constraintRotateZ", "rotateZ"]
# ["rotateOrder]"
# "parentInverseMatrix[0]",
# "rotatePivot",
# "rotatePivotTranslate",
# "jointOrient"
def _conn(map_array, src, dst):
for a in map_array:
# print a[0], a[1]
src_plug = _get_plug(src, a[0])
dst_plug = _get_plug(dst, a[1])
dg_mod.connect(src_plug, dst_plug)
def offset(node, pos, rot):
offset_plug_p_x = _get_plug(node, "target[0].targetOffsetTranslateX")
offset_plug_p_y = _get_plug(node, "target[0].targetOffsetTranslateY")
offset_plug_p_z = _get_plug(node, "target[0].targetOffsetTranslateZ")
offset_plug_r_x = _get_plug(node, "target[0].targetOffsetRotateX")
offset_plug_r_y = _get_plug(node, "target[0].targetOffsetRotateY")
offset_plug_r_z = _get_plug(node, "target[0].targetOffsetRotateZ")
if (not rot[0]):
rot[0] = 0
if (not rot[1]):
rot[1] = 0
if (not rot[2]):
rot[2] = 0
print rot
# dg_mod, must call doIt() later.
dg_mod = OpenMaya2.MDGModifier()
# dst to cns, for some settings
_conn(d2c, dst_node, cons_node)
# src to cos
_conn(s2c, src_node, cons_node)
# cons to dst
_conn(c2d, cons_node, dst_node)
print d
# store transforms for offset
posspace = OpenMaya2.MSpace.kTransform
rotspace = OpenMaya2.MSpace.kTransform
original_pos = get_translation(d, posspace)
original_rot = get_rotation(d, rotspace)
joint_orient_x = _get_plug(dst_node, "jointOrientX").asFloat()
joint_orient_y = _get_plug(dst_node, "jointOrientY").asFloat()
joint_orient_z = _get_plug(dst_node, "jointOrientZ").asFloat()
joint_orient_eul = OpenMaya2.MEulerRotation(
joint_orient_x, joint_orient_y, joint_orient_z)
joint_orient = OpenMaya2.MQuaternion().setValue(joint_orient_eul)
# maintain offset
_pos = get_translation(d, posspace)
_rot = get_rotation(d, rotspace)
diff_pos = original_pos - _pos
diff_rot = original_rot * _rot.invertIt()
diff_pos = diff_pos.rotateBy(joint_orient.invertIt()).rotateBy(diff_rot)
offset(cons_node, diff_pos, diff_rot.asEulerRotation())
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