On a specific rails application (4.2), when a developper call reload!
method on a console he'll see:
Engine Load (0.3ms) SELECT `engines`.* FROM `engines` WHERE `engines`.`label` = 'influencer' LIMIT 1
Engine Load (0.3ms) SELECT `engines`.* FROM `engines` WHERE `engines`.`label` = 'speaker' LIMIT 1
Engine Load (0.3ms) SELECT `engines`.* FROM `engines` WHERE `engines`.`label` = 'animator' LIMIT 1
Engine Load (0.2ms) SELECT `engines`.* FROM `engines` WHERE `engines`.`label` = 'ambassador' LIMIT 1
Engine Load (0.2ms) SELECT `engines`.* FROM `engines` WHERE `engines`.`label` = 'private_show' LIMIT 1
Celebrity Load (74.6ms) SELECT `celebrities`.* FROM `celebrities` ORDER BY first_name ASC
Celebrity Load (74.6ms) SELECT `celebrities`.* FROM `celebrities` ORDER BY first_name ASC
Agency Load (35.5ms) SELECT `agencies`.* FROM `agencies` ORDER BY family_name ASC
How to know from where this queries have been called? This is a solution to find it, I assume there is a lot of other ways to deal with this.
A class that provides the functionality of Kernel#set_trace_func in a nice Object-Oriented API. In other words a wonderfull tool to debug.
With TracePoint, ruby can tell you what is doing.
trace = TracePoint.new do |tp|
p tp
[2, 1, 3].count
# => #<TracePoint:c_return `enable'@trace_count.rb:6>
# => #<TracePoint:line@trace_count.rb:7>
# => #<TracePoint:c_call `count'@trace_count.rb:7>
# => #<TracePoint:c_return `count'@trace_count.rb:7>
# => #<TracePoint:line@trace_count.rb:8>
# => #<TracePoint:c_call `disable'@trace_count.rb:8>
First two line concern trace generation. After that we have a :c_call followed by a :c_return which is a return from the count method, defined in C code, then lines for disabling trace.
With TracePoint It's possible to filter events
- :line - execute code on a new line
- :class - start a class or module definition
- :end - finish a class or module definition
- :call - call a Ruby method
- :return - return from a Ruby method
- :c_call - call a C-language routine
- :c_return - return from a C-language routine
- :raise - raise an exception
- :b_call - event hook at block entry
- :b_return - event hook at block ending
- :thread_begin - event hook at thread beginning
- :thread_end - event hook at thread ending
- :fiber_switch - event hook at fiber switch
- event - type of event
- inspect - Return a string containing a human-readable TracePoint status.
- lineno - Line number of the event
- method_id - Return the name of the method being called
- path - Path of the file being run
- raised_exception - Value from exception raised on the :raise event
- return_value - Return value from :return, c_return, and b_return event
- self - Return the trace object during event
trace = TracePoint.new do |tp|
p [tp.lineno, tp.defined_class, tp.method_id, tp.event]
[2, 1, 3].count
# => [6, TracePoint, :enable, :c_return]
# => [7, nil, nil, :line]
# => [7, Array, :count, :c_call]
# => [7, Array, :count, :c_return]
# => [8, nil, nil, :line]
# => [8, TracePoint, :disable, :c_call]
The main issue with TracePoint is that you can't use it with IRB or Pry because it REPL have making a lot of calls that hide real calls.
There it is the first difficulty, how to call reload!
without a console ?
This is reload! source code
# File railties/lib/rails/console/app.rb, line 25
def reload!(print=true)
puts "Reloading..." if print
I opened a console and called both methods. It seems that ActionDispatch::Reloader.prepare!
make the queries.
Rails offers runner
which runs Ruby code in the context of Rails non-interactively. For instance:
$ rails runner "Model.long_running_method"
In our case we want to execute a script like this one:
trace = TracePoint.new do |tp|
Rails.logger.debug tp.inspect.to_s
And with the runner:
rails runner 'trace = TracePoint.new {|tp| Rails.logger.debug tp.inspect.to_s };trace.enable;ActionDispatch::Reloader.prepare!;trace.disable'
**Note: Use this command will generate more than 2Gb of data log.**
Before to use it be aware to empty development.log.
### Filter log file
Finally we have all needed data, there is only one to do: filter.
I assume all these requests are created by Rails application, therefore I decide to keep all files present in app directory and a part of a query which is logged by the logger.
grep -e "/Users/Yann/code/brand_engine/app/" -e"\`celebrities\`" development.log > tmp.log
Now I search the query and the line before:
grep -B 1 "\`celebrities\`" tmp.log
# => #<TracePoint:line@/Users/Yann/code/brand_engine/app/admin/posts.rb:50>
# => Celebrity Load (71.6ms) SELECT `celebrities`.* FROM `celebrities` ORDER BY first_name ASC
### Results
File: **app/admin/posts.rb:50**
filter :celebrity_id,
as: :select,
collection: Celebrity.order('first_name ASC').collect { |celebrity| ["#{celebrity.first_name} #{celebrity.family_name}", celebrity.id] }
Log: `Celebrity Load (74.6ms) SELECT `celebrities`.* FROM `celebrities` ORDER BY first_name ASC`
File: **app/admin/tweets.rb:93**
filter :celebrity_id,
as: :select,
collection: Celebrity.order('first_name ASC').collect { |celebrity| ["#{celebrity.first_name} #{celebrity.family_name}", celebrity.id] }
Log: `Celebrity Load (74.6ms) SELECT `celebrities`.* FROM `celebrities` ORDER BY first_name ASC`
File: **app/admin/project_roots.rb:74**
filter :agency_id,
as: :select,
collection: Agency.order('family_name ASC').collect { |agency| ["#{agency.reverse_full_name}", agency.id] }
Log: `Agency Load (35.5ms) SELECT `agencies`.* FROM `agencies` ORDER BY family_name ASC`
File: **app/models/celebrity_notation.rb:37**
ENGINES = [Engine.find_by(label: 'influencer'), Engine.find_by(label: 'speaker'), Engine.find_by(label: 'animator'), Engine.find_by(label: 'ambassador'), Engine.find_by(label: 'private_show')]
Engine Load (0.3ms) SELECT `engines`.* FROM `engines` WHERE `engines`.`label` = 'influencer' LIMIT 1
Engine Load (0.3ms) SELECT `engines`.* FROM `engines` WHERE `engines`.`label` = 'speaker' LIMIT 1
Engine Load (0.3ms) SELECT `engines`.* FROM `engines` WHERE `engines`.`label` = 'animator' LIMIT 1
Engine Load (0.2ms) SELECT `engines`.* FROM `engines` WHERE `engines`.`label` = 'ambassador' LIMIT 1
Engine Load (0.2ms) SELECT `engines`.* FROM `engines` WHERE `engines`.`label` = 'private_show' LIMIT 1