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Created February 11, 2012 20:50
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Embedly's Challenge
def main():
i = 1
while True:
i += 1
print i
if s(factorial(i)) == 8001:
print 'YES'
def factorial(n):
fact = 1
for x in range(1, n+1):
fact *= x
return fact
def s(n):
return sum(map(int,str(n)))
if __name__ == '__main__':
from HTMLParser import HTMLParser
from numpy import array
global nums
nums = []
class MyHTMLParser(HTMLParser):
global i
i = 0
def handle_starttag(self, tag, attrs):
global i
i += 1
if tag == 'p':
global nums
def handle_endtag(self, tag):
global i
i -= 1
def main():
parser = MyHTMLParser()
data = "<p>ncetta. Velit ribeye shoulder, et ball tip venison incididunt ut pork chop exercitation spare ribs f</p><div><span>lit ribeye shoulder,</span><p>owl, turducken flank ball tip adipisicing short ribs ham hock anim. Pastrami elit jowl, esse ground </p><span>aola ground round ba</span><span>ccaecat. Adipisicing</span></div><span> aliqua occaecat. Ad</span><div><span>aboris jerky ham sin</span><span>nt laborum id pork l</span></div><span>boris jerky ham sint</span><span>ound round ball tip</span><p> mollit laboris jerky ham sint nisi turkey aliqua. Pig non velit pork jowl, turducken flank ball tip</p><span>t jowl, esse ground</span><span>e tongue short ribs </span><p> t-bone excepteur magna ullamco sausage drumstick pancetta. Velit ribeye shoulder, et ball tip venis</p><p>ncetta incididunt nulla. Quis in t-bone excepteur magna ullamco sausage drumstick pancetta. Velit ri</p><p>is jerky ham sint nisi turkey aliqua. Pig non velit pork jowl, turducken flank ball tip adipisicing </p><p>adipisicing, hamburger ad fugiat pork loin venison aute bresaola ground round ball tip prosciutto t-</p><p>Ribeye ut pig aliqua occaecat. Adipisicing voluptate fatback, mollit laboris jerky ham sint nisi </p><p>am sint nisi turkey aliqua. Pig non velit pork jowl, turducken flank ball tip adipisicing short ribs</p><div><p>ken consequat meatloaf brisket pancetta incididunt nulla. Quis in t-bone excepteur magna ullamco sau</p><p>incididunt upork chop exercitation spare ribs fatback. Voluptate officia adipisicing, hamburger ad</p><p>llamco sausage drumstick pancetta. Velit ribeye shoulder, et ball tip venison incididunt ut pork cho</p><div><span> ground round deseru</span><p>ne. Swine consequat ex reprehenderit. Leberkase eu laborum et, irure tongue short ribs ham hock labo</p><p> adipisicing, hamburger ad fugiat pork loin venison aute bresaola ground round ball tip prosciutto t</p><p>iat pork loin venison aute bresaola ground round ball tip prosciutto t-bone. Swine consequat ex repr</p><div><p>is jerky ham sint nisi turkey aliqua. Pig non velit pork jowl, turducken flank ball tip adipisicing </p><p><span>non velit pork jowl,</span>t. Leberkase eu laborum et,irure tongue short ribs ham hest esse.R</p><p>giat pork loin venison aute bresaola ground round ball tip prosciutto t-bone. Swine consequat ex rep</p><p> prosciutto est esse. Ribeye ut pig aliqua occaecat. Adipisicing voluptate fatback, mollit laboris</p><p>llamco drumstick pancetta. Velit ribeye shoulder, et ball tip venison incididunt ut pork cho</p><div><p>oluptate fatback, mollit laboris jerky ham sint nisi turkey aliqua. Pig non velit pork jowl, turduck</p><p> velit pork jowl, turducken flank ball tip adipisicing short ribs ham hock anim. Pastrami elit jowl,</p><p>ipisicing short ribs ham hock anim. Pastrami elit jowl, esse ground</p><p>elit pork jowl, turducken flank ball tip adipisicing short ribs ham hock anim. Pastrami elit jowl, e</p></div></div></div></div><span>af brisket pancetta </span><p>isicing voluptate fatback, mollit laboris jerky ham sint nisi turkey aliqua. Pig non velit pork jowl</p><p>pancetta incididunt nulla. Quis in t-bone excepteur magna ullamco sausage drumstick pancetta. Velit</p><p>nisi turkey aliqua. Pig non velit pork jowl, turducken flan ball tip adipisicing short ribs ham hoc</p><span>cing short ribs ham </span><p>ciutto est esse. Ribeye ut pig aliqua occaecat. Adipisicing voluptate fatback, mollit laboris jerky</p><p>rehenderit. Leberkase eu laborum et, irure tongue short ribs ham hock labore capicola prosciutto est</p><div><span>atback. Voluptate of</span><p>nsequat ex reprehenderit. Leberkase eu laborum et, irure tongue short ribs ham hock labore capicola </p><span>lder, et ball tip ve</span></div><span>wine consequat ex re</span><p> et, irure tongue short ribs ham hock labore capicola prosciutto est esse. Ribeye ut pig aliqua occ </p><p>pork jowl, turducken flank ball tip adipisicing short ribs ham hock anim. Pastrami elit jowl, esse g</p><span>k loin venison aute </span><p>at ex reprehenderit. Leberkase eu laborum et, irure tongue short ribs ham hock labore capicola prosc</p><p>t pancetta incididunt nulla. Quis in t-bone excepteur magna ullamco sausage drumstick pancetta. Veli</p><div><p>ound round ball tip prosciutto t-bone. Swine consequat ex reprehenderit. Leberkase eu laborum et, ir</p></div><span>ure tongue short rib</span><div><span>ut pork chop exercit</span><p> ham, cow consectetur chicken consequat meatloaf brisket pancetta nulla. Quis in t-bone e</p></div><p>nison incididunt ut pork chop exercitation spare ribs fatback. Voluptate officia adipisicing, hambur</p><div><div><span>equat ex reprehender</span><p>a ullamco sausagedrumstick pancetta. Velit ribeye shoulder, et ball tip venison incididunt utpork </p><span>urducken flank ball </span></div></div><p>ll tip venison incididunt ut pork chop exercitation spare ribs fatback. Voluptate officia adipisicin</p>"
global nums
arr = array(nums)
print arr.std()
if __name__ == '__main__':
def find_total():
first = 2520
total = 0
for i in xrange(1,901):
current = first/i
total += current
return total
def main():
total = find_total()
s = 0
i = 1
while s < total/2:
to_add = 2520/i
s += to_add
print "i: " ,i
print "to_add: ", to_add
print "s: " ,s
i += 1
print "_____________________"
print "total: ", total
print "half: ", total/2
print "s: ", s
print "number of unique words: ", i + 1
if __name__ == '__main__':
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