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Last active January 19, 2023 09:26
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Fragment arguments without hassle !
package be.brol
import android.os.Binder
import android.os.Bundle
* Eases the Fragment.newInstance ceremony by marking the fragment's args with this delegate
* Just write the property in newInstance and read it like any other property after the fragment has been created
* Inspired by Adam Powell, he mentioned it during his IO/17 talk about Kotlin
class FragmentArgumentDelegate<T : Any> :<Fragment, T> {
var value: T? = null
override operator fun getValue(thisRef:, property: kotlin.reflect.KProperty<*>): T {
if (value == null) {
val args = thisRef.arguments ?: throw IllegalStateException("Cannot read property ${} if no arguments have been set")
value = args.get( as T
return value ?: throw IllegalStateException("Property ${} could not be read")
override operator fun setValue(thisRef:, property: kotlin.reflect.KProperty<*>, value: T) {
if (thisRef.arguments == null) thisRef.arguments = android.os.Bundle()
val args = thisRef.arguments
val key =
when (value) {
is String -> args.putString(key, value)
is Int -> args.putInt(key, value)
is Short -> args.putShort(key, value)
is Long -> args.putLong(key, value)
is Byte -> args.putByte(key, value)
is ByteArray -> args.putByteArray(key, value)
is Char -> args.putChar(key, value)
is CharArray -> args.putCharArray(key, value)
is CharSequence -> args.putCharSequence(key, value)
is Float -> args.putFloat(key, value)
is Bundle -> args.putBundle(key, value)
is Binder -> BundleCompat.putBinder(args, key, value)
is android.os.Parcelable -> args.putParcelable(key, value)
is -> args.putSerializable(key, value)
else -> throw IllegalStateException("Type ${value.javaClass.canonicalName} of property ${} is not supported")
package be.brol
import android.os.Bundle
import android.widget.Toast
* Example usage of FragmentArgumentDelegate
class WeatherCityFragment : Fragment() {
private var cityId by FragmentArgumentDelegate<String>()
override fun onActivityCreated(savedInstanceState: Bundle?) {
Toast.makeText(activity, cityId, Toast.LENGTH_SHORT).show()
companion object {
fun newInstance(cityId: String) = WeatherCityFragment().apply {
this.cityId = cityId
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Great solution! Do you have the same for activity?

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yanngx commented Jul 24, 2017

A solution based on the same principles could be applied to Activities but there one very ugly downside.
Delegated properties are attached to an instance ( of which they're the properties ), if you want the same to work, you would have to first create an activity instance, set its special properties then that instance will be discarted since you'll pass the activity's class to the Intent.
You'll then be able to query the special properties which will read their values from the Intent ( same principle as for fragments).

So if you don't mind instanciating a short lived Activity for the sake of parameters passing, yes the same could be applied.
But I honestly think this should be avoided, especially for a serious production app, creating a new Activity should not be considered as free.

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andro-jedi commented Nov 22, 2017

@daemon with your solution you have a bundle in the target fragment.
With FragmentArgumentDelegate you get regular fields which you can use, no need to get values from bundle
Also you can do something like this if you use Parceler library for example.
In setValue

is android.os.Parcelable -> {
                if ( {
                    args.putParcelable(key, Parcels.wrap(value))
                } else {
                    args.putParcelable(key, value)

and in getValue

 value = if (valueT is ParcelWrapper<*>) {
                Parcels.unwrap(valueT as Parcelable)
            } else {

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how to get WeatherCityFragment in apply function? - I would like return WeatherCityFragment for function replace() in Activity to replace fragment.

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jwbrownatadobe commented Feb 8, 2018

Would you please consider adding an MIT (or other) open source license to these files? Thanks.

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Hi, did you forget to remove bundle? this will cause binder exception. put, args.remove(
inside you getValue

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kyhule commented Sep 14, 2018

This is a great solution. How would you handle optional args though? Seems like there is no way to have nullable properties from args this way.

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hixguru commented Oct 24, 2018

If you are using android-ktx you can do it a litter simpler.

    operator fun setValue(fragment: Fragment, property: KProperty<*>, value: T) {
        if (null == fragment.arguments) {
            fragment.arguments = Bundle()

        val args = fragment.arguments!!
        val key =

        args.putAll(bundleOf(key to value))

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igorwojda commented Nov 24, 2018

@hixguru good tip, however usage of !! is very ugly. Fortunately we can write code without it.

    override operator fun setValue(fragment: Fragment, property: KProperty<*>, value: T) {
        val key =
        val args = fragment.arguments ?: Bundle()
        args.putAll(bundleOf(key to value))
        fragment.arguments = args


    override operator fun setValue(fragment: Fragment, property: KProperty<*>, value: T) {
        val key =
        (fragment.arguments ?: Bundle()).also {
            it.putAll(bundleOf(key to value))
            fragment.arguments = it

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This is great - one question though, shouldn't setValue() update this.value? Otherwise a subsequent call to getValue() could return a stale value?

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kibotu commented Feb 25, 2019

how about declaring optional/nullable arguments?


var cityId by FragmentArgumentDelegate<String?>()

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mochadwi commented Jul 6, 2020

this approach is using reflection, wouldn't it hurt performance? @yanngx

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