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Forked from samnang/
Last active December 11, 2015 15:28
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Rails 3.2 with Haml, Simple Form, Bootstrap, Rspec, Cucumber, Factory Girl, Database Cleaner, Spork, and Guard

Install Rails 3.2.11 and Bundler (2013-01-24)

gem install rails bundler

Generate new app, skipping Test::Unit file generation

rails new my_app -T --skip-bundle

Set up Gemfile

Put this in the Gemfile.

gem 'haml-rails'
gem 'simple_form'

group :development, :test do
  gem 'thin'
  gem "rspec-rails",        :git => "git://"
  gem "rspec",              :git => "git://"
  gem "rspec-core",         :git => "git://"
  gem "rspec-expectations", :git => "git://"
  gem "rspec-mocks",        :git => "git://"
  gem 'rspec-instafail'
  gem 'cucumber-rails', :require => false
  gem 'webrat'
  gem 'capybara'
  gem 'factory_girl_rails'
  gem 'database_cleaner'
  gem 'rb-fsevent'
  gem 'growl'
  gem 'rb-inotify', '~> 0.8.8'
  gem 'guard-rails'
  gem 'guard-bundler'
  gem 'guard-migrate'
  gem 'guard-spork'
  gem 'guard-rspec'
  gem 'guard-cucumber'
  gem 'pry-rails'

I live on edge of rspec because cucumber-rails had a side effect to rspec gem at this moment. I could not run rake db:migrate.

Install our gems, and scope them to our app

bundle install --path vendor

Use this for all subsequent ````bundle install``` commands. Why?

Configure generators to skip view spec generation, and use webrat methods/matchers

In your config/application.rb, put this:

config.generators do |g|
  g.test_framework :rspec, :view_specs => false, :webrat => true

run install tasks for our gems

rails g rspec:install
rails g cucumber:install --spork

Setup spork.spork --bootstrap

bundle exec spork --bootstrap

Then edit spec/spec_helper.rb and move everything into the prefork section. The prefork section will be called when every rspec runs.

Setup database cleaner for RSpec

Edit spec/spec_helper.rb.

Put this in the prefork section:

require 'database_cleaner'
DatabaseCleaner.strategy = :truncation

Put this in the each_run section:


Factory Girl

Comment out the config.fixture_path line in spec/spec_helper.rb...the comment above implies it shouldn't be used if we're not using ActiveRecord fixtures.

RSpec Instafail

echo '--colour
--require rspec/instafail
--format RSpec::Instafail' > .rspec

The --drb is needed for spork and --colour is for color, because it's pretty.

Install simple_form with Bootstrap

rails g simple_form:install --bootstrap
mv bootstrap/css/* app/assets/stylesheets/
mv bootstrap/js/* app/assets/javascripts/
mv bootstrap/img/* app/assets/images/
rm -r bootstrap


Now rails c will startup using pry. You can also add bindings.pry anyplace and your app will stop there with a pry prompt until you exit it.

See Also:


Run this commands for bundler, migrate, rspec spork:

bundle exec guard init

You may have to monkey withy our Guardfile some but the order should be right. Spork must be started before rspec.

Initialize git

git init .
git add .
git commit -a -m 'initial commit'

Generate a scaffold

rails g scaffold blog title:string article:string
rake db:migrate

Start guard

bundle exec guard
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