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Last active February 14, 2025 15:53
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Select the UI object under the cursor via right click in Unity's Scene window
using System;
using System.Collections.Generic;
using System.Reflection;
using System.Text;
using UnityEditor;
using UnityEngine;
using UnityEngine.UI;
#if UNITY_2021_2_OR_NEWER
using PrefabStage = UnityEditor.SceneManagement.PrefabStage;
using PrefabStageUtility = UnityEditor.SceneManagement.PrefabStageUtility;
#elif UNITY_2018_3_OR_NEWER
using PrefabStage = UnityEditor.Experimental.SceneManagement.PrefabStage;
using PrefabStageUtility = UnityEditor.Experimental.SceneManagement.PrefabStageUtility;
public class SceneViewUIObjectPickerContextWindow : EditorWindow
private struct Entry
public readonly RectTransform RectTransform;
public readonly List<Entry> Children;
public Entry( RectTransform rectTransform )
RectTransform = rectTransform;
Children = new List<Entry>( 2 );
private readonly List<RectTransform> uiObjects = new List<RectTransform>( 16 );
private readonly List<string> uiObjectLabels = new List<string>( 16 );
private static RectTransform hoveredUIObject;
private static readonly Vector3[] hoveredUIObjectCorners = new Vector3[4];
private static readonly List<ICanvasRaycastFilter> raycastFilters = new List<ICanvasRaycastFilter>( 4 );
private static double lastRightClickTime;
private static Vector2 lastRightPos;
private static bool blockSceneViewInput;
private readonly MethodInfo screenFittedRectGetter = typeof( EditorWindow ).Assembly.GetType( "UnityEditor.ContainerWindow" ).GetMethod( "FitRectToScreen", BindingFlags.Public | BindingFlags.NonPublic | BindingFlags.Static );
private const float Padding = 1f;
private float RowHeight { get { return EditorGUIUtility.singleLineHeight; } }
private GUIStyle RowGUIStyle { get { return "MenuItem"; } }
private void ShowContextWindow( List<Entry> results )
StringBuilder sb = new StringBuilder( 100 );
InitializeUIObjectsRecursive( results, 0, sb );
GUIStyle rowGUIStyle = RowGUIStyle;
float preferredWidth = 0f;
foreach( string label in uiObjectLabels )
preferredWidth = Mathf.Max( preferredWidth, rowGUIStyle.CalcSize( new GUIContent( label ) ).x );
ShowAsDropDown( new Rect(), new Vector2( preferredWidth + Padding * 2f, uiObjects.Count * RowHeight + Padding * 2f ) );
// Show dropdown above the cursor instead of below the cursor
position = (Rect) screenFittedRectGetter.Invoke( null, new object[3] { new Rect( GUIUtility.GUIToScreenPoint( Event.current.mousePosition ) - new Vector2( 0f, position.height ), position.size ), true, true } );
private void InitializeUIObjectsRecursive( List<Entry> results, int depth, StringBuilder sb )
foreach( Entry entry in results )
sb.Length = 0;
uiObjects.Add( entry.RectTransform );
uiObjectLabels.Add( sb.Append( ' ', depth * 4 ).Append( ).ToString() );
if( entry.Children.Count > 0 )
InitializeUIObjectsRecursive( entry.Children, depth + 1, sb );
protected void OnEnable()
wantsMouseMove = wantsMouseEnterLeaveWindow = true;
#if UNITY_2020_1_OR_NEWER
wantsLessLayoutEvents = false;
blockSceneViewInput = true;
protected void OnDisable()
hoveredUIObject = null;
protected void OnGUI()
Event ev = Event.current;
float rowWidth = position.width - Padding * 2f, rowHeight = RowHeight;
GUIStyle rowGUIStyle = RowGUIStyle;
int hoveredRowIndex = -1;
for( int i = 0; i < uiObjects.Count; i++ )
Rect rect = new Rect( Padding, Padding + i * rowHeight, rowWidth, rowHeight );
if( GUI.Button( rect, uiObjectLabels[i], rowGUIStyle ) )
if( uiObjects[i] != null )
Selection.activeTransform = uiObjects[i];
blockSceneViewInput = false;
if( hoveredRowIndex < 0 && ev.type == EventType.MouseMove && rect.Contains( ev.mousePosition ) )
hoveredRowIndex = i;
if( ev.type == EventType.MouseMove || ev.type == EventType.MouseLeaveWindow )
RectTransform hoveredUIObject = ( hoveredRowIndex >= 0 ) ? uiObjects[hoveredRowIndex] : null;
if( hoveredUIObject != SceneViewUIObjectPickerContextWindow.hoveredUIObject )
SceneViewUIObjectPickerContextWindow.hoveredUIObject = hoveredUIObject;
private static void OnSceneViewGUI()
#if UNITY_2019_1_OR_NEWER
SceneView.duringSceneGui += ( SceneView sceneView ) =>
SceneView.onSceneGUIDelegate += ( SceneView sceneView ) =>
/// Couldn't get <see cref="EventType.ContextClick"/> to work here in Unity 5.6 so implemented context click detection manually
Event ev = Event.current;
switch( ev.type )
case EventType.MouseDown:
if( ev.button == 1 )
lastRightClickTime = EditorApplication.timeSinceStartup;
lastRightPos = ev.mousePosition;
else if( blockSceneViewInput )
// User has clicked outside the context window to close it. Ignore this click in Scene view if it's left click
blockSceneViewInput = false;
if( ev.button == 0 )
GUIUtility.hotControl = 0;
case EventType.MouseUp:
if( ev.button == 1 && EditorApplication.timeSinceStartup - lastRightClickTime < 0.2 && ( ev.mousePosition - lastRightPos ).magnitude < 2f )
OnSceneViewRightClicked( sceneView );
if( hoveredUIObject != null )
hoveredUIObject.GetWorldCorners( hoveredUIObjectCorners );
Handles.DrawSolidRectangleWithOutline( hoveredUIObjectCorners, new Color( 1f, 1f, 0f, 0.25f ), );
private static void OnSceneViewRightClicked( SceneView sceneView )
// Find all UI objects under the cursor
Vector2 pointerPos = HandleUtility.GUIPointToScreenPixelCoordinate( Event.current.mousePosition );
Entry rootEntry = new Entry( null );
#if UNITY_2018_3_OR_NEWER
PrefabStage prefabStage = PrefabStageUtility.GetCurrentPrefabStage();
if( prefabStage != null && prefabStage.stageHandle.IsValid() && prefabStage.prefabContentsRoot.transform is RectTransform prefabStageRoot )
CheckRectTransformRecursive( prefabStageRoot, pointerPos,, false, rootEntry.Children );
#if UNITY_2022_3_OR_NEWER
Canvas[] canvases = FindObjectsByType<Canvas>( FindObjectsSortMode.None );
Canvas[] canvases = FindObjectsOfType<Canvas>();
Array.Sort( canvases, ( c1, c2 ) => c1.sortingOrder.CompareTo( c2.sortingOrder ) );
foreach( Canvas canvas in canvases )
if( canvas != null && canvas.gameObject.activeInHierarchy && canvas.isRootCanvas )
CheckRectTransformRecursive( (RectTransform) canvas.transform, pointerPos,, false, rootEntry.Children );
// Remove non-Graphic root entries with no children from the results
rootEntry.Children.RemoveAll( ( canvasEntry ) => canvasEntry.Children.Count == 0 && !canvasEntry.RectTransform.GetComponent<Graphic>() );
// If any results found, show the context window
if( rootEntry.Children.Count > 0 )
CreateInstance<SceneViewUIObjectPickerContextWindow>().ShowContextWindow( rootEntry.Children );
private static void CheckRectTransformRecursive( RectTransform rectTransform, Vector2 pointerPos, Camera camera, bool culledByCanvasGroup, List<Entry> result )
Canvas canvas = rectTransform.GetComponent<Canvas>();
if( canvas != null && !canvas.enabled )
if ( RectTransformUtility.RectangleContainsScreenPoint( rectTransform, pointerPos, camera ) && ShouldCheckRectTransform( rectTransform, pointerPos, camera, ref culledByCanvasGroup ) )
Entry entry = new Entry( rectTransform );
result.Add( entry );
result = entry.Children;
for( int i = 0, childCount = rectTransform.childCount; i < childCount; i++ )
RectTransform childRectTransform = rectTransform.GetChild( i ) as RectTransform;
if( childRectTransform != null && childRectTransform.gameObject.activeSelf )
CheckRectTransformRecursive( childRectTransform, pointerPos, camera, culledByCanvasGroup, result );
private static bool ShouldCheckRectTransform( RectTransform rectTransform, Vector2 pointerPos, Camera camera, ref bool culledByCanvasGroup )
#if UNITY_2019_3_OR_NEWER
if( SceneVisibilityManager.instance.IsHidden( rectTransform.gameObject, false ) )
return false;
if( SceneVisibilityManager.instance.IsPickingDisabled( rectTransform.gameObject, false ) )
return false;
CanvasRenderer canvasRenderer = rectTransform.GetComponent<CanvasRenderer>();
if( canvasRenderer != null && canvasRenderer.cull )
return false;
CanvasGroup canvasGroup = rectTransform.GetComponent<CanvasGroup>();
if( canvasGroup != null )
if( canvasGroup.ignoreParentGroups )
culledByCanvasGroup = canvasGroup.alpha == 0f;
else if( canvasGroup.alpha == 0f )
culledByCanvasGroup = true;
if( !culledByCanvasGroup )
// If the target is a MaskableGraphic that ignores masks (i.e. visible outside masks) and isn't fully transparent, accept it
MaskableGraphic maskableGraphic = rectTransform.GetComponent<MaskableGraphic>();
if( maskableGraphic != null && !maskableGraphic.maskable && maskableGraphic.color.a > 0f )
return true;
rectTransform.GetComponentsInParent( false, raycastFilters );
foreach( var raycastFilter in raycastFilters )
if( !raycastFilter.IsRaycastLocationValid( pointerPos, camera ) )
return false;
return !culledByCanvasGroup;
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@HollyRivay I think, for a Collider-free solution, I'd iterate over all Renderers in the scene and raycast against their localBounds (you can get a Ray via HandleUtility.GUIPointToWorldRay(Event.current.position)). Note that you'd have to convert the ray from world space to local space since localBounds is also in local space. To highlight an object, I'd either draw a transparent cube via Handles class or figure out a way to draw a transparent unlit mesh via other functions Unity provide.

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