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from PIL import Image
emptygrid ="sudokugrid.jpg","r")
frame = 1
from traceback import print_stack
numberimages = {str(k)"{}.jpg".format(k),"r") for k in range(1,10)}
rowlabels = "ABCDEFGHI"
columnlabels = "123456789"
putcount = 0
class InvalidSudokuError(Exception):
def eliminate(sudoku, possibilities, edges):
if not any(possibilities.values()):
return False
"""If there are cells with only one possibility,
put value there, and set other possibilities correctly.
# get only one possibilities
only_possib = [k for k,v in possibilities.items() if len(v) == 1]
if not only_possib:
return False # didnt make any changes
for edge in only_possib:
put(sudoku, possibilities, edges, edge, possibilities[edge][0])
# Make remaining eliminations
while eliminate(sudoku, possibilities, edges):
return True # We made some changes
def neighborsof(edge, edges):
for v1, v2 in edges:
if v1 == edge:
yield v2
elif v2 == edge:
yield v1
raise StopIteration
def put(sudoku, possibilities, edges, edge, value):
global putcount, frame
if value not in possibilities[edge]:
raise InvalidSudokuError
assert sudoku[edge] == "0"
sudoku[edge] = value
possibilities[edge] = []
for n in neighborsof(edge, edges):
if sudoku[n] == "0" and not possibilities[n]:
# If we put this new value, we get an invalid sudoku
raise InvalidSudokuError
except ValueError:
row = edge[0]
col = edge[1]
rowoffset = "ABCDEFGHI".index(row)
coloffset = "123456789".index(col)
imageoffsets = (coloffset * 50 + 2, rowoffset * 50 + 2)
emptygrid.paste(numberimages[value], imageoffsets)"images/{}.png".format(frame))
frame += 1
def parsesudoku(string,rowlabels, columnlabels):
sudoku = {}
for row, rowstring in zip(rowlabels, string.split("\n")):
for column, value in zip(columnlabels, rowstring.split(" ")):
sudoku["{}{}".format(row,column)] = value
return sudoku
def checkrows(sudoku, possibilities, rowlabels, columnlabels, edges, empty, allpossibilities):
if not any(possibilities):
return False
change = False
for row in rowlabels:
# Try to find what labels are missing from this row
remaining = allpossibilities[:]
for col in columnlabels:
if sudoku[row+col] != empty:
assert sudoku[row+col] in remaining
# Foreach remaining possibility, find places it can be put
remainingpossibs = {k:[] for k in remaining}
for col in columnlabels:
for possib in remainingpossibs.keys():
if possib in possibilities[row+col]:
# For each remaining possibility, if there is only one
# place it can be put, put it there
for k, v in remainingpossibs.items():
if not v:
raise InvalidSudokuError
if len(v) == 1:
put(sudoku, possibilities, edges, row+v[0], k)
change = True
return change
def checkcolumns(sudoku, possibilities, rowlabels, columnlabels, edges, empty, allpossibilities):
if not any(possibilities.values()):
return False
change = False
for col in columnlabels:
# Try to find what labels are missing from this row
remaining = allpossibilities[:]
for row in rowlabels:
if sudoku[row+col] != empty:
assert sudoku[row+col] in remaining
# Foreach remaining possibility, find places it can be put
remainingpossibs = {k:[] for k in remaining}
for row in rowlabels:
for possib in remainingpossibs.keys():
if possib in possibilities[row+col]:
# For each remaining possibility, if there is only one
# place it can be put, put it there
for k, v in remainingpossibs.items():
if not v:
raise InvalidSudokuError
if len(v) == 1:
put(sudoku, possibilities, edges, v[0]+col, k)
change = True
return change
def checkrowsandcolumns(sudoku, possibilities, rowlabels, columnlabels, edges, empty, allpossibilities):
if not any(possibilities.values()):
return False
rows = lambda: checkrows(sudoku, possibilities, rowlabels, columnlabels, edges, empty, allpossibilities)
columns = lambda: checkcolumns(sudoku, possibilities, rowlabels, columnlabels, edges, empty, allpossibilities)
change = False
while rows() or columns():
# to prevent short circuit of "or"
change = True
return change
def checkgrids(sudoku, possibilities, rowlabels, columnlabels, gridsize, edges, empty, allpossibilities):
if not any(possibilities.values()):
return False
change = False
for rowgroup in (rowlabels[i:i+gridsize] for i in range(0, len(rowlabels), gridsize)):
for colgroup in (columnlabels[i:i+gridsize] for i in range(0, len(columnlabels), gridsize)):
remaining = allpossibilities[:]
# Try to find what labels are missing from this grid
for row in rowgroup:
for col in colgroup:
if sudoku[row+col] != empty:
assert sudoku[row+col] in remaining
# Foreach remaining possibility, find places it can be put
remainingpossibs = {k:[] for k in remaining}
for row in rowgroup:
for col in colgroup:
for possib in remainingpossibs.keys():
if possib in possibilities[row+col]:
# For each remaining possibility, if there is only one
# place it can be put, put it there
for k, v in remainingpossibs.items():
assert len(v) > 0
if len(v) == 1:
put(sudoku, possibilities, edges, v[0], k)
change = True
return change
def findpossibilities(sudoku,edges, allpossibilities):
possibilities = {k:allpossibilities[:] for k in sudoku.keys()}
for k, v in sudoku.items():
if v != '0':
possibilities[k] = []
for v1, v2 in edges:
if sudoku[v1] != "0":
except ValueError:
if sudoku[v2] != "0":
except ValueError:
return possibilities
def printsudoku(sudoku, rowlabels, columnlabels):
"Doesn't actually print it, but returns printable string"
parts = [" "]
parts.extend([" {} ".format(c) for c in columnlabels])
parts.append("-" * 3 * (len(columnlabels) + 1))
for row in rowlabels:
parts.append(" {}|".format(row))
for col in columnlabels:
parts.append(" {} ".format(sudoku[row+col]))
return "".join(parts)
def putdeterministic(sudoku, possibilities, edges, rowlabels, columnlabels, empty, gridsize, labelspace):
global frame
changed = False
while eliminate(sudoku, possibilities, edges) or checkrowsandcolumns(
labelspace) or checkgrids(sudoku, possibs, rowlabels, columnlabels, gridsize, edges, empty, labelspace):
changed = True
return changed
def hashsudoku(sudoku):
return "".join("{}:{};".format(k,v) for k,v in sorted(sudoku.items(), key=lambda x: x[0]))
def groupby(listlike, key):
groups = []
currentgroup = [listlike[0]]
currentvalue = listlike[0]
for a in listlike[1:]:
if a == currentvalue:
currentgroup = [a]
currentvalue = a
return groups
def getheuristics_old(sudoku, possibilities, edges, empty, labelspace):
# Ordering
# 1) cells with most unresolved neighbors
# 2) least used labels
cellpossibs = sorted([(k,len(v)) for k,v in possibilities.items()], key=lambda x: x[1])
# print "cell possibs", cellpossibs
sortedcells = [k[0] for k in cellpossibs]
labelusage = {k:0 for k in labelspace}
# print labelusage
for v in sudoku.values():
if v != empty:
labelusage[v] += 1
heuristics = []
for cell in sortedcells:
sortedpossibs = sorted(possibilities[cell], key=lambda x: labelusage[x])
heuristics.extend([(cell, num) for num in sortedpossibs])
# print "heuristics", heuristics
return heuristics
def getheuristics(sudoku, possibilities, edges, empty, labelspace):
# Ordering
# 1) cells with most unresolved neighbors
# 2) least used labels
emptyneighborcounts = {}
for v1, v2 in edges:
if v1 not in emptyneighborcounts:
emptyneighborcounts[v1] = 0
if v2 not in emptyneighborcounts:
emptyneighborcounts[v2] = 0
if sudoku[v1] == empty and sudoku[v2] == empty:
emptyneighborcounts[v1] = emptyneighborcounts.get(v1,0) + 1
emptyneighborcounts[v1] = emptyneighborcounts.get(v1,0) + 1
sortedcells = sorted(emptyneighborcounts.keys(), key = lambda x: emptyneighborcounts[x])
labelusage = {k:0 for k in labelspace}
heuristics = []
for v in sudoku.values():
if v != empty:
labelusage[v] += 1
for cell in sortedcells:
heuristics.extend([(cell, value) for value in sorted(possibilities[cell], key= lambda x: labelusage[x])])
return heuristics
def solve(sudoku, possibilities, edges, rowlabels, columnlabels, empty, gridsize, labelspace, visited = []):
global emptygrid, frame, putcount
myhash = hashsudoku(sudoku)
# print(myhash)
if myhash in visited:
return sudoku
putdeterministic(sudoku, possibilities, edges, rowlabels, columnlabels, empty, gridsize, labelspace)
if not empty in sudoku.values(): # possibility space consumed, sudoku is finished
return sudoku
# print(printsudoku(sudoku, "ABCDEFGHI","123456789"))
for edge, value in getheuristics(sudoku, possibilities, edges, empty, labelspace):
print putcount
# print("Trying to put {} on {}".format(num,k))
copysudoku = {k:v for k,v in sudoku.items()}
copypossibilities = {k:v[:] for k,v in possibilities.items()}
copyimagegrid = emptygrid.copy()
put(copysudoku, copypossibilities, edges, edge, value)
solved = solve(copysudoku, copypossibilities, edges, rowlabels, columnlabels, empty, gridsize, labelspace)
except InvalidSudokuError:
if not empty in solved.values():
return solved
emptygrid = copyimagegrid
return sudoku
if __name__ == "__main__":
sdk="""1 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0
0 2 0 0 0 0 0 0 0
0 0 3 0 0 0 0 0 0
0 0 0 4 0 0 0 0 0
0 0 0 0 5 0 0 0 0
0 0 0 0 0 6 0 0 0
0 0 0 0 0 0 7 0 0
0 0 0 0 0 0 0 8 0
0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 9"""
sudoku = parsesudoku(sdk, "ABCDEFGHI", "123456789")
for k, v in sudoku.items():
if v != "0":
row = k[0]
col = k[1]
rowoffset = "ABCDEFGHI".index(row)
coloffset = "123456789".index(col)
imageoffsets = (coloffset * 50 + 2, rowoffset * 50 + 2)
emptygrid.paste(numberimages[v], imageoffsets)
with open("edges") as e:
edges = [k.strip().split(" ") for k in e.readlines()]
possibs = findpossibilities(sudoku, edges, list("123456789"))
solved = solve(sudoku, possibs, edges, "ABCDEFGHI", "123456789", "0", 3, list("123456789"))
print(printsudoku(solved, "ABCDEFGHI","123456789"))
print putcount
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