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Forked from bmaupin/
Last active December 5, 2024 03:47
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Comparison of open-source SSO implementations
Aerobase Keycloak WSO2 Identity Server Gluu CAS OpenAM Shibboleth IdP
OpenID Connect/OAuth support yes yes yes yes yes yes third-party
Multi-factor authentication yes yes yes yes yes yes yes
Admin UI yes yes yes yes yes yes no
OpenJDK support yes yes yes yes no
Identity brokering yes yes yes
Middleware NGINX, Wildfly Wildfly, JBOSS WSO2 Carbon Jetty, Apache HTTPD any Java app server any Java app server Jetty, Tomcat
Open source yes yes Note 1 yes yes yes yes
Commercial support yes no yes yes third-party yes third-party
Add federation metadata no no yes
Add metadata from URL no no yes
Installation trivial easy difficult
  1. The downloadable binaries on their site don't appear to include the latest security patches. While you could compile and package yourself from the source code, it's not clear if the latest security patches are open-sourced. (
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ahochsteger commented Apr 8, 2019

Information about federation metadata + metadata from URL for WSO2 Identity Server can be found here:

The Carbon Middleware is running on Apache Tomcat (see

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nikos commented Jun 13, 2019

It might be interesting to add also FusionAuth as open-source solution to the comparision chart (I am not connected to them in any way, just a developer who recently figured out it might be good alternative especially if you also look for a commercial support in an enterprise environment).

Keycloak and FusionAuth Comparison

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yanivmn commented Jun 13, 2019

N.P, please send a PR

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@nikos FusionAuth is not open source - it's just free as in beer.

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Seems that I also don't understand **is FusionAuth it free and/or opensource or not..**at several docs is declared as opensource, but here I found some pricing So, does anybody know exactly?
Btw - Free means free to install, and open-source free to get (and change) code, right?

For my company I need to compare also several sso solutions (free and opensource only) , from this list:
Except from that list, FusionAuth is also required to be included! (gluu and openAM not, I don't know why)
So I am in doubt is FusinAuth free or not, but anyway I also recommend adding it at my research and also in above list:)

At my excel I have separated columns free and opensource.
For better comparison and understanding of sso solutions I also added this columns which I can recommend
to anyone who work on similar :
-"authorization supported?" (for several only authentication is),
-installation? (easy medium difficult),
-integration? (with different FE BE technologie, also e/m/d),
-mobile apps? (android, ios) supported or not
-Liveness (num /frequency of releases , github issues resolvance etc) ,
I need to go more in depth to several solutions next weeks, so
anyone who work on similar - do not hesitate to contact me to share information and knowledge:)

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MyGIS commented May 13, 2021

Thank you for the nice comparison. Do all these require an installation on a server such as Windows or Linux? Is there any of these that can be sued on shared hosting? Thanks.

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