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#!/usr/bin/env python | |
# -*- coding: utf-8 -*- | |
""" | |
EUCLID Acronym translaTOR. | |
DEPRECATED: official repo is now https://gitlab.euclid-sgs.uk/ycopin/euclidator, | |
with a shiny web interface at http://ycopin.pages.euclid-sgs.uk/euclidator/ | |
""" | |
from __future__ import print_function | |
__version__ = "Time-stamp: <2018-03-18 16:31 [email protected]>" | |
__author__ = "Yannick Copin <[email protected]>" | |
from difflib import SequenceMatcher | |
# List of acronyms (+ metada) | |
ecal = """\ | |
Title: Euclid Consortium Acronym List | |
Reference: EUCL-IAP-LI-1-001 | |
Version: 3.02.1 | |
Date: 2018-02-19 with additions [added] | |
2dF: Two Degree Field | |
2MASS: Two Micron All Sky Survey | |
4MOST: 4-meter Multi Object Spectroscopic Telescope (Instrument for the ESO VISTA telescope, 2019) | |
A&A: Astronomy and Astrophysics (Journal) / Authentification and Authorisation | |
ABCL: As Build Configuration List | |
AC: Alternating Current | |
ACRD: Additional Cosmology Requirements Document | |
ACS: Advanced Camera for Survey (HST camera) | |
AD: Applicable Document | |
ADASS: Astronomical Data Analysis Software and System | |
ADC: Analog to Digital Converter | |
ADD: Architectural Design Review | |
ADS: Airbus Defence and Space | |
ADU: Analog to Digital Unit | |
AEGIS: All-wavelength Extended Groth strip International Survey | |
AGB: Asymptotic Giant Branch | |
AGES: AGN and Galaxy Evolution Survey | |
AGN: Active Galactic Nucleus/Nuclei | |
AIfA: Argelander-Institut für Astronomie (Bonn Germany) | |
AIM: Action Items Manager / Astrophysique Instrumentation Modelisation (CEA-CNRS, Saclay, France) | |
Airbus DS: Airbus Defence and Space (Ex-Astrium) | |
AIT: Assembly Integration and Testing / Assembly Integration and Test | |
AIV: Assembly Integration and Verification | |
ALMA: Atacama Large Millimetre/Submillimetre Array (International observatory in Charnator, Chili) | |
AMR: Adaptive Mesh Refinement | |
ANNz: Artificial Neural Network for photo-z measurement (photometric redshift measurement method) | |
AO: Announcement of Opportunity | |
AOCS: Attitude and Orbit Control System | |
APE: Absolute Pointing Error | |
API: Application Programming Interface | |
AR: Acceptance Review (instruments) / Anti-Reflection | |
APC: laboratoire AstroParticule et Cosmologie (Paris, France) | |
APID: Application Process ID | |
ASFT: AStrium France Toulouse (Currently Airbus Defence and Space Toulouse) | |
ASI: Agenzia Spaziale Italiana (Italy) | |
ASIC: Application Specific Integrated Circuit | |
AST: EADS ASTrium (Currently Airbus Defence and Space, Airbus DS) | |
ASW: Application SoftWare | |
ATB: Agency Technology Transfer Board | |
ATC: Astronomy Technology Centre (Edinburgh, UK) | |
ATHENA: Advanced Telescope for High Energy Astrophysics | |
AVM: AVionic Model | |
AWG: (ESA) Astronomy Working Group | |
aXe: Software package for extraction of spectra from HST grism observations | |
B-mode: Non-lensing signal in gravitational shear analysis - Curl term 'B' from analogy with Electromagnetic signal | |
BAO: Baryonic Acoustic Oscillations | |
BASSICC: BAO SimulationS at the Institute for Computational Cosmology | |
BBM: Bread Board Model | |
BBN: Big Bang Nucleosynthesis | |
BC: Bus Control | |
BCN: Barcelona (consortium of institution in Barcelona for the FWA) | |
BELSPO: BELgian Science Policy Office (Belgium) | |
BOL: Beginning Of Life | |
BOSS: Baryon Oscillation Spectroscopic Survey | |
BPZ: Bayesian Photo-Z (photometric redshift measurement method) | |
BRDF: Bi-directional Reflectance Distribution Function | |
BSDF: Bi-directional Scattering Distribution Function | |
BSP: Board Support Package | |
BSS: Bottom Support Structure (NI-DS) | |
BSW: Boot SoftWare | |
BTDF: Bi-directional Transmittance Distribution Function | |
C&CCP: Cleaningless and Contamination Control Plan | |
CAAUL: Centro de Astronomia e Astrophysica da Universidade de Lisboa (Lisbon, Portugal) | |
CaC: Cost at Completion | |
CAD: Computer Aided Design | |
CADC: Canadian Astronomy Data Center (Victoria, Canada) | |
CaLA: Camera Lens Assembly (NISP) | |
CalCD-A: Calibration Concept Document Part A | |
CalCD-B: Calibration Concept Document Part B | |
CalWG: (Euclid) Calibration Working Group | |
CAUP: Centro de Astrofisica da Universidade do Porto (Porto, Portugal) | |
CBE: Current Best Estimate | |
CBS: Cost Breakdown Structure | |
CCB: Change Control Board / Configuration Control Board | |
CCD: Charge Coupled Device | |
CCDWG: (Euclid) CCD Working Group | |
CCIN2P3: Centre de Calcul de l’IN2P3 (in Lyon, France) | |
CCN: Contract Change Note | |
CCS: Central Checkout System | |
CCSDS: Consultative Committee for Space Data System | |
CDE: Coupled Dark Energy | |
CDF: Concurrent Design Facility | |
CDM: Cold Dark Matter | |
CDMS: Command and Data Management System / Cryogenic Dark Matter Search | |
CDMU: Command and Data Management Unit | |
CDPU: Control and Data Processing Unit (VIS) | |
CDR: Critical Design Review | |
CDS: Centre de Données astronomiques de Strasbourg (Strasbourg, France) | |
CE: Conducted Emission | |
CEA: Commissariat à l'Energie Atomique | |
CEFCA: Centro de Estudios de Fisica del Cosmos de Aragon (Teruel, Spain) | |
CERN: Centre Européen pour la Recherche Nucléaire - European Organisation for Nuclear Research | |
CFE: Customer Furnished Equipment | |
CFHT: Canada-France-Hawaii Telescope (Mauna Kea, Hawaii, Big Island) / Canada-France-Hawaii Telescope Corporation (Kamuela, Hawaii) | |
CFHTLenS: Canada-France-Hawaii Telescope Lensing Survey | |
CFHTLS: Canada-France-Hawaii Telescope Legacy Survey | |
CFI: Customer Furnished Items | |
CFIS: Canada-France Imaging Survey | |
CFRP: Carbon Fiber Reinforced Plastic | |
CGS: Compagnia General per lo Spazio (Italian industry) | |
CI: Configuration Item | |
CIB: Cosmic Infrared Background | |
CIDL: Configuration Item Data Lists | |
CIL: Configuration Item List | |
CITA: Canadian Institute for Theoretical Astrophysics (Toronto, Canada) | |
CL: CLusters of galaxies / Confidence Level / Corrector Lens | |
CLA: Coupled Load Analysis | |
CLASH: Cluster Lensing And Supernova survey with Hubble | |
CM: Configuration Management / Common Mode / Cryo Mechanism | |
CMB: Cosmic Microwave Background | |
CMD: Command | |
CMOS: Complementary Metal Oxide Silicon | |
CMP: Configuration Management Plan | |
CMRR: Common Mode Rejection Ratio | |
CMU: Compensating Mechanism Unit | |
CNES: Centre National d’Etudes Spatiales (France) | |
CNRC: Conseil National de Recherches Canada (Canada) | |
CNRS: Centre National de la Recherche Scientifique (France) | |
COG: Center Of Gravity | |
CoLA: Corrector Lens Assembly (NISP) | |
COM: COMmunication (EC communication group) | |
COMBO-17: Classifying Objects by Medium Band Observations (17 filters) | |
COSEBI: Complete Orthogonal Sets of E-B-mode Integrals | |
COSMOS: COSMOlogical evolution Survey | |
COSPAR: Committee On SPAce Research | |
COTS: Commercial Off-The-Shelf | |
CPPM: Centre de Physique des Particules de Marseille (Marseille, France) | |
CPU: Central Processing Unit | |
CPV: Commissioning and Performance Verification | |
CR: Change Request / Cosmic Ray | |
CRB: Change Review Board | |
CRC: Cyclic Redundancy Check | |
CS: Conducted Susceptibility | |
CSA: Canadian Space Agency (Canada) | |
CSL: Centre Spatial de Liège (Belgium) / Configuration Status List | |
CSRD: Cosmological Simulations Requirements Document | |
CSS: Cold Support Structure (of NI-DS, NISP) | |
CSS-OS: Chinese Space Station Optical Survey | |
CTE: Charge Transfer Efficiency / Coefficient of Thermal Expansion | |
CTI: Charge Transfer Inefficiency | |
CU: Calibration Unit | |
CUS: Common Uplink System | |
CV: Cosmic Vision (ESA programme) | |
CVS: Concurrent Version System | |
DAC: Digital to Analog Converter | |
DAp: Département d’Astrophysique (CEA, Saclay, France) | |
DARK: DARK Cosmology Centre (Copenhagen, Denmark) | |
DAS: Data Acquisition System | |
DB: Data Base | |
DC: Direct Current | |
DCCM: Document Configuration and Change Management | |
DCR: Document Change Request | |
DCU: Detector Control Unit | |
DDD: Detailed Design Document | |
DDL: Deliverable Document List (Document Delivery List) | |
DDS: Data Distribution System / Digital Data Storage | |
DDV: Design, Development and Verification | |
DE: Dark Energy | |
DEC: DEClination | |
DeM: Demonstration Model | |
DES: Dark Energy Survey | |
DESC: Dark Energy Science Collaboration | |
DESI: Dark Energy Spectroscopic Instrument | |
DETF: NASA Dark Energy Task Force | |
DEUS: Dark Energu Universe Simulation | |
DGP: Dvali, Gabadadze, Porrati model | |
DHS: Data Handling System | |
DIT: Detector Integration Time | |
DJF: Design Justification File | |
DLL: Design Limit Loads | |
DLR: Deutsches Zentrum für Luft- und Raumfahrt (Germany) | |
DM: Dark Matter / Data Model / Development Model / Differential Mode | |
DMGSER: Development Model and Ground Support Equipment Requirements | |
DMS: Data Management System | |
DMSF: Document Management File | |
DOE: Department of Energy (USA) | |
DoF: Degree of Freedom | |
DP: Data Processing / Detector Plane | |
DPRD: Data Processing Requirements Document (SGS) | |
DPRR: Data Processing Readiness Review (SGS) | |
DPU: Data Processing Unit | |
DQ: Data Quality | |
DQE: Detected Quantum Efficiency | |
DQM: Data Quality Mining | |
DQR: Daily Quality Report | |
DR: Data Release / Design Review | |
DRB: Delivery Review Board | |
DRD: Document Requirements Descriptions / Document Review Description | |
DRF: Direction de la Recherche Fondamentale (CEA, France) | |
DRL: Document Requirements List | |
DS: Deep Survey / Detection System | |
DSU: Debug Support Unit | |
DTCP: Daily Telemetry Communications Period | |
DTA: Damage Threat Assessment | |
DTU: Denmark Tekniske Universitet (Lyngby, Denmark) | |
DUNE: Dark UNiverse Explorer | |
DVP: Development Plan [added] | |
DWG: Detector Working Group | |
E2E: End-to-End | |
EAC: Estimate At Completion | |
EACL: Euclid Advisory and Coordination Support Lead | |
EACS: Euclid Archive Core System | |
EADP: Euclid Archive Development Plan (SGS) | |
EAITM: Electrical AIT Manager | |
EAITO: Electrical AIT Operator | |
EAS: Euclid Archive System | |
EAUG: Euclid Archive User Group (SGS) | |
EAZY: Easy and Accurate Z from Yale (photometric redshift measurement) | |
EC: Euclid Consortium (=EMC) | |
ECA: Euclid Contributing Agency | |
ECB: Euclid Consortium Board | |
ECC: Euclid Consortium Communication / Error Correcting Code | |
ECCG: Euclid Consortium Coordination Group | |
ECDC: Euclid Consortium Diversity Committee | |
ECEB: Euclid Consortium Editorial Board | |
ECEB-OD: ECEB Operation Document | |
ECIM: Euclid Consortium Internal Material | |
ECL: Euclid Consortium Lead | |
ECMC: Euclid Consortium Membership Committee | |
ECP: Engineering Change Proposal | |
ECPG: Euclid Consortium Publication Group | |
ECPP: Euclid Consortium Publication Policy | |
ECR: Engineering Change Request | |
ECSGS: Euclid Consortium Science Ground Segment (SGS) | |
EC-SGS: Euclid Consortium Science Ground Segment (SGS) | |
ECSS: European Cooperation for Space Standardization | |
ECSURV: Euclid Consortium SURVey group | |
EDAC: Error Detection and Correction | |
EDF: Euclid Deep Field | |
EDFN: Euclid Deep Field North | |
EDFS: Euclid Deep Field South | |
EGI: European Grid Initiative | |
EGSE: Electrical Ground Support Equipment | |
EE: Encircled Energy / End-to-End tests (=E2E) | |
EEE: Electrical, Electronic, and Electromechanical | |
E-ELT: European Extremely Large Telescope (ESO, Cerro Armazones, Chili) | |
EEPROM: Electrically Erasable Programmable Read-Only Memory | |
EFE: ESA Furnished Equipment | |
EGSE: Electrical Ground Support Equipment | |
EIC: Euclid Imaging Channels | |
EID-A: Experiment Interface Document Part A | |
EID-B: Experiment Interface Document Part B | |
EIDP: End-Item Data Package | |
EIQT: Euclid Image Quality Tool | |
EIR: Euclid Instrument Requirement | |
ELA: Euclid Legacy Archive | |
ELG: Early Type Galaxy / Emission Line Galaxy | |
E-mode: Pure gravitational lensing signal in gravitational shear analysis' - Divergence term E' from analogy with Electromagnetic signal | |
EM: Electrical Model / Engineering Model | |
EMA: Euclid Mission Archive (SGS) | |
EMC: ElectroMagnetic Compatibility / Euclid Mission Consortium (=EC) | |
EMI: ElectroMagnetic Interference | |
EnEI: non-Euclid Imaging | |
EO: Earth Observation | |
EOAT: Euclid Optimization Advisory Team | |
EOL: End Of Life | |
EPA: ESD Protected Area (Electro Static Discharge Protected Area) | |
EPER: Extended Pixel Edge Response | |
EPDD: Euclid Project Definition Document | |
EPFL: Ecole Polytechnique Fédérale de Lausanne (Lausanne, Switzerland) | |
E-PLM: Extended PayLoad Model | |
EPLM: Euclid PayLoad Module | |
EPO: Education and Public Outreach | |
EPOS: EPO Scientist | |
EQM: Engineering and Qualification Model | |
EROS: Expérience pour la Recherche d’Objets Sombres | |
eROSITA: Extended Röntgen Survey Imaging Telescope Array | |
ERS: Euclid Reference Survey | |
ES: Electronic Structure | |
ESA: European Space Agency | |
ESAC: European Space Astronomy Centre (Madrid, Spain) | |
ESD: Electro Static Discharge | |
ESO: European Southern Observatory | |
ESOC: European Space Operation Centre (Darmstadt, Germany) | |
ESSPT: Euclid Sky Survey Planning Tool | |
ESST: Euclid Science Study Team | |
ESSWG: Euclid Sky Survey Working Group | |
EST: Euclid Science Team (ESA) | |
ESTEC: ESA’s Space research and TEchnology Center (Noordwijk, The Netherlands) | |
ESVM: Euclid SerVice Module | |
ETC: Exposure Time Calculator | |
ETG: Early Type Galaxy | |
ETHZ: Eidgenössische Technische Hochschule Zürich (Zürich, Switzerland) | |
EVLA: Expanded Very Large Array | |
EWC: Enabling Weak Lensing Cosmology | |
EWS: Euclid Wide Survey | |
EZ: Easy-Z (redshift determination) | |
FA: Funding Agency | |
FAR: Flight Acceptance Review | |
F-CDPU: Focal plane Control and Data Processing Unit | |
FCT: Fundação para a Ciência e a Tecnologia (Portugal) | |
FDIR: Failure Detection Isolation and Recovery | |
FE: Front End | |
FEM: Finite Element Model | |
FFG: ForschungsFörderungsGesellschaft (Austria) | |
FFT: Fast Fourier Transform | |
FGS: Fine Guidance Sensor | |
FH: Flight Harness | |
FIR: Far InfraRed | |
FITS: Flexible Image Transport System | |
FLRW: Friedmann-Lemaître-Roberston-Walker | |
FM: Flight Model / Folding Mirror | |
FM1: Folding Mirror 1 | |
FM2: Folding Mirror 2 | |
FM3: Folding Mirror 3 | |
FMEA: Failure Mode Effects Analysis | |
FMECA: Failure Mode Effects and Criticality Analysis | |
FNRS: Fonds National suisse de la Recherche Scientifique (Switzerland) | |
FOG: Finger Of God | |
FOM: Figure Of Merit | |
FOS: Factor Of Safety | |
FOV: Field Of View | |
FP: Focal Plane | |
FP7: (European) 7 Framework Programme | |
FPA: Focal Plane Array / Focal Plane Assembly | |
FPE: Focal Plane Electronics | |
FPGA: Field Programmable Gate Array | |
FPU: Floating Point Unit | |
FPS: Focal Plane Structure / Focal Plane Support | |
F-PSU: Focal plane Power Supply Unit | |
FPT: Full Performance Test | |
FRR: Flight Readiness Review | |
FRW: Friedmann-Robertson-Walker | |
FS: Flight Spare | |
FSM: Finite State Machine | |
FTA: Fault Tree Analysis | |
FTE: Full Time Equivalent | |
FW: Flight Wheel | |
FWA: Filter Wheel Assembly | |
FWHM: Full Width Half Maximum | |
GADGET: GAlaxies with Dark matter and Gas intEracT | |
GALFIT: GALaxy FITting (two dimensional galaxy image decomposition program) | |
G3L: Galaxy-Galaxy-Galaxy Lensing | |
GaBoDS: Garching-Bonn Deep Survey | |
GAMA: Galaxy And Mass Assembly | |
GC: Galaxy Clustering | |
GCR: Galactic Cosmic Ray | |
GC-SWG: Galaxy Clustering Science Working Group | |
GDIR: General Design & Interface Requirements | |
GDPRD: Ground Data Processing Requirements Document | |
GEMS: Galaxy Evolution from Morphology and SED Survey | |
GEPI: Galaxies, Etoiles, Physique et Instrumentation (Paris, France) | |
GEV: Galaxy and AGN Evolution | |
GFRP: Glass Fiber Reinforced Plastic | |
GG: (pure) Galaxy-Galaxy lensing signal / Gravitational-Gravitational ellipticity (shear-shear) correlation | |
GGL: Galaxy-Galaxy Lensing | |
GI: Gravitational-Intrinsic ellipticity (shape-shear) cross-correlations | |
GIM2D: Galaxy Image 2-Dimension (two dimensional decomposition program) | |
GMM: Geometrical Mathematical Model | |
GND: GrouND | |
GOODS: Great Observatory Origins Deep Survey | |
Gpc: Gigaparsec | |
GPGPU: General Purpose Graphical Processing Units | |
GPL: General Public Licence | |
GPM: Generic Processing Module | |
GPU: Graphics Processing Unit | |
GR: General Relativity | |
GRB: Gamma Ray Burst | |
GREAT: GRavitational lEnsing Accuracy Testing | |
GSDR: Ground Segment Design Review | |
GSE: Ground Support Equipment | |
GSFC: Goddard Space Flight Center (Greenbelt, USA) | |
GSIR: Ground Segment Implementation Review | |
GSRQR: Ground Segment Requirements Review | |
GSRR: Ground Segment Readiness Review | |
GTC: Gran Telescopio Canarias | |
GUI: Graphical User Interface | |
GW: Gravitational Wave | |
GWA: Grism Wheel Assembly | |
H2020: Horizon 2020 (European Commission Framework Programme for Research and Innovation 2014-2020) | |
H2RG: HAWAII 2RG - HgCdTe Astronomy Wide Area Infrared Imager 2k2 Resolution, Reference pixels and Guide mode | |
HAR: Harness | |
HD: High Density | |
HDF: Hubble Deep Field | |
HDR: Hardware Design Review | |
HEALPIX: Hierarchical Equal Area isoLatitude PIXelisation | |
HETDEX: Hobby-Eberly Telescope Dark Energy Experiment | |
HGA: High Gain Antenna | |
HgCdTe: Hg (Mercury) Cadmium Telluride | |
H/K: House-Keeping | |
HPC: High Performance Computing | |
HPCC: High Performance Computing Center | |
HOD: Halo Occupation Distribution | |
HSC: HyperSuprime Camera (mounted on prime focus of Subaru telescope) | |
HST: Hubble Space Telescope | |
HW: HardWare (=H/W) | |
IAC: Instituto de Astrofísica de Canarias (Canarias, Spain) / International Astronautical Congress | |
IADC: Inter-Agency space Debris Coordination Committee | |
IAF: International Astronautical Federation | |
IAFR: Instrument Acceptance Flight Review | |
IAL: Infrastructure Abstraction Layer | |
IAP: Image Analysis Pipeline / Institut d’Astrophysique de Paris (Paris, France) | |
IAPS: Istituto di Astrofisica e Planatologia Spaziali (Italy) | |
IAS: Institut d’Astrophysique Spatiale (Orsay, France) | |
IASF: INAF Istituto di Astrofisica Spaziale e Fisica cosmic (Italy) | |
IASF-BO: INAF Istituto di Astrofisica Spaziale e Fisica cosmica - Bologna (Bologna, Italy) | |
IASF-MI: INAF Istituto di Astrofisica Spaziale e Fisica cosmica - Milan (Milan, Italy) | |
IBDR: Instrument Baseline Design Review | |
IAL: Infrastructure Abstraction Layer | |
ICA: Independent Component Analysis | |
ICD: Interface Control Document | |
ICDR: Instrument Critical Design Review | |
ICE: Institut de Ciencies de l’Espai (Barcelona, Spain) | |
ICG: Institute of Cosmology and Gravitation (Portsmouth, UK) | |
ICL: Internal Communication Lead / IntraCluster Light | |
ICM: IntraCluster Medium | |
ICU: Instrument Control Unit | |
ID: Identifier | |
IDT: Instrument Development Team | |
IEEC: Institut d’Estudis Espacial de Catalunya (Barcelona, Spain) | |
I/F: InterFace | |
IFA: Institute For Astronomy (Edinburgh, UK) | |
IFAE: Institut de Fisica d’Altes Energies (Barcelona, Spain) | |
IFAR: Instrument Flight Acceptance Review | |
IFSI: Istituto di Fisica della Spazio Interplanetario (Italy) | |
IGM: InterGalactic Medium | |
II: Intrinsic-Intrinsic ellipticity (shape-shape) correlations | |
IICD: Internal Interface Control Document | |
IIRD: Internal Interface Requirements Document | |
IL: Instrument Lead | |
ILS: Independent Legacy Scientist | |
IM: Interface Module | |
IMF: Initial Mass Function | |
IN2P3: Institut National de Physique Nucléaire et de Physique des Particules (CNRS, France) | |
INAF: Istituto Nazionale AstroFisica (, Italy, see also INAF Osservatorio Astronomico =AO* listed below) | |
INFN: Istituto Nazionale di Fisica Nucleare (Italy) | |
ING: Isaac Newton Group (La Palma, Spain) | |
INSU: Institut National des Sciences de l’Univers (CNRS, France) | |
I/O: Input Output | |
IoA: Institute of Astronomy (University of Cambridge, UK) | |
IOCR: In Orbit Commissioning Review | |
IOL: Instrument Operation Lead | |
IOT: Instrument Operation Team | |
IP: Image Plane | |
IPA: Iso Propyl Alcohol | |
IPAC: Infrared Processing and Analysis Center (Pasadena, California) | |
IPDR: Instrument Preliminary Design Review | |
IPNL: Institut de Physique Nucléaire de Lyon (France) | |
IPP: Industrial Procurement Plan | |
IPQE: IntraPixel Quantum Efficiency | |
IPRR: Instrument Preliminary Readiness Review | |
IR: InfraRed | |
IRAP: Institut de Recherche en Astrophysique et Planétologie (Toulouse, France) | |
IRAS: InfraRed Astronomical Satellite | |
IRD: Interface Requirements Document | |
IQR: Instrument Qualification Review | |
IRFU: Institut de Recherche sur les lois Fondamentales de l’Univers - CEA (Saclay, France) | |
IRR: Instrument Requirement Review | |
IS: Instrument Scientist | |
ISDC: Integral Science Data Center (Geneva, Switzerland) | |
ISM: Inter Stellar Medium / Iso-Static Mount | |
ISO: International Organization for Standardization | |
ISS: Institute of Space Science (Magurele, Romania) | |
ISSR: Instrument System Requirements Review | |
IST: Inter-SWG Taskforce | |
ISW: Integrated Sachs Wolfe effect | |
IW: Instrument Workstation | |
IT: Information Technology | |
ITA: Institute of Theoretical Astrophysics (University of Oslo, Norway) | |
ITAR: International Traffic in Arms Regulations | |
IT-Ind: Italian Industry | |
ITN: (Marie Curie) Internal Training Network | |
ITT: Invitation To Tender | |
IWS: Instrument Work Station | |
JAXA: Japan Aerospace Exploration Agency (Japan) | |
JDEM: Joint Dark Energy Mission | |
JHU: John Hopkins University (Baltimore, Maryland) | |
JMU: John Moores University (Liverpool, UK) | |
J-PAS: Javalambre Physics of the Accelerating Universe | |
JPIP: Joint Project Implementation Plan | |
JPL: Jet Propulsion Laboratory (Pasadena, California) | |
JWST: James Webb Space Telescope | |
KiDS: Kilo Degree Survey | |
KIP: Key Inspection Point | |
KO: Kick Off | |
KOM: Kick Off Meeting | |
KP: Key Project | |
KPP: Key Project Publication | |
KSB: Kaiser Squires and Broadhurst (shape measurement method) | |
L1: Level 1 Euclid data | |
L2: Level 2 Euclid data / Second Lagrange point | |
L3: Level 3 Euclid data | |
LAM: Laboratoire d’Astrophysique de Marseille (Marseille, France) | |
LBG: Lyman Break Galaxies | |
LBL: Lawrence Berkeley national Laboratory (Berkeley, California) | |
LBT: Large Binocular Telescope | |
LC: Inductor-Capacitor circuit | |
LCDM: Lambda Cold Dark Matter | |
LCL: Latching Current Limiter | |
LDAP: Lightweight Directory Access Protocol | |
LDPRD: Legacy Data Processing Requirements Document (SGS) | |
LED: Light Emitting Diode | |
LENSFIT: LENS FITing (bayesian shape measurement method) | |
LEOP: Launch and Early Operations Phase | |
Le PHARE: PHotometric Analysis for Redshift Estimate (photometric redshift measurement method) | |
LET: Linear Energy Transfer | |
LF: Luminosity Function | |
LFA: Lead Funding Agency | |
LGPL: Lesser General Public Licence | |
LHC: Large Hadron Collider (CERN) | |
LLD: Launch Lock Device | |
LLI: Long-Lead Item | |
LLIF: Long-Lead Item List | |
LMU: Ludwig Maximilians-Universistät München (München, Germany) | |
LoA: Letter of Agreement | |
LOFAR: LOw Frequency Array for Radio astronomy | |
LoI: Letter of Intent | |
LOS: Line Of sight | |
LPNHE: Laboratoire de Physique Nucléaire et des Hautes Énergies (Paris, France) | |
LPP: Lightcurve Processing Pipeline | |
LPSC: Laboratoire de Physique Subatomique et de Cosmologie (Grenoble, France) | |
LPT: Limited Performance Test | |
LRD: Legacy Requirements Document | |
LRG: Luminous Red Galaxy | |
LRR: Launcher Readiness Review | |
LSB: Least Significative Bit / Low Surface Brightness | |
LSF: Least Square Fit | |
LSST: Large Synoptic Survey Telescope | |
LSSTC: Large Synoptic Survey Telescope Corporation (Tucson, Arizona, USA) | |
LTB: Lemaître-Tolman-Bondi | |
LTG: Late Type Galaxy | |
LVDS: Low-Voltage Differential Signal | |
LVPS: Low-Voltage Power Supply | |
M1: Primary Mirror | |
M2: Secondary Mirror | |
M3: Tertiary Mirror | |
M2M: M2 Mechanism (subsystem) | |
M2MM: M2M Mechanism (mechanism part) | |
M&C: Monitoring & Control | |
MACC: Multi Accumulation Readout | |
MACHO: Massive Compact Halo Object | |
MAIT: Manufacture, Assembly, Integration and Test | |
MAITM: Mechanical AIT Manager | |
MAITO: Mechanical AIT Operator | |
MAP: JPL Mission Assurance Plan | |
MC: Monte Carlo | |
MCDR: Mission Critical Design Review | |
MCMC: Markov Chain Monte Carlo | |
MCRR: Mission Commissioning Results Review | |
MCT: Mercury Cadmium Telluride | |
MDB: Mission Data Base [added] | |
MDE: M2M Drive Electronics | |
MDPA: Multi-DSP Processor Architecture | |
MF: Mass Function | |
MFAR: Mission Flight Acceptance Review | |
MFLOPS: Million Floating Point Operations Per Second | |
MG: Modified Gravity | |
MGSE: Mechanical Ground Support Equipment | |
MHP: Methane Heat Pipes | |
MICD: Mechanical Interface Control Document | |
MINECO: MINisterio de Economia y COmpetividad (Spain) | |
MIPS: Mega Instructions Per Second | |
MIR: Mid InfaRed | |
MIRD: Mission Implementation Requirements Document | |
M/L: Mass-to-Light ratio | |
ML: Maturity Level (SGS) | |
MLA: Multi Lateral Agreement | |
MLI: Multi Layer Insulation | |
MMU: Mass-Memory Unit | |
MOC: Mission Operations Centre / MOlecular Contamination | |
MOCD-A: Mission Operation Concept Document Part A | |
MOCD-B: Mission Operation Concept Document Part B | |
MOGS: Mission Operations Ground Segment | |
MOI: Moment Of Inertia | |
MOND: MOdified Newtonian Dynamics | |
MOONS: Multi-Object Optical and Near-infrared Spectrograph for VLT (Instrument for VLT, 2018) | |
MOS: Margin Of Safety / Multi-Object Spectrograph / Metal-Oxyde Silicon | |
MOSFET: Metal-Oxyde Semiconductor Field-Effect Transistor | |
MOU: Memorandum Of Understanding | |
MP: Management Plan | |
Mpc: Megaparsec | |
MPA: Max Planck institut Für Astrophysik (Garching, Germany) / MicroPropulsion Assembly | |
MPDR: Mission Preliminary Design Review | |
MPE: Max Planck institut für Extraterrestrische physik (Garching, Germany) | |
MPFA: MicroPropulsion Fluidic Assembly | |
MPIA: Max Planck Institut für Astronomie (Heidelberg, Germany) | |
MPP: Milestone Payment Plan | |
MPS: Mission Planning System | |
MRB: Material Review Board | |
MRD: Mission Requirements Document | |
MRR: Manufacturing Readiness Review | |
MSE: Mirror Surface Error | |
MSRR: Mission System Requirements Review | |
MSSL: Mullard Space Science Laboratory (UCL, Dorking, UK) | |
MTBF: Mean Time Before Failure | |
MTD: Mass and Thermal Dummy | |
MTF: Modulation Transfer Function | |
MW: Milky Way | |
MWA: Murchison Wide field Array | |
N/A: Not Applicable | |
NAOC: National Astronomical Observatory of China (China) | |
NAOJ: National Astronomical Observatory of Japan (Japan) | |
NASA: National Aeronautics and Space Administration (Washington, DC, USA) | |
NBI: Niels Bohr Institute (Copenhagen, Denmark) | |
NC: Non Convolutive | |
NCR: Non-Conformance Report | |
NCRB: Non-Conformance Review Board | |
NCTS: Non-Conformance Tracking System | |
NDI: Non-Destructive Inspection / Normalised Detection Irradiance | |
NDRO: Non Destructive Readout | |
NEP: North Ecliptic Pole | |
NFW: Navarro Frenk and White | |
NGP: North Galactic Pole | |
NI-: NISP | |
NI-CFC: NISP Cryo Flexi Cable (NISP) | |
NI-CMS: NI-CMU Simulator (NISP) | |
NI-CMT: NI-CMU Test equipment (NISP) | |
NI-CMU: NISP Compensation Mechanism Unit (NISP) | |
NI-CSS: NISP Cold Support Structure (NISP) | |
NI-CU: NISP Calibration Unit (NISP) | |
NI-CUS: NI-CU Simulator (NISP) | |
NI-CUT: NI-CU Test equipment (NISP) | |
NID: NISP Interface Document (NISP) | |
NI-DCU: NISP Detector Control Unit (NISP) | |
NI-DDT: NI-DCU Development model and Test equipment (NISP) | |
NI-DIS: NI-DCU/DPU Test equipment I/F Simulator (NISP) | |
NI-DIW: NI-DCU/DPU Test equipment Instrument Workstation (NISP) | |
NI-DPU: NISP Data Processing Unit (NISP) | |
NI-DS: NISP Detection System (NISP) | |
NI-DST: NI-DS Test equipment (NISP) | |
NI-DTE: NI-DCU/DPU Test equipment (NISP) | |
NI-DTS: NI-DS Thermal control Simulator (NISP) | |
NI-DTW: NI-DCU/DPU Test equipment control Workstation (NISP) | |
NI-EWS: NISP EGSE control WorkStation (NISP) | |
NI-FH: NISP Flight Harness (NISP) | |
NI-FPA: NISP Focal plane Assembly (NISP) | |
NI-FPS: NI-FPA Simulator (NISP) | |
NI-FTT: NI-FPA Thermal control Test equipment (NISP) | |
NI-FWA: NISP Filter Wheel Assembly (NISP) | |
NI-FWA-CR: NISP Filter Wheel Assemby Cryo Mechanism (NISP) | |
NI-FWS: NI-FWA Simulator (NISP) | |
NI-FWT: NI-FWA Test equipment (NISP) | |
NI-GWA: NISP Grism Wheel Assembly (NISP) | |
NI-GWA-CR: NISP Grism Wheel Assembly Cryo Mechanism (NISP) | |
NI-GWS: NI-FWA Simulator (NISP) | |
NI-GWT: NI-GWA Test equipment (NISP) | |
NI-HSS-IU: NISP Inter Unit Harness (NISP) | |
NI-HSS-TH: NISP Thermal Harness (NISP) | |
NI-ICU: NISP Instrument Control Unit (NISP) | |
NI-IDS: NI-DPU/DCU Interface Simulator (NISP) | |
NI-ISS: NI-ICU S/C I/F Simulator (NISP) | |
NI-OA: NISP Optics Assembly (NISP) | |
NI-OMA: NISP Opto-Mechanical Assembly (NISP) | |
NI-OMADA: NI-OMA and Detector Assembly (NISP) | |
NI-OTS: NI-OMA Thermal control Simulator (NISP) | |
NIP: Near Infrared Photometer (NISP) | |
NIR: Near InfraRed | |
NIRDWG: (Euclid) Near Infrared Detector Working Group | |
NIS: Near Infrared Spectrograph (NISP) | |
NI-SA: NISP Structure Assembly | |
NI-SCA: NISP Sensor Chip Assembly (NISP) | |
NI-SCE: NISP Sensor Chip Electronics (NISP) | |
NI-SCS: NISP Sensor Chip System (NISP) | |
NISP: Near Infrared Spectrometer and Photometer (NISP) | |
NI-TC: NISP Thermal Control (NISP) | |
NI-ITE: NI-ICU Test equipment (NISP) | |
NI-ITW: NI-ICU Test equipment Workstation (NISP) | |
NI-IWS: NISP Instrument Workstation (NISP) | |
NI-OMS: NI-OMA Simulator (NISP) | |
NI-OTS: NI-OMA Thermal control Simulator (NISP) | |
NI-SIS: NISP S/C I/F Simulator (NISP) | |
NI-SSS: NISP Sidecar Support Structure (NISP) / NI-DS Sidecar Support Structure (NISP) | |
NI-SST: NI-SCS Test equipment (NISP) | |
NI-WE: NISP Warm Electronics (NISP) | |
NI-WIS: NI-WE Test equipment S/C I/F Simulator (NISP) | |
NI-WIW: NI-WE test equipment Instrument Workstation (NISP) | |
NI-WTE: NI-WE Test Equipment (NISP) | |
NI-WTW: NI-WE Test equipment control Workstation (NISP) | |
NL: Non-Linear | |
NOAO: National Optical Astronomy Observation (Tucson, Arizona, USA) | |
NOVA: Nederlandse Onderzoeschool Voor Astronomie (The Netherlands) | |
NPM: National Project Manager | |
NRA: NASA Research Announcement | |
NRB: Non-conformance Review Board | |
NRC: National Research Council (Canada) | |
NSA: Nano-SubD Adaptor | |
NSC: Norwegian Space Center (Norway) | |
NSF: National Science Foundation (USA) | |
NSI: National Space Institute (Denmark) | |
NSSDC: National Space Science Data Center (NASA) | |
NOW: de Nederlandse organisatie voor Wetenschappeliijk Onderzoek (The Netherlands) | |
OABr: INAF Osservatorio Astronomico di Brera (Milan, Italy) | |
OAITM: Optical AIT Manager | |
OAITO: Optical AIT Operator | |
OAJ: Observatorio Astrofisico de Javalambre (Spain) | |
OAPd: INAF Osservatorio Astronomico di Padova (Padova, Italy) | |
OAR: INAF Osservatorio Astronomico di Roma (Rome, Italy) / Off Axis Rejection | |
OATo: INAF Osservatorio Astronomico di Torino (Torino, Italy) | |
OATs: INAF Osservatorio Astronomico di Trieste (Trieste, Italy) | |
OB: Optical Bench | |
OBSW: On Board SoftWare | |
OCA: Observatoire de la Côte d’Azur (Nice, France) | |
OCD: Operation Concept Document | |
OGS: Operations Ground Segment | |
OGSE: Optical Ground Support Equipment | |
OM: Operation and Maintenance / Operation Model (pipelines) | |
ORR: Operations Readiness Review | |
OSEWG: Operations and System Engineering Working Group | |
OSTM: Optical and Structural and Thermal Model | |
OT: Operational Temperature | |
OTE: Optical Telescope Element | |
OTS: Off-The-Shelf | |
OU: Organisation Unit (SGS) | |
OU-EXT: Organisation Unit EXTernal data (SGS) | |
OU-LE3: Organisation Unit LEvel3 data (SGS) | |
OU-MER: Organisation Unit MERged data (SGS) | |
OU-NIR: Organisation Unit Near InfraRed imaging data (SGS) | |
OU-PHZ: Organisation Unit PHoto-Z data (SGS) | |
OU-SHE: Organisation Unit SHEar data (SGS) | |
OU-SIM: Organisation Unit SIMulation data (SGS) | |
OU-SIR: Organisation Unit SPEctral near InfraRed imaging data (SGS) | |
OU-SPE: Organisation Unit SPEctral extraction and redshift data (SGS) | |
OU-VIS: Organisation Unit VISible imaging data (SGS) | |
PA: Product Assurance | |
PAC: PArticulate Contamination | |
PAD: Part Approval Document | |
PAG: Product Assurance Group | |
PAH: Poly-Aromatic Hydrocarbons | |
PAM: Product Assurance Manager | |
PanSTARRS: Panoramic Survey Telescope Rapid response System | |
PAP: Product Assurance Plan | |
PA/QA: Product Assurance / Quality Assurance | |
PARD: Product Assurance Requirement Document | |
PAU: Physics of the Accelerating Universe | |
PCA: Principal Component Analysis | |
PCB: Printed Circuit Board | |
PCDU: Power Conditioning and Distribution Unit | |
PCE: Photon to electron Conversion Efficiency | |
PDCU: Power Distribution Control Unit | |
PDD: Parameter Definition Document / Payload Definition Document / Product Definition Document | |
PDF: Probability Density Function / Probability Distribution Function | |
PDHU: Processing Data Handling Unit | |
PDR: Preliminary Design Review | |
PE: Processing Element (SGS) | |
PEM: Proximity Electronic Module | |
PERD: Payload Element Requirements Document | |
PhBr: Phosphore Bronze | |
PI: Principal Investigator | |
PIC: Port d’Informacio Cientifica (Barcelona, Spain) | |
PID: Proportional Integral Derivative | |
PF: Processing Function (SGS) | |
PFCI: Potential Failure Critical Items | |
PFE: Prime Furnished Equipment | |
PFM: Proto-Flight Model | |
PFS: Prime Focus Spectrograph | |
PGS: Pyrolithic Graphite Straps | |
PHAT: PHoto-z Accuracy Testing | |
PHOTO-z: PHOTOmetric redshift | |
P/L: PayLoad | |
PLM: PayLoad Module | |
PLM-RD: PayLoad Module Requirements Document | |
PM: Progress Meeting / Project Manager | |
PMCU: Parameters and Mechanism Control Unit (NISP) / Power and Mechanisms Control Unit (VIS) | |
PMP: Project Management Plan | |
PMRD: Project Management Requirements Document | |
PN: Planetary Nebula | |
PO: Project Office | |
PPD: Publication Policy Document | |
PRACE: PartneRship for Advanced Computing in Europe | |
PRM: PRoject Manager | |
PRNU: Photo Response Non-Uniformity / Pixel Response Non-Uniformity | |
PRR: Preliminary Requirements Review | |
PRODEX: ESA Programme de Développement d’EXpériences scientifiques | |
PROM: Programmable Read Only Memory | |
PRTECH: Prototech (Bergen) | |
PS: Project Scientist / Pan-STARRS | |
PS1: Pan-STARRS-1 | |
PS2: Pan-STARRS-2 | |
PSD: Power Spectral Density | |
PSF: Point Spread Function | |
PSR: Pre-Ship Review | |
PSU: Power Supply Unit (ROE VIS) / Power Supply Unit (VIS) | |
PWM: Pulse Width Modulation | |
PT: Product Tree | |
PTR: Post Test Review | |
PV: Performance Verification | |
QA: Quality Assurance | |
QAITM: Quality AIT Manager | |
QAITO: Quality AIT Operator | |
QC: Quality Control | |
QE: Quantum Efficiency | |
QDR: Quality Document Record | |
QLA: Quick Look Analysis (SGS) | |
QM: Qualification Model | |
QMS: Quality Management System | |
QPL: Qualified Parts List | |
QR: Qualification Review | |
QSO: Quasi-Stellar Object (quasar) | |
RA: Right Ascension | |
RAL: Rutherford Appleton Laboratory (UK) | |
RAM: Random Access Memory | |
RAS: Royal Astronomical Society (London, UK) | |
RB: Requirement Baseline | |
RCS: Reaction Control Subsystem / Red Cluster Sequence Survey | |
RD: Reference Document | |
RE: Radiated Emission | |
rEE50: 50% Encircled Energy radius | |
rEE80: 80% Encircled Energy radius | |
RFA: Request For Approval | |
RFD: Request For Deviation | |
RFI: Radio Frequence Interference / Request For Information | |
RFQ: Request For Quotation | |
RFW: Request For Waiver | |
RGMM: Reduced Geometrical Mathematical Model | |
RID: Review Item Discrepancy | |
RIDS: Review Item Discrepancy System [added] | |
RMS: Root Mean Square | |
RMW: Read Modify Write | |
ROE: Read-Out Electronics (VIS) / Royal Observatory Edinburgh (Edinburgh, UK) | |
ROI: Region Of Interest | |
ROIC: Readout Integrated Circuit | |
ROM: Rough Order of Magnitude | |
RON: ReadOut Noise | |
ROSA: ROmanian Space Agency (Romania) | |
RPE: Relative Pointing Error | |
R-PLM: Reduced PayLoad Module | |
RPSU: ROE Power Supply Unit (VIS) | |
RS: Radiated Susceptibility | |
RSD: Redshift Space Distortion / Requirements Specification Document [added] | |
RSSD: ESA Research and Space Support Department (ESA, ESTEC, Noordwijk, The Netherlands) | |
RSU: Read-out Shutter Unit (VIS) | |
RT: Real Time pipeline / Remote Terminal / Room Temperature | |
RTA: Real Time Assessment | |
RTD: Resistance Temperature Device | |
RTMM: Reduced Thermal Mathematical Model | |
RuG: Rijkuniversiteit Groningen (Groningen, The Netherlands) | |
SAA: Solar Aspect Angle | |
SAID: Science Analysis Implementation Document | |
Sap: Service d’Astrophysique - CEA/IRFU (Saclay, France) | |
SARD: System AIV Requirements Document | |
SAT: Science Archive Team | |
S/C: SpaceCraft | |
SC: Scientific Challenge (SGS) | |
SCA: Sensor Chip Assembly (NISP) | |
SCE: Sensor Chip Electronic (NISP) | |
SCET: SpaceCraft Elapsed Time | |
SciRD: Science Requirements Document | |
SCM: Software Configuration Management | |
SCMP: Software Configuration Management Plan | |
SCR: Software Change Request | |
SCOE: Specific Check Out Equipment | |
SCOS: Satellite Control and Operation System / Space Craft Operating System | |
SCS: Sensor Chip System (NISP) | |
SDC: Science Data Center (SGS) | |
SDC-DEV: SDC-DEVelopment (SGS) | |
SDC-PROD: SDC-PRODuction (SGS) | |
SDM: SOC Development Manager | |
SDR: Software Development Repositories | |
SDSS: Sloan Digital Sky Survey | |
SED: Single Event Damage / Spectral Energy Distribution | |
SEE: Single Event Effect | |
SEL: Single Event Latch-up | |
SEL-2: Sun-Earth Lagrange point 2 (=L2) | |
SEMP: System Engineering Management Plan | |
SEP: South Ecliptic Pole / System Engineering Plan | |
SER: Secrétaire d’Etat à l’Education et à la Recherche (Switzerland) | |
SEU: Single Event Upset | |
SFR: Star Formation Rate | |
SG: Science Group | |
SGP: South Galactic Pole | |
SGS: Science Ground Segment | |
SGSS: Science Ground Segment Scientist | |
SI: International System of Units (Système International) | |
SiC: Silicon Carbide | |
SIDECAR: System for Image Digitization, Enhancement, Control And Retrieval (NISP) | |
SIDM: Self-Interacting Dark Matter | |
SIF: Service InterFace | |
SIM-SWG: Simulations Science Working Group | |
SIP: Science Ground Segment Implementation Plan (SGS) | |
SIR: System Integration Review | |
SIRD: Science Implementation Requirements Document (SGS) | |
SIS: Service d’Ingénierie des Systèmes - CEA/IRFU (Saclay, France) | |
SISSA: Scuola Internazionale Superiore di Studi Avanzati (Trieste, Italy) | |
SIVVP: Software Integration, Validation and Verification Plan | |
SKA: Square Kilometre Array (Manchester, UK) | |
SL: Strong Lensing / System Lead | |
SLI: Single Layer Insulation | |
SME: Surface Mirror Error | |
SMM: Structural Mathematical Model | |
SMP: Science Management Plan | |
SMT: Surface-Mount Technology | |
S/N: Signal-to-Noise ratio | |
SN: SuperNova | |
SNIa: Type Ia SuperNova | |
SNLS: SuperNova Legacy Survey | |
SNR: Signal to Noise Ratio | |
SNT: SuperNova and Transients | |
SOC: Science Operation Center (SGS) / Statement Of Compliance | |
SOCD: Science Operations Concept Document (SGS) | |
SOD: Science Operation Department | |
SODD: Science Output Definition Document | |
SOVT: Science Operations Verification Tests | |
SOW: Statement Of Work | |
SP: Standard Project | |
SPA: Software Product Assurance | |
SPACE: Spectroscopic All-Sky Cosmic Explorer | |
SPAP: Software Product Assurance Plan | |
SPARC: Scalable Processor ARChitecture | |
SPBD: System Performance Budget Document | |
SPC: Science Programme Committee (ESA) / Silver Plated Copper | |
SPI: Serial Peripheral Interface | |
SPM: Software Product Manager | |
SPP: Standard Project Publication | |
SPR: Science Performance Review | |
SPSAA: Solar Panel Solar Aspect Angle | |
SPT: South Pole Telescope | |
SPV: Science Performance Verification | |
SPW: SPace Wire | |
SQAP: Software Quality Assurance Plan | |
SQL: Structured Query Language | |
SRAM: Static Random Access Memory | |
SRB: Software Review Board | |
SRD: Software Requirements Document / System Requirements Document | |
SRE: ESA Science and Robotic Exploration | |
SRE-O: SRE-Operations department | |
SRR: System Requirements Review | |
SSA: SunShield Assembly | |
SSC: Sensor System Chip / Space Science Center (Denmark) | |
SSE: Sun-Spacecraft Earth angle | |
SSH: SunSHield | |
SST: Stainless STeel | |
ST: Science Team / Steering Committee | |
STAR: Special Thanks And Recognition | |
STCS: Structure and Thermal Control System | |
STEP: Shear Testing Programme | |
STFC: Science and Technology Facilities Council (UK) | |
STM: Structural & Thermal Model | |
STR: Star TRacker | |
SU: Shutter Unit | |
SUM: Software User Manual [added] | |
SUMIRE: Subaru Measurement of Images and Redshifts (Instrument for Subaru telescope) | |
SUNGLASS: Simulated Universes for Gravitational Lensing Anaysis and Shear Surveys | |
SUR: Science User Requirements | |
SVM: SerVice Module | |
SVN: SubVersioN | |
SVT: System Verification Testing | |
SVVP: System Validation and Verification Plan | |
STS: Software Test Specifications [added] | |
STScI: Space Telescope Science Institute (Baltimore, Maryland, USA) | |
S/W: SoftWare | |
SWG: Science Working Group | |
SWL: Space Wire Link | |
SZ: Sunyaev-Zeldovich | |
TA: Telescope Assembly | |
TAA: Technical Assistance Agreement | |
TAITM: Thermal AIT Manager | |
TAITO: Thermal AIT Operator | |
TAS: Thales Alenia Space | |
TAS-I: TAS-Italia | |
TB: Thermal Balance | |
TBA: To Be Assigned / To Be Appointed | |
TBC: To Be Confirmed | |
TBD: To Be Defined/Determined | |
TBR: To Be Revised | |
TBT: Thermal Balance Test | |
TB/TV: Thermal Balance / Thermal Vacuum | |
TBV: To Be Verified | |
TBW: To Be Written | |
TC: TeleCommand | |
TCS: Thermal Control System | |
TDA: Technology Development Activity | |
TE: Test Equipment | |
TEKES: TEknologian ja innovaatioiden KEhittämiskeskuS (Helsinki, Finland) | |
TeVeS: Tensor Vector Scalar | |
TGSE: Thermal Ground Support Equipment | |
TH-SWG: Theory Science Working Group | |
TID: Total Ionising Dose | |
TIF: Thermal InterFace | |
TIM: Technical Information Meeting | |
TIS: Teledyne Imaging Systems / Teledyne Imaging Sensors / Total Integrated Scattering | |
TK: Technical Key point (SGS) | |
TLM: Telemetry | |
TM: TeleMetry | |
TMA: Three Mirrors Anastigmat | |
TMM: Thermal Mathematical Model | |
TMT: Thirty Meter Telescope | |
TN: Technical Note | |
Top: Temperature Operating | |
ToR: Terms of Reference | |
TR: software TRansfer phase | |
TRB: Test Review Board | |
TRL: Technology Readiness Level | |
TRP: Temperature Reference Point | |
TRR: Test Readiness Review | |
TT: (Euclid) Tiger Team | |
TT&C: Telemetry and TeleCommand / Telemetry, Tracking and Command | |
TV: Thermal Vacuum | |
UAH: University of Alcalá de Henares (Spain) | |
UC: University of California (California) | |
UCL: University College London (London, UK) | |
UDF: Ultra-Deep Field | |
UH: University of Helsinki (Helsinki, Finland) / University of Hawaii (Hawaii, USA) | |
UIO: Universitetet I Oslo (Oslo, Norway) | |
UKIDS: UKIRT Infrared Deep Sky Survey | |
UKIDSS-LAS: UKIRT Infrared Deep Sky Survey Large Area Survey | |
UKIRT: United Kingdom InfraRed Telescope | |
UKSA: United Kingdom Space Agency (UK) | |
UMA: Universidad Autonomia de Madrid (Madrid, Spain) | |
UML: Unified Modeling Language | |
UoG: University of Geneva (Geneva, Switzerland) | |
UoT: University of Toronto (Toronto, Canada) | |
UPCT: Universidad Politécnica de CarTagena - Technical University of Cartagena (Cartagena, Spain) | |
UPenn: University of Pennsylvania (Philadelphia, Pennsylvania) | |
UPMC: Université Pierre et Marie Curie (Paris, France) | |
URD: User Requirements Document | |
URF: Unit Reference Frame | |
USM: Universitäts-Sternwarte München (München Germany) | |
USNO: US Naval Observatory (Washington, DC, USA) | |
USS: Upper Support Structure (NI-DS, NISP) | |
UT: Unit Tester | |
UTR: Up The Ramp Readout (NISP) | |
UUT: Unit Under Test | |
UVic: University of Victoria (Victoria, Canada) | |
V&V: Validation and Verification | |
VCD: Verification Control Document | |
VCHS: Visually Clean Highly Sensitive | |
VGS: Verification Ground Support | |
VI-: VIS | |
VI-CDPU: VIS Control and Data Processing Unit (VIS) | |
VI-CU: VIS Calibration Unit (VIS) | |
VDA: Vapour Deposit Aluminium | |
VIDEO: VISTA Deep Extragalactic Observatory survey | |
VI-FPA: VIS Focal Plane Assembly (VIS) | |
VI-FPA-DP: VIS FPA Detector Panel (VIS) | |
VI-FPA-ES: VIS FPA Electronic Structure (VIS) | |
VI-HAR: VIS HARness (VIS) | |
VI-FH: VIS Flight Harness (VIS) | |
VIKING: VISTA Kilo degree INfrared Galaxy survey | |
VIMOS: Visible wide field Imager and Multi-Object Spectrograph | |
VI-PMCU: VIS Power and Mechanisms Control Unit (VIS) | |
VIPERS: VIMOS Public Extragalactic Redshift Survey | |
VIPM: VIS Project Manager (VIS) | |
VI-RSU: VIS Read-out Shutter Unit (VIS) | |
VIS: VISible Instrument | |
VISTA: Visible and Infrared Survey Telescope for Astronomy | |
VI-SU: VIS Shutter Unit (VIS) | |
VLA: Very Large Array | |
VLT: ESO Very Large Telescope | |
VO: Virtual Observatory | |
VObs: Virtual Observatory | |
VPD: Validation Plan Document [added] | |
VST: VLT Survey Telescope | |
VUDS: VIMOS Ultra Deep Survey | |
VVDS: VIMOS VLT Deep survey | |
WA: Worst Average PSF | |
WBS: Work Breakdown Structure | |
WCS: World Coordinate System | |
WDM: Warm Dark Matter | |
WE: Warm Electronics | |
WEAVE: WHT Enhanced Area Velocity Explorer | |
WFC3: HST Wide Field Camera 3 | |
WFE: Wave Front Error | |
WFIRST: Wide Field InfraRed Telescope | |
WFS: Wave Front Sensor | |
WG: Working Group | |
WHT: William Herschel Telescope | |
WIMP: Weakly Interacting Massive Particle | |
WISE: Wide field Infrared Survey Explorer | |
WL: Weak Lensing | |
WL-SWG: Weak Lensing Science Working Group | |
WMAP: Wilkinson Microwave-Anisotropy Probe | |
WP: Work Package | |
WPBD: Work Package Breakdown and Description | |
WPD: Work Package Description | |
WR: Worst Red PSF | |
WS: Wide Survey | |
XC: Cross-Correlation | |
XML: eXtensible Markup Language | |
XMM: X-ray Multi-Mirror Telescope | |
XSD: XML Schema Definition | |
ZEBRA: Zurich Extragalactic Bayesian Redshift Analyser (photometric redshift measurement method) | |
ZODI: ZODIacal / ZODIacal dust unit | |
""".split('\n') | |
def read_acronyms(lines): | |
""" | |
Return acronym dictionary {ACRONYM:definition} from acronym lines. | |
""" | |
from collections import OrderedDict | |
d = OrderedDict() | |
for line in lines: | |
line = line.strip() | |
if not line or line.startswith('#'): | |
continue | |
try: | |
key, val = line.split(':') # ACRONYM: definition | |
except ValueError: | |
print("WARNING: cannot decipher line", line) | |
continue | |
val = val.strip() | |
if key not in d: | |
d[key] = val | |
elif val != d[key]: | |
print("WARNING: merging %s entries: '%s' and '%s'" % | |
(key, val, d[key])) | |
d[key] = ' / '.join((d[key], val)) | |
return d | |
def get_similarity(a, b): | |
return SequenceMatcher(None, a, b).ratio() | |
if __name__ == '__main__': | |
import argparse | |
import re | |
parser = argparse.ArgumentParser(description=__doc__) | |
parser.add_argument('acronym', nargs='*') | |
parser.add_argument("-E", "--regex", action="store_true", | |
help="Interpret arguments as regular expressions.", | |
default=False) | |
parser.add_argument("-R", "--reversed", action="store_true", | |
help="Reversed look-up (always regex).", | |
default=False) | |
parser.add_argument("-s", "--similarity", metavar="[0.0-1.0]", type=float, | |
help="Print similar keywords, given a match fraction.", | |
default=-1) | |
parser.add_argument("--json", type=argparse.FileType('w'), | |
help="Dump list of acronyms to JSON file.") | |
parser.add_argument('--version', action='version', version=__version__) | |
args = parser.parse_args() | |
d = read_acronyms(ecal) # {acronym: definition} | |
if args.json: | |
import json | |
json.dump(d, args.json, ensure_ascii=False, indent=2) | |
print("Acronym list saved to", args.json.name) | |
args.json.close() | |
title = d.pop('Title') | |
ref = d.pop('Reference') | |
ver = d.pop('Version') | |
date = d.pop('Date') | |
print("%s [%s] -- v.%s (%s)\n" % (title, ref, ver, date)) | |
maxl = max( len(key) for key in d ) # Length of longest acronym | |
if not args.acronym: # All acronyms | |
acronyms = sorted(d.keys()) | |
elif args.regex: # Matching acronyms | |
acronyms = [ key for acronym in args.acronym | |
for key in d | |
if re.search(acronym, key) ] | |
elif args.reversed: # Acronyms which definition matches | |
acronyms = [ key for acronym in args.acronym | |
for key, val in d.items() | |
if re.search(acronym, val, re.IGNORECASE) ] | |
else: # Specific acronyms | |
acronyms = args.acronym | |
for acronym in acronyms: | |
definition = d.get(acronym, 'Yet Another Unknown Acronym (YAUA)') | |
print("%*s: %s" % (maxl, acronym, definition)) | |
if 0 <= args.similarity <= 1: | |
similars = [ key for key in d | |
if get_similarity(key, acronym) > args.similarity ] | |
if similars: | |
print("\nSimilar acronyms:", " ".join(similars), "\n") | |
elif definition.endswith('(YAUA)'): | |
similars = [ key for key in d | |
if get_similarity(key, acronym) > 0.7 ] | |
if similars: | |
print("\nDid you mean:", " ".join(similars), "?\n") | |
# Local Variables: | |
# time-stamp-line-limit: 10 | |
# End: |
If no input is given, I like to read from stdin continuously, which is very useful during meetings:
if not args.acronym: # Continuous input
acronyms = map(str.rstrip, sys.stdin)
This requires an import sys
, and also an from future_builtins import map
if you are under Python 2.
I think that the current names of the SWGs are not accurate, or at least not as people are using them. For example the galaxy evolution SWG seems to now be called "GAE", rather than "GEV" as in the current list here. Similarly, people have been calling the CMB cross-correlation SWG "CMBX". It may be that other working groups have also evolved in what they're called - it's worth checking against this acronym list.
I'm using the official (yet annotated) Euclid Consortium Acronym List, but Merge Requests are welcome! (in the limit of not-too-obscure acronyms)
BY THE WAY, note this gist is DEPRECATED, official repo is now https://gitlab.euclid-sgs.uk/ycopin/euclidator, with a shiny web interface at http://ycopin.pages.euclid-sgs.uk/euclidator/
Please let's move this discussion to https://gitlab.euclid-sgs.uk/ycopin/euclidator!
I notice that already during Yannick's introductory talk in Oslo, we have several acronyms that aren't in the list! I spotted these, and there are probably more: CPC ECICIC ECCOM DDP MKP.
Comment: Add the following Euclid Archiver User Group (EAUG) acronyms:
CPS: Consortium Processing Service (in EAS)
CUS: Consortium User Service (in EAS)
Dbview: Metadata storage browser in EAS
DPS: Data Processing System (EAS interface to EC user)
MAL: Metadata Access Layer (in EAS)
MEX: Metadata EXplorer
[SAS: I would like to know what this stands for (EAS interface to public user)]