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Created July 10, 2024 03:49
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Run Llama.cpp inside neovim
local function get_visual_selection()
local s_start = vim.fn.getpos("'<")
local s_end = vim.fn.getpos("'>")
local n_lines = math.abs(s_end[2] - s_start[2]) + 1
local lines = vim.api.nvim_buf_get_lines(0, s_start[2] - 1, s_end[2], false)
lines[1] = string.sub(lines[1], s_start[3], -1)
if n_lines == 1 then
lines[n_lines] = string.sub(lines[n_lines], 1, s_end[3] - s_start[3] + 1)
lines[n_lines] = string.sub(lines[n_lines], 1, s_end[3])
return table.concat(lines, '\n')
local prompt = vim.fn.input "prompt: "
local select = get_visual_selection()
local cmd = '~/Projects/agi/llama.cpp/llama-cli -m ~/Public/models/gemma_2_chinese_chat_q4_k_m.gguf --log-disable --temp 0.5 -p "' .. prompt .. select .. '"'
vim.api.nvim_command('term ' .. cmd)
{ range = true }
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