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Yashodhan yashodhank

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1. Prerequisites:

  • Google Account: Ensure the channel owner has an active Google Account.
  • PAN Card (Permanent Account Number): Required for tax verification in India.
  • Bank Account: To receive payments. Ensure it can accept international transactions.
  • Address Proof: For identity and address verification.
  • Phone Number: Ensure it is valid and accessible for OTP verifications.

yashodhank /
Last active June 10, 2024 10:29
Complete rewrite of the cPanel cplicensets Perl script to support and work with the Plesk panel.

Use with caution, as no warranties or support are provided.

Make sure to enter $anticaptcha_key before upload to server.
Upload "auto_plesk_trial.php" file to any desired path.
Then create a Scheduled Task in the Plesk Root account.
Task Type: Run a PHP script
Script path: [path to auto_plesk_trial.php]
Use PHP version: 7.x.x / 8.x.x
Run: Cron style * * * * *
yashodhank / README.markdown
Last active May 30, 2024 07:53 — forked from marijn/README.markdown
List of nationalities in YAML, CSV and TXT format

List of nationalities

It's time someone compiled a list of nationalities to use within a web application. This gist attempts to make a first move at that.

List of countries

I've also compiled a list of countries

yashodhank /
Last active February 24, 2025 08:21
Instructions on How to Use Grabovoi Numbers / Codes

Instructions on How to Use Grabovoi Numbers

Grabovoi (ग्राबोवोई) numbers, also known as "Grabovoi codes," are sequences of numbers developed by the Russian mathematician and psychic Grigori Grabovoi. They are intended to be used for healing and manifesting specific outcomes based on numerology and the belief in the mystical power of numbers.

English Instructions:

Grabovoi numbers are sequences that are used with the intention to manifest specific outcomes in various areas of life, such as health, finance, and relationships. Here's a simple guide on how to use them:

  1. Identify Your Goal: Decide what you want to improve or heal. This could be anything from better health, financial prosperity, to finding love.

  2. Choose the Right Number: Each number sequence corresponds to a specific goal. Refer to the table of Grabovoi numbers to find the one that suits your need.

yashodhank /
Last active November 22, 2023 21:58
Vastu Color Guide with Swatches, Names, and Codes

Vastu Color Guide with Swatches, Names, and Codes

Direction/Sub-Direction (Vedic Name) Angle Range Good Colors (Shubh Rang) Avoid Colors (Varjit Rang)
East (Purva) / ENE (Ishanya) 67.5° - 90° Green Green (#008000, RGB: 0,128,0), Blue Blue (#0000FF, RGB: 0,0,255), White White (#FFFFFF, RGB: 255,255,255) Red Red (#FF0000, RGB: 255,0,0), Black Black (#000000, RGB: 0,0,0)
West (Paschim) / WNW (Vayavya) 247.5° - 292.5° Blue Blue (#0000FF, RGB: 0,0,255), White White (#FFF
yashodhank /
Last active October 9, 2023 06:29
Updated Nerd Fonts Downloader with CLI arguments and error handling

Nerd Fonts Downloader Script

This script allows you to download and install Nerd Fonts with ease, either by specifying the font name(s) as command-line arguments or by selecting from a provided list if no arguments are given.


Ensure that curl or wget, tar, and fc-cache (from fontconfig) are installed on your system.

For Ubuntu/Debian-based Systems:

yashodhank /
Created September 26, 2023 11:12
Any insights on very high B12 levels? possible solutions from Functional Nutritionist Point of View?

High levels of vitamin B12 in the blood can be due to a variety of reasons, including diet, medication, supplements, or certain health conditions. From a Functional Nutritionist perspective, addressing elevated B12 levels involves looking at the individual's whole health picture, including lifestyle, diet, and other factors, to understand the root cause.

Possible Causes of High B12 Levels:

  1. Excessive Supplementation or Injection:

    • The most common cause is usually due to taking too much B12 through supplements or injections.
  2. Liver Disease:

    • Elevated B12 can be a sign of liver disease, as the liver stores vitamin B12 and may release too much into the blood when damaged.
yashodhank /
Created September 26, 2023 10:08
urllib.error.URLError; <urlopen error [SSL: CERTIFICATE _VERIFY _FAILED] certificate verify failed; unable to get local issuer certificate (_ss1.c:1051)>

The error message indicates that the program is facing an SSL certificate verification error while trying to open a URL. This error occurs because the SSL certificate of the site that the program is trying to access cannot be verified by a local Certificate Authority (CA).

Here’s a step-by-step guide to help you resolve the SSL certificate error:

Step 1: Update CA Certificates

Firstly, ensure that the CA certificates on your system are up to date. You can do this by updating the certifi package using pip:

pip install --upgrade certifi
yashodhank /
Created September 4, 2023 07:44 — forked from aleksul/
Proxmox create Ubuntu 20.04 template
# download ubuntu-cloud image
# NOTE: ubuntu-server won't properly work with cloud-init for some reason
# NOTE: no need for sudo because we already login as root
# install image customization tool
apt update -y && apt install libguestfs-tools -y
# install qemu-guest-agent inside of image