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Forked from kabronkline/gist:6581453
Created December 13, 2017 09:46
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PowerShell SVN Checkout / Export
# SVN Export Script
# Given an SVN URL and local directory path, this script copies all files from
# SVN into the specified local directory.
# Uses SharpSVN DLL v1.7002.1998 (Documentation :
# Takes two command line arguments, an SVN URL and a local directory path.
param ([string]$svnUrl = $(read-host "Please specify the path to SVN"),
[string]$svnLocalPath = $(read-host "Please specify the local path"),
[string]$svnUsername = $(read-host "Please specify the username"),
[string]$svnPassword = $(read-host "Please specify the password")
if ([System.IO.Path]::IsPathRooted($svnLocalPath) -eq $false)
throw "Please specify a local absolute path"
# Gets location of executing script
$currentScriptDirectory = Get-Location
# Sets IO directory to location of script
# Needed in some cases to load the DLL
$evidence = [System.Reflection.Assembly]::GetExecutingAssembly().Evidence
# Load SharpSVN DLL
[Reflection.Assembly]::LoadFile(($currentScriptDirectory.Path + "SharpSvn.dll"), $evidence)
# Creates a SharpSVN SvnClient object
$svnClient = new-object SharpSvn.SvnClient
# Creates a SharpSVN SvnUriTarget object
$repoUri = new-object SharpSvn.SvnUriTarget($svnUrl)
# Perform the checkout (i.e. downloads files from SVN to specified local directory)
$svnClient.CheckOut($repoUri, $svnLocalPath)
# Remove SVN metadata files from local directory
gci $svnLocalPath -include .svn -Recurse -Force | Remove-Item -Recurse -Force
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