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Forked from lsjostro/changesets.groovy
Created March 7, 2018 08:32
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Jenkinsfile: build only changed files
def getACIChangeSets() {
def aci = []
currentBuild.rawBuild.getChangeSets().each { cs ->
cs.getItems().each { item ->
item.getAffectedFiles().each { f ->
if (f.path.endsWith(".yml")) {
aci << f.path
return aci
def acis = [:]
def aci = { f ->
def file_name = f
acis[f] = {
node ('my-builder'){
checkout scm
sh "aci_build ${file_name}"
def c = getACIChangeSets()
for (i = 0; i < c.size(); i++) {
aci c.get(i)
stage name: "Build ACI", concurrency: 8
parallel acis
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