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Last active March 30, 2016 18:23
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Low-priority implicits
Thanks to for
pointing me in the right direction
trait Ord[A] {
/** Returns a1 <= a2 */
def lteq(a1: A, a2: A): Boolean
object Ord {
def apply[A](implicit ordA: Ord[A]): Ord[A] = ordA
implicit val intOrd: Ord[Int] =
new Ord[Int] {
override def lteq(i1: Int, i2: Int): Boolean = i1 <= i2
implicit val doubleOrd: Ord[Double] =
new Ord[Double] {
override def lteq(d1: Double, d2: Double): Boolean = d1 <= d2
trait Eq[A] {
def equal(a1: A, a2: A): Boolean
Low-priority implicit so that implicits defined in companion objects of
Eq or A are picked first!
trait Ord2Eq {
/** We kow how to compare two As for equality if we can order them. */
implicit def ord2Eq[A: Ord]: Eq[A] =
new Eq[A] {
override def equal(a1: A, a2: A): Boolean = {
val ordA = Ord[A]
ordA.lteq(a1, a2) && ordA.lteq(a2, a1)
object Eq extends Ord2Eq {
def apply[A](implicit eqA: Eq[A]): Eq[A] = eqA
implicit val eqDouble: Eq[Double] =
new Eq[Double] {
// Wrong implementation for testing
override def equal(d1: Double, d2: Double): Boolean = d1 != d2
Eq[Int].equal(1, 1) // -> true
Eq[Int].equal(1, 2) // -> false
This proves we're finding an Eq[Int] typeclass instance in the Eq
companion object's inheritance hierarchy!
Eq[Double].equal(1.0, 2.0) // -> true
Eq[Double].equal(1.0, 1.0) // -> false
This proves our faulty Eq[Double] typeclass instance in the companion
object is given higher priority, even though a correct implementation
can be found in the inheritance hierarchy!
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