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Last active September 12, 2023 10:14
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Nuxt.js middleware to enable redirects to absolute URLs
import url from 'url'
import qs from 'qs'
export default function (ctx) {
const { route, redirect } = ctx
const { path, query } = route
// Redirect trailing slashes, preserving query string: /foo/ -> /foo
if (path.length > 1 && path.slice(-1) === '/') {
const dest = path.replace(/\/+$/, '') || '/'
return redirect(301, dest, query)
// Other redirects
if (redirects[path]) {
return redirect(301, redirects[path], query)
const redirects = {
'/foo': '/foo/bar',
'/baz': '/foo/bar/baz'
// The redirect function in Nuxt/Vue doesn’t support absolute URLs.
function fixRedirect (ctx) {
const _redirect = ctx.redirect
ctx.redirect = function (status, path, query) {
// If only 1 or 2 arguments: redirect('/') or redirect('/', { foo: 'bar' })
if (typeof status === 'string' && (typeof path === 'undefined' || typeof path === 'object')) {
query = path || {}
path = status
status = 302
path = addQuery(path, query)
if (!isAbsolute(path)) {
_redirect(status, path)
} else if (ctx.isServer && ctx.res) {
ctx.res.setHeader('Location', path)
ctx.error({ statusCode: status, message: `Redirecting to ${path}` })
} else if (ctx.isClient && window && window.location) {
window.location = path
ctx.error({ statusCode: status, message: `Redirecting to ${path}` })
function isAbsolute (path) {
return (path.indexOf('//') === 0 || url.parse(path).protocol)
function addQuery (path, query) {
if (!query) {
return path
const q = qs.stringify(query)
if (q === '') {
return path
// Append query string with ? or & if a querystring already exists
path = path + (path.indexOf('?') > 0 ? '&' : '?') + q
return path
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ctx.isServer and ctx.isClient should be replaced with process.server and process.client

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where should this be put?

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ydnar commented Sep 12, 2023

I’m pretty sure this doesn’t work with Nuxt 3. Sorry!

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