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Created December 2, 2019 17:58
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GKE CPU Pinning Script - Run this as a DaemonSet
function sleep_forever() {
while true; do sleep 100; done
function setup_kubectl() {
# Setup kubectl
cd $HOSTFS/var/run/secrets/
TOKEN=$(cat token)
kubectl config set-cluster scylla --server=https://kubernetes.default --certificate-authority=ca.crt
kubectl config set-credentials [email protected] --token=$TOKEN
kubectl config set-context scylla --cluster=scylla [email protected]
kubectl config use-context scylla
echo "Changing kubelet configs and restarting the kubelet service"
if [[ `grep "cpuManagerPolicy" $HOSTFS/home/kubernetes/kubelet-config.yaml | wc -l` -eq 0 ]]
kubectl drain $NODE --force --ignore-daemonsets --delete-local-data --grace-period=60
echo cpuManagerPolicy: static | tee -a $HOSTFS/home/kubernetes/kubelet-config.yaml
elif [[ `grep "cpuManagerPolicy" $HOSTFS/home/kubernetes/kubelet-config.yaml | wc -l` -gt 1 ]]
kubectl drain $NODE --force --ignore-daemonsets --delete-local-data --grace-period=60
sed -i '/cpuManagerPolicy/d' $HOSTFS/home/kubernetes/kubelet-config.yaml
echo cpuManagerPolicy: static | tee -a $HOSTFS/home/kubernetes/kubelet-config.yaml
echo "Policy already there!"
echo "Uncondoning the node"
kubectl uncordon $NODE
rm $HOSTFS/var/lib/kubelet/cpu_manager_state
# Couldn't get systemctl to work...
# Not a good solution, but it works
kill -9 $(pidof kubelet)
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Does GKE not undo this with their automated kubelet updates?

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@yanniszark and ty for your work on all things GKE/CPU ... helping with some tough battles currently

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