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Created March 30, 2024 12:17
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drags command
ace - Command for generic read/write to ace device.
alias - Displays, creates, or deletes UEFI Shell aliases.
amcc - Command for testing the AMCC functionality.
amux - Analog Mux selection command
ASPTool - ASPTool command interface.
attrib - Displays or modifies the attributes of files or directories.
audio - General audio subsystem control.
audiohid - Manages HID report operations on audio blocks
audioparam - Get or set audio parameters.
audioreg - Manages register operations on audio blocks.
base64 - Convert file to/from base64
baseband - Command to control/test baseband functionality.
baud - Gets or sets UART baud rate.
bcfg - Manages the boot and driver options that are stored in NVRAM.
bl - BackLight Test(I2C)
blockdevice - Show information about boot devices. Bare quantities are in bytes.
bluetooth - [bluetooth <Command>]
boardid - Get the board Id
boardrev - Get the board rev
bonfire - Command to control/test Run Bonfire
bootcfg - Get the boot cfg
buckcheck - Command for buck voltage check.
button - Test individual buttons on the unit. Press Ctrl+C to escape button press via serial
buttoncnt - [--dqe] Count button presses on the unit
c26 - Provides control over C26 chipsets
camisp - Camera command that can run in separate steps
cbcolor - iPX Control Bit - Set screen color based on number of passed station
cbdump - iPX Control Bit - Dump the CB area from the NAND
cberase - iPX Control Bit - Erase a control bit
cbinit - iPX Control Bit - Initialize control bit area
cbread - Test commands for iPX Control Bit Read
cbreadall - Test commands for iPX Control Bit - read all
cbskip - iPX Control Bit - Skip control bits
cbwrite - Test commands for for iPX Control Bit Write
cd - Displays or changes the current directory.
charge - Charge controls for system
chipid - Get the chip Id
clkmon - [clkmon <Command>]
cls - Clears the console output and optionally changes the background and foreground color.
colorgrad - Command to create preset or custom color gradients on the display.
comp - Compares the contents of two files on a byte-for-byte basis.
connect - Binds a driver to a specific device and starts the driver.
consoleformat - Command to control the formatting of text display on serial output mediums like the console
consoleprint - Print to ConsoleRouter
consolerouter - Main command that deals with all things console in the system
consolesinkctrl- Manage the console sink controls
copy - Copies one or more files or directories to another location.
cp - copy files and directories as in UNIX.
crush - Compress/uncompress a file using gzip/zlib
csi - Provide common controls to all CSI coprocs
date - Displays and sets the current date for the system.
dblk - Displays one or more blocks from a block device.
dcp - dcp <Command>
debug - Turns on/off global debug levels in the system
device - List all devices of the system.
devices - Displays the list of devices managed by UEFI drivers.
devtree - Displays the UEFI Driver Model compliant device tree.
dh - Displays the device handles in the UEFI environment.
digest - Hash Data in a file.
DisCfg# - Test commands for display CFG systemcfg
disconnect - Disconnects one or more drivers from the specified devices.
DisOpts - Test commands for display OPTS systemcfg
display - Command for testing display device.
displayid - Get the display Id
DisplayShape - Display a shape on the unit's screen.
displaytext - Command for displaying text on unit's screen.
dmem - Displays the contents of system or device memory.
dmpstore - Manages all UEFI variables.
dprepeater - Test commands for non-LTT DisplayPort Repeater
dptx - Command to exercise the DisplayPort Phy(s)
drivers - Displays the UEFI driver list.
drvcfg - Invokes the driver configuration.
drvdiag - Invokes the Driver Diagnostics Protocol.
dt - Embedded dt command interface
dwi - BackLight Test (DWI)
echo - Controls script file command echoing or displays a message.
edit - Provides a full screen text editor for ASCII or UCS-2 files.
eficompress - Compresses a file using UEFI Compression Algorithm.
efidecompress - Decompresses a file using UEFI Decompression Algorithm.
efidmns - dimenions command interface
egpio - Embedded GPIO command interface
else - Identifies the code executed when 'if' is FALSE.
endfor - Ends a 'for' loop.
endif - Ends the block of a script controlled by an 'if' statement.
event - Signal EFI event groups.
false - Execute unsuccessfully.
fan - Provide controls to system fans (smc by default)
fdrdecode - Command to decode FDR file and write the payload to serial or a file
filelog - Command to control/test filelog functionality
for - Starts a loop based on 'for' syntax.
getmtc - Gets the MTC from BootServices and displays it.
getnonce - iPX Control Bit - generate a salt value for control-bit write authentication
getvol - Get audio block volume information.
goto - Moves around the point of execution in a script.
gps - Command to control/test gps functionality
hallsensor - Test riser readings
hash - This command generates a secure hash.
help - Displays the UEFI Shell command list or verbose command help.
hexedit - Provides a full screen hex editor for files, block devices, or memory.
hid - HID related test commands
history - Prints out previously typed commands in command list history log
i2c - Command for generic read/write to I2C device.
if - Executes commands in specified conditions.
key - Read buttons' status from AP side and PMU side
listclocks - List frequency of PMGR clocks.
load - Loads a UEFI driver into memory.
loadpcirom - Loads a PCI Option ROM.
loopaudio - Plays/Record full-duplex audio out/in through selected 'playable' and 'recordable' ports on an audio block
ls - Lists the contents of a directory or file information.
Lua - Enter an interactive lua shell.
Lua52 - Enter an interactive lua shell.
map - Displays or defines file system mappings.
mapper - Command for dumping AppleMapperProtocol mappings.
mbt - Menu Button Test
measureclock - measureclock related test commands
memcat - Run data and address patterns to exercise DRAM subsystem.
memmap - Displays the memory map maintained by the UEFI environment.
memrw - Run data and address patterns to exercise DRAM subsystem.
menu - menu <option>
microtar - manipulate tape archives using microtar
mikey - Mikey Tests
mipi - mipi Command to interact with mipi.
mkdir - Creates one or more new directories.
mlbsn - Test commands for reading MLB serial number
mm - Displays or modifies MEM/MMIO/IO/PCI/PCIE address space.
mode - Displays or changes the console output device mode.
mv - Moves one or more files to a destination within or between file systems.
nand - Embedded nand command interface.
nandcsid - Embedded nandcsid command interface.
NANDInfoTool - Embedded NANDInfoTool command interface.
nandppnfwver - Embedded nandppnfwver command interface.
nandsize - Embedded nandsize command interface.
nanduid - Embedded nanduid command interface.
network - Command to control/test Ethernet MAC and PHY functionality
NVMeEANTool - Write and read images to/from the EAN
nvram - Print or modify NVRAM variables
nvrams - Print or modify system NVRAM variables
openinfo - Displays the protocols and agents associated with a handle.
parse - Retrieves a value from a standard format output file.
pattern - Command for testing LCD Display pattern.
pause - Pauses a script and waits for an operator to press a key.
pci - Displays PCI device list or PCI function configuration space and PCIe extended
configuration space.
pcie - [pcie <Command>]
pdump - Play pdumps
pertos - Boot into pertos image or gather logs
physaddr - Decodes a physical address into bank/column/row/etc.
playaudio - Plays audio out through a selected 'playable' port.
pmu - Pmu related commands.
pmuadc - Test commands for Calibration/Reading/Listing Channels
pmubutton - Command for PMU button test.
pmuevent - Wait until the unit is unplugged then go to standby.
pmugpio - Set a PMU GPIO to a certain state
pmureg - Print the values of all the pmu registers.
pmurw - Read or write data to a particular PMU registers.
pmuset - Set the buck and ldo voltages value.
pmustat - Return the status of pmu registers.
pmutemp - Command for PMU TEMP test.
preoslog - Prints out iBoot serial output
processaudio - Post-processes audio data using various audio filters registered in the system.
pwm - pwm (--port|-p port_index) [--freq|-f freq_in_hz] [--duty|-d duty_cycle] [--state|-s on|off] [--sample] [--get]
ramlog - Command to manage the ramlog console sink which can be used for logging text to RAM for timing sensitive issues
reconnect - Reconnects drivers to the specific device.
recordaudio - Records audio in through a selected 'recordable' port
reg - Provides control over various peripheral registers
repeat - Repeats the given command line according to the time-specification.
reset - Resets the system
rm - Deletes one or more files or directories.
roleid - Get the role Id
routeaudio - Sets up audio routing.
rtc - Set or get the device time
sensor - General command that interfaces with the various sensors in the system
sensorReg - General command that allows for reading/writing sensor chipset registers
sep - sep <options>
sermode - Sets serial port attributes.
set - Displays or modifies UEFI Shell environment variables.
setsize - Adjusts the size of a file.
setvar - Displays or modifies a UEFI variable.
setvol - Sets audio block volume levels.
shift - Shifts in-script parameter positions.
shutdown - Wait until the unit is unplugged then go to standby.
sleep - Command for setting system to specified sleep state.
smbiosview - Displays SMBIOS information.
smc - Embedded smc command interface
smclog - Command to control/test thermal functionality
Smokey - EFI diag scripting sequencer.
Smokey52 - EFI diag scripting sequencer.
SmokeyShell - EFI diag scripting sequencer debug shell
sn - Test commands for reading/writing serial number
soc - Command for displaying SoC info.
socgpio - Set a GPIO to a certain state
spi - [spi <Command>]
spkid - Return 1 bit Speaker ID
spmi - [spmi <Command>]
stall - Stalls the operation for a specified number of microseconds.
station - Command to trigger start/stop command
stockholm - Issue commands to stockholm
stopaudio - Stop audio out through a selected 'playable/recordable' port
strobe - Command to control the Strobe on the System.
syscfg - Test commands for initing/reading/writing values to the syscfg area
sysinfo - Test commands for dumping system information
system - Command to display basic info about the unit.
temperature - temperature <options>
testmemory - Run data and address patterns to exercise DRAM subsystem.
testmp - boot up second core for simple tests
thermalmonitor- Command to control/test thermal functionality
thermalvirus - thermalvirus <options>
time - Time the given command line in milliseconds or microseconds.
titanium - DMA Throughput Test using Titanium DMA Controller PCIe Endpoint.
touch - Command for the Touch subsystem
true - Execute successfully.
type - Sends the contents of a file to the standard output device.
uartloopback - Perform a loopback test on the specified uart. Note that you will have to put the chip into loopback mode using separate commands.
uartpassthrough- pass through uart traffic from dock uart to select uart
uartrx - Receive and store message from uart <uart #>. It will send the message back to uart <uart #> when a <ExitString> is detected.
uarttx - send message to the selected uart
unload - Unloads a driver image that was already loaded.
upy - Run a MicroPython script.
usb - General usb command to enable or disable different client drivers.
usbfs - Enables/Disables UsbFS (Filesystem-over-USB)
usbp - Test USB Present
var - Print or modify run-time variables
ver - Displays UEFI Firmware version information.
version - Show iEFI Build Information.
vol - Displays or modifies information about a disk volume.
wait - [ms]; Wait ms milliseconds.
wakeevent - Select wake event for wakeup from PMU STANDBY or Hibernate mode.
wakeeventsmanager- wakeeventsmanager <options>
wfi - Wfi test command.
wifi - Command to control/test wifi functionality
writefile - Write text to a file
zerofile - Zero the contents of an existing file
Help usage:help [cmd|pattern|special] [-usage] [-verbose] [-section name][-b]
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