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Go representation of wasi:filesystem/[email protected]
// Code generated by wit-bindgen-go. DO NOT EDIT.
// Package types represents the interface "wasi:filesystem/[email protected]".
// WASI filesystem is a filesystem API primarily intended to let users run WASI
// programs that access their files on their existing filesystems, without
// significant overhead.
// It is intended to be roughly portable between Unix-family platforms and
// Windows, though it does not hide many of the major differences.
// Paths are passed as interface-type `string`s, meaning they must consist of
// a sequence of Unicode Scalar Values (USVs). Some filesystems may contain
// paths which are not accessible by this API.
// The directory separator in WASI is always the forward-slash (`/`).
// All paths in WASI are relative paths, and are interpreted relative to a
// `descriptor` referring to a base directory. If a `path` argument to any WASI
// function starts with `/`, or if any step of resolving a `path`, including
// `..` and symbolic link steps, reaches a directory outside of the base
// directory, or reaches a symlink to an absolute or rooted path in the
// underlying filesystem, the function fails with `error-code::not-permitted`.
// For more information about WASI path resolution and sandboxing, see
// [WASI filesystem path resolution].
// [WASI filesystem path resolution]:
package types
import (
wallclock ""
ioerror ""
// Advice represents the enum "wasi:filesystem/[email protected]#advice".
// File or memory access pattern advisory information.
// enum advice {
// normal,
// sequential,
// random,
// will-need,
// dont-need,
// no-reuse
// }
type Advice uint8
const (
// The application has no advice to give on its behavior with respect
// to the specified data.
AdviceNormal Advice = iota
// The application expects to access the specified data sequentially
// from lower offsets to higher offsets.
// The application expects to access the specified data in a random
// order.
// The application expects to access the specified data in the near
// future.
// The application expects that it will not access the specified data
// in the near future.
// The application expects to access the specified data once and then
// not reuse it thereafter.
// Descriptor represents the resource "wasi:filesystem/[email protected]#descriptor".
// A descriptor is a reference to a filesystem object, which may be a file,
// directory, named pipe, special file, or other object on which filesystem
// calls may be made.
// resource descriptor
type Descriptor cm.Resource
// WriteViaStream represents the method "write-via-stream".
// Return a stream for writing to a file, if available.
// May fail with an error-code describing why the file cannot be written.
// Note: This allows using `write-stream`, which is similar to `write` in
// write-via-stream: func(offset: filesize) -> result<own<output-stream>, error-code>
func (self Descriptor) WriteViaStream(offset FileSize) cm.Result[streams.OutputStream, streams.OutputStream, ErrorCode] {
var result cm.Result[streams.OutputStream, streams.OutputStream, ErrorCode]
self.writeViaStream(offset, &result)
return result
//go:wasmimport wasi:filesystem/[email protected] [method]descriptor.write-via-stream
func (self Descriptor) writeViaStream(offset FileSize, result *cm.Result[streams.OutputStream, streams.OutputStream, ErrorCode])
// SyncData represents the method "sync-data".
// Synchronize the data of a file to disk.
// This function succeeds with no effect if the file descriptor is not
// opened for writing.
// Note: This is similar to `fdatasync` in POSIX.
// sync-data: func() -> result<_, error-code>
func (self Descriptor) SyncData() cm.ErrResult[ErrorCode] {
var result cm.ErrResult[ErrorCode]
return result
//go:wasmimport wasi:filesystem/[email protected] [method]descriptor.sync-data
func (self Descriptor) syncData(result *cm.ErrResult[ErrorCode])
// Read represents the method "read".
// Read from a descriptor, without using and updating the descriptor's offset.
// This function returns a list of bytes containing the data that was
// read, along with a bool which, when true, indicates that the end of the
// file was reached. The returned list will contain up to `length` bytes; it
// may return fewer than requested, if the end of the file is reached or
// if the I/O operation is interrupted.
// In the future, this may change to return a `stream<u8, error-code>`.
// Note: This is similar to `pread` in POSIX.
// read: func(length: filesize, offset: filesize) -> result<tuple<list<u8>, bool>,
// error-code>
func (self Descriptor) Read(length FileSize, offset FileSize) cm.Result[cm.Tuple[cm.List[uint8], bool], cm.Tuple[cm.List[uint8], bool], ErrorCode] {
var result cm.Result[cm.Tuple[cm.List[uint8], bool], cm.Tuple[cm.List[uint8], bool], ErrorCode], offset, &result)
return result
//go:wasmimport wasi:filesystem/[email protected] [method]
func (self Descriptor) read(length FileSize, offset FileSize, result *cm.Result[cm.Tuple[cm.List[uint8], bool], cm.Tuple[cm.List[uint8], bool], ErrorCode])
// ReadLinkAt represents the method "readlink-at".
// Read the contents of a symbolic link.
// If the contents contain an absolute or rooted path in the underlying
// filesystem, this function fails with `error-code::not-permitted`.
// Note: This is similar to `readlinkat` in POSIX.
// readlink-at: func(path: string) -> result<string, error-code>
func (self Descriptor) ReadLinkAt(path string) cm.Result[string, string, ErrorCode] {
var result cm.Result[string, string, ErrorCode]
self.readLinkAt(path, &result)
return result
//go:wasmimport wasi:filesystem/[email protected] [method]descriptor.readlink-at
func (self Descriptor) readLinkAt(path string, result *cm.Result[string, string, ErrorCode])
// MetadataHash represents the method "metadata-hash".
// Return a hash of the metadata associated with a filesystem object referred
// to by a descriptor.
// This returns a hash of the last-modification timestamp and file size, and
// may also include the inode number, device number, birth timestamp, and
// other metadata fields that may change when the file is modified or
// replaced. It may also include a secret value chosen by the
// implementation and not otherwise exposed.
// Implementations are encourated to provide the following properties:
// - If the file is not modified or replaced, the computed hash value should
// usually not change.
// - If the object is modified or replaced, the computed hash value should
// usually change.
// - The inputs to the hash should not be easily computable from the
// computed hash.
// However, none of these is required.
// metadata-hash: func() -> result<metadata-hash-value, error-code>
func (self Descriptor) MetadataHash() cm.Result[MetadataHashValue, MetadataHashValue, ErrorCode] {
var result cm.Result[MetadataHashValue, MetadataHashValue, ErrorCode]
return result
//go:wasmimport wasi:filesystem/[email protected] [method]descriptor.metadata-hash
func (self Descriptor) metadataHash(result *cm.Result[MetadataHashValue, MetadataHashValue, ErrorCode])
// LinkAt represents the method "link-at".
// Create a hard link.
// Note: This is similar to `linkat` in POSIX.
// link-at: func(old-path-flags: path-flags, old-path: string, new-descriptor: borrow<descriptor>,
// new-path: string) -> result<_, error-code>
func (self Descriptor) LinkAt(oldPathFlags PathFlags, oldPath string, newDescriptor Descriptor, newPath string) cm.ErrResult[ErrorCode] {
var result cm.ErrResult[ErrorCode]
self.linkAt(oldPathFlags, oldPath, newDescriptor, newPath, &result)
return result
//go:wasmimport wasi:filesystem/[email protected] [method]
func (self Descriptor) linkAt(oldPathFlags PathFlags, oldPath string, newDescriptor Descriptor, newPath string, result *cm.ErrResult[ErrorCode])
// IsSameObject represents the method "is-same-object".
// Test whether two descriptors refer to the same filesystem object.
// In POSIX, this corresponds to testing whether the two descriptors have the
// same device (`st_dev`) and inode (`st_ino` or `d_ino`) numbers.
// wasi-filesystem does not expose device and inode numbers, so this function
// may be used instead.
// is-same-object: func(other: borrow<descriptor>) -> bool
func (self Descriptor) IsSameObject(other Descriptor) bool {
return self.isSameObject(other)
//go:wasmimport wasi:filesystem/[email protected] [method]
func (self Descriptor) isSameObject(other Descriptor) bool
// GetType represents the method "get-type".
// Get the dynamic type of a descriptor.
// Note: This returns the same value as the `type` field of the `fd-stat`
// returned by `stat`, `stat-at` and similar.
// Note: This returns similar flags to the `st_mode & S_IFMT` value provided
// by `fstat` in POSIX.
// Note: This returns the value that was the `fs_filetype` value returned
// from `fdstat_get` in earlier versions of WASI.
// get-type: func() -> result<descriptor-type, error-code>
func (self Descriptor) GetType() cm.Result[DescriptorType, DescriptorType, ErrorCode] {
var result cm.Result[DescriptorType, DescriptorType, ErrorCode]
return result
//go:wasmimport wasi:filesystem/[email protected] [method]descriptor.get-type
func (self Descriptor) getType(result *cm.Result[DescriptorType, DescriptorType, ErrorCode])
// SetSize represents the method "set-size".
// Adjust the size of an open file. If this increases the file's size, the
// extra bytes are filled with zeros.
// Note: This was called `fd_filestat_set_size` in earlier versions of WASI.
// set-size: func(size: filesize) -> result<_, error-code>
func (self Descriptor) SetSize(size FileSize) cm.ErrResult[ErrorCode] {
var result cm.ErrResult[ErrorCode]
self.setSize(size, &result)
return result
//go:wasmimport wasi:filesystem/[email protected] [method]descriptor.set-size
func (self Descriptor) setSize(size FileSize, result *cm.ErrResult[ErrorCode])
// CreateDirectoryAt represents the method "create-directory-at".
// Create a directory.
// Note: This is similar to `mkdirat` in POSIX.
// create-directory-at: func(path: string) -> result<_, error-code>
func (self Descriptor) CreateDirectoryAt(path string) cm.ErrResult[ErrorCode] {
var result cm.ErrResult[ErrorCode]
self.createDirectoryAt(path, &result)
return result
//go:wasmimport wasi:filesystem/[email protected] [method]descriptor.create-directory-at
func (self Descriptor) createDirectoryAt(path string, result *cm.ErrResult[ErrorCode])
// Stat represents the method "stat".
// Return the attributes of an open file or directory.
// Note: This is similar to `fstat` in POSIX, except that it does not return
// device and inode information. For testing whether two descriptors refer to
// the same underlying filesystem object, use `is-same-object`. To obtain
// additional data that can be used do determine whether a file has been
// modified, use `metadata-hash`.
// Note: This was called `fd_filestat_get` in earlier versions of WASI.
// stat: func() -> result<descriptor-stat, error-code>
func (self Descriptor) Stat() cm.Result[DescriptorStat, DescriptorStat, ErrorCode] {
var result cm.Result[DescriptorStat, DescriptorStat, ErrorCode]
return result
//go:wasmimport wasi:filesystem/[email protected] [method]descriptor.stat
func (self Descriptor) stat(result *cm.Result[DescriptorStat, DescriptorStat, ErrorCode])
// StatAt represents the method "stat-at".
// Return the attributes of a file or directory.
// Note: This is similar to `fstatat` in POSIX, except that it does not
// return device and inode information. See the `stat` description for a
// discussion of alternatives.
// Note: This was called `path_filestat_get` in earlier versions of WASI.
// stat-at: func(path-flags: path-flags, path: string) -> result<descriptor-stat,
// error-code>
func (self Descriptor) StatAt(pathFlags PathFlags, path string) cm.Result[DescriptorStat, DescriptorStat, ErrorCode] {
var result cm.Result[DescriptorStat, DescriptorStat, ErrorCode]
self.statAt(pathFlags, path, &result)
return result
//go:wasmimport wasi:filesystem/[email protected] [method]descriptor.stat-at
func (self Descriptor) statAt(pathFlags PathFlags, path string, result *cm.Result[DescriptorStat, DescriptorStat, ErrorCode])
// MetadataHashAt represents the method "metadata-hash-at".
// Return a hash of the metadata associated with a filesystem object referred
// to by a directory descriptor and a relative path.
// This performs the same hash computation as `metadata-hash`.
// metadata-hash-at: func(path-flags: path-flags, path: string) -> result<metadata-hash-value,
// error-code>
func (self Descriptor) MetadataHashAt(pathFlags PathFlags, path string) cm.Result[MetadataHashValue, MetadataHashValue, ErrorCode] {
var result cm.Result[MetadataHashValue, MetadataHashValue, ErrorCode]
self.metadataHashAt(pathFlags, path, &result)
return result
//go:wasmimport wasi:filesystem/[email protected] [method]descriptor.metadata-hash-at
func (self Descriptor) metadataHashAt(pathFlags PathFlags, path string, result *cm.Result[MetadataHashValue, MetadataHashValue, ErrorCode])
// Advise represents the method "advise".
// Provide file advisory information on a descriptor.
// This is similar to `posix_fadvise` in POSIX.
// advise: func(offset: filesize, length: filesize, advice: advice) -> result<_, error-code>
func (self Descriptor) Advise(offset FileSize, length FileSize, advice Advice) cm.ErrResult[ErrorCode] {
var result cm.ErrResult[ErrorCode]
self.advise(offset, length, advice, &result)
return result
//go:wasmimport wasi:filesystem/[email protected] [method]descriptor.advise
func (self Descriptor) advise(offset FileSize, length FileSize, advice Advice, result *cm.ErrResult[ErrorCode])
// GetFlags represents the method "get-flags".
// Get flags associated with a descriptor.
// Note: This returns similar flags to `fcntl(fd, F_GETFL)` in POSIX.
// Note: This returns the value that was the `fs_flags` value returned
// from `fdstat_get` in earlier versions of WASI.
// get-flags: func() -> result<descriptor-flags, error-code>
func (self Descriptor) GetFlags() cm.Result[DescriptorFlags, DescriptorFlags, ErrorCode] {
var result cm.Result[DescriptorFlags, DescriptorFlags, ErrorCode]
return result
//go:wasmimport wasi:filesystem/[email protected] [method]descriptor.get-flags
func (self Descriptor) getFlags(result *cm.Result[DescriptorFlags, DescriptorFlags, ErrorCode])
// SetTimes represents the method "set-times".
// Adjust the timestamps of an open file or directory.
// Note: This is similar to `futimens` in POSIX.
// Note: This was called `fd_filestat_set_times` in earlier versions of WASI.
// set-times: func(data-access-timestamp: new-timestamp, data-modification-timestamp:
// new-timestamp) -> result<_, error-code>
func (self Descriptor) SetTimes(dataAccessTimestamp NewTimestamp, dataModificationTimestamp NewTimestamp) cm.ErrResult[ErrorCode] {
var result cm.ErrResult[ErrorCode]
self.setTimes(dataAccessTimestamp, dataModificationTimestamp, &result)
return result
//go:wasmimport wasi:filesystem/[email protected] [method]descriptor.set-times
func (self Descriptor) setTimes(dataAccessTimestamp NewTimestamp, dataModificationTimestamp NewTimestamp, result *cm.ErrResult[ErrorCode])
// Sync represents the method "sync".
// Synchronize the data and metadata of a file to disk.
// This function succeeds with no effect if the file descriptor is not
// opened for writing.
// Note: This is similar to `fsync` in POSIX.
// sync: func() -> result<_, error-code>
func (self Descriptor) Sync() cm.ErrResult[ErrorCode] {
var result cm.ErrResult[ErrorCode]
return result
//go:wasmimport wasi:filesystem/[email protected] [method]descriptor.sync
func (self Descriptor) sync(result *cm.ErrResult[ErrorCode])
// RenameAt represents the method "rename-at".
// Rename a filesystem object.
// Note: This is similar to `renameat` in POSIX.
// rename-at: func(old-path: string, new-descriptor: borrow<descriptor>, new-path:
// string) -> result<_, error-code>
func (self Descriptor) RenameAt(oldPath string, newDescriptor Descriptor, newPath string) cm.ErrResult[ErrorCode] {
var result cm.ErrResult[ErrorCode]
self.renameAt(oldPath, newDescriptor, newPath, &result)
return result
//go:wasmimport wasi:filesystem/[email protected] [method]descriptor.rename-at
func (self Descriptor) renameAt(oldPath string, newDescriptor Descriptor, newPath string, result *cm.ErrResult[ErrorCode])
// ReadViaStream represents the method "read-via-stream".
// Return a stream for reading from a file, if available.
// May fail with an error-code describing why the file cannot be read.
// Multiple read, write, and append streams may be active on the same open
// file and they do not interfere with each other.
// Note: This allows using `read-stream`, which is similar to `read` in POSIX.
// read-via-stream: func(offset: filesize) -> result<own<input-stream>, error-code>
func (self Descriptor) ReadViaStream(offset FileSize) cm.Result[streams.InputStream, streams.InputStream, ErrorCode] {
var result cm.Result[streams.InputStream, streams.InputStream, ErrorCode]
self.readViaStream(offset, &result)
return result
//go:wasmimport wasi:filesystem/[email protected] [method]
func (self Descriptor) readViaStream(offset FileSize, result *cm.Result[streams.InputStream, streams.InputStream, ErrorCode])
// AppendViaStream represents the method "append-via-stream".
// Return a stream for appending to a file, if available.
// May fail with an error-code describing why the file cannot be appended.
// Note: This allows using `write-stream`, which is similar to `write` with
// `O_APPEND` in in POSIX.
// append-via-stream: func() -> result<own<output-stream>, error-code>
func (self Descriptor) AppendViaStream() cm.Result[streams.OutputStream, streams.OutputStream, ErrorCode] {
var result cm.Result[streams.OutputStream, streams.OutputStream, ErrorCode]
return result
//go:wasmimport wasi:filesystem/[email protected] [method]descriptor.append-via-stream
func (self Descriptor) appendViaStream(result *cm.Result[streams.OutputStream, streams.OutputStream, ErrorCode])
// ReadDirectory represents the method "read-directory".
// Read directory entries from a directory.
// On filesystems where directories contain entries referring to themselves
// and their parents, often named `.` and `..` respectively, these entries
// are omitted.
// This always returns a new stream which starts at the beginning of the
// directory. Multiple streams may be active on the same directory, and they
// do not interfere with each other.
// read-directory: func() -> result<own<directory-entry-stream>, error-code>
func (self Descriptor) ReadDirectory() cm.Result[DirectoryEntryStream, DirectoryEntryStream, ErrorCode] {
var result cm.Result[DirectoryEntryStream, DirectoryEntryStream, ErrorCode]
return result
//go:wasmimport wasi:filesystem/[email protected] [method]
func (self Descriptor) readDirectory(result *cm.Result[DirectoryEntryStream, DirectoryEntryStream, ErrorCode])
// OpenAt represents the method "open-at".
// Open a file or directory.
// The returned descriptor is not guaranteed to be the lowest-numbered
// descriptor not currently open/ it is randomized to prevent applications
// from depending on making assumptions about indexes, since this is
// error-prone in multi-threaded contexts. The returned descriptor is
// guaranteed to be less than 2**31.
// If `flags` contains `descriptor-flags::mutate-directory`, and the base
// descriptor doesn't have `descriptor-flags::mutate-directory` set,
// `open-at` fails with `error-code::read-only`.
// If `flags` contains `write` or `mutate-directory`, or `open-flags`
// contains `truncate` or `create`, and the base descriptor doesn't have
// `descriptor-flags::mutate-directory` set, `open-at` fails with
// `error-code::read-only`.
// Note: This is similar to `openat` in POSIX.
// open-at: func(path-flags: path-flags, path: string, open-flags: open-flags, flags:
// descriptor-flags) -> result<own<descriptor>, error-code>
func (self Descriptor) OpenAt(pathFlags PathFlags, path string, openFlags OpenFlags, flags DescriptorFlags) cm.Result[Descriptor, Descriptor, ErrorCode] {
var result cm.Result[Descriptor, Descriptor, ErrorCode]
self.openAt(pathFlags, path, openFlags, flags, &result)
return result
//go:wasmimport wasi:filesystem/[email protected] [method]
func (self Descriptor) openAt(pathFlags PathFlags, path string, openFlags OpenFlags, flags DescriptorFlags, result *cm.Result[Descriptor, Descriptor, ErrorCode])
// RemoveDirectoryAt represents the method "remove-directory-at".
// Remove a directory.
// Return `error-code::not-empty` if the directory is not empty.
// Note: This is similar to `unlinkat(fd, path, AT_REMOVEDIR)` in POSIX.
// remove-directory-at: func(path: string) -> result<_, error-code>
func (self Descriptor) RemoveDirectoryAt(path string) cm.ErrResult[ErrorCode] {
var result cm.ErrResult[ErrorCode]
self.removeDirectoryAt(path, &result)
return result
//go:wasmimport wasi:filesystem/[email protected] [method]descriptor.remove-directory-at
func (self Descriptor) removeDirectoryAt(path string, result *cm.ErrResult[ErrorCode])
// SymlinkAt represents the method "symlink-at".
// Create a symbolic link (also known as a "symlink").
// If `old-path` starts with `/`, the function fails with
// `error-code::not-permitted`.
// Note: This is similar to `symlinkat` in POSIX.
// symlink-at: func(old-path: string, new-path: string) -> result<_, error-code>
func (self Descriptor) SymlinkAt(oldPath string, newPath string) cm.ErrResult[ErrorCode] {
var result cm.ErrResult[ErrorCode]
self.symlinkAt(oldPath, newPath, &result)
return result
//go:wasmimport wasi:filesystem/[email protected] [method]descriptor.symlink-at
func (self Descriptor) symlinkAt(oldPath string, newPath string, result *cm.ErrResult[ErrorCode])
// Write represents the method "write".
// Write to a descriptor, without using and updating the descriptor's offset.
// It is valid to write past the end of a file; the file is extended to the
// extent of the write, with bytes between the previous end and the start of
// the write set to zero.
// In the future, this may change to take a `stream<u8, error-code>`.
// Note: This is similar to `pwrite` in POSIX.
// write: func(buffer: list<u8>, offset: filesize) -> result<filesize, error-code>
func (self Descriptor) Write(buffer cm.List[uint8], offset FileSize) cm.Result[FileSize, FileSize, ErrorCode] {
var result cm.Result[FileSize, FileSize, ErrorCode]
self.write(buffer, offset, &result)
return result
//go:wasmimport wasi:filesystem/[email protected] [method]descriptor.write
func (self Descriptor) write(buffer cm.List[uint8], offset FileSize, result *cm.Result[FileSize, FileSize, ErrorCode])
// SetTimesAt represents the method "set-times-at".
// Adjust the timestamps of a file or directory.
// Note: This is similar to `utimensat` in POSIX.
// Note: This was called `path_filestat_set_times` in earlier versions of
// WASI.
// set-times-at: func(path-flags: path-flags, path: string, data-access-timestamp:
// new-timestamp, data-modification-timestamp: new-timestamp) -> result<_, error-code>
func (self Descriptor) SetTimesAt(pathFlags PathFlags, path string, dataAccessTimestamp NewTimestamp, dataModificationTimestamp NewTimestamp) cm.ErrResult[ErrorCode] {
var result cm.ErrResult[ErrorCode]
self.setTimesAt(pathFlags, path, dataAccessTimestamp, dataModificationTimestamp, &result)
return result
//go:wasmimport wasi:filesystem/[email protected] [method]descriptor.set-times-at
func (self Descriptor) setTimesAt(pathFlags PathFlags, path string, dataAccessTimestamp NewTimestamp, dataModificationTimestamp NewTimestamp, result *cm.ErrResult[ErrorCode])
// UnlinkFileAt represents the method "unlink-file-at".
// Unlink a filesystem object that is not a directory.
// Return `error-code::is-directory` if the path refers to a directory.
// Note: This is similar to `unlinkat(fd, path, 0)` in POSIX.
// unlink-file-at: func(path: string) -> result<_, error-code>
func (self Descriptor) UnlinkFileAt(path string) cm.ErrResult[ErrorCode] {
var result cm.ErrResult[ErrorCode]
self.unlinkFileAt(path, &result)
return result
//go:wasmimport wasi:filesystem/[email protected] [method]descriptor.unlink-file-at
func (self Descriptor) unlinkFileAt(path string, result *cm.ErrResult[ErrorCode])
// DescriptorFlags represents the flags "wasi:filesystem/[email protected]#descriptor-flags".
// Descriptor flags.
// Note: This was called `fdflags` in earlier versions of WASI.
// flags descriptor-flags {
// read,
// write,
// file-integrity-sync,
// data-integrity-sync,
// requested-write-sync,
// mutate-directory,
// }
type DescriptorFlags uint8
const (
// Read mode: Data can be read.
DescriptorFlagsRead DescriptorFlags = 1 << iota
// Write mode: Data can be written to.
// Request that writes be performed according to synchronized I/O file
// integrity completion. The data stored in the file and the file's
// metadata are synchronized. This is similar to `O_SYNC` in POSIX.
// The precise semantics of this operation have not yet been defined for
// WASI. At this time, it should be interpreted as a request, and not a
// requirement.
// Request that writes be performed according to synchronized I/O data
// integrity completion. Only the data stored in the file is
// synchronized. This is similar to `O_DSYNC` in POSIX.
// The precise semantics of this operation have not yet been defined for
// WASI. At this time, it should be interpreted as a request, and not a
// requirement.
// Requests that reads be performed at the same level of integrety
// requested for writes. This is similar to `O_RSYNC` in POSIX.
// The precise semantics of this operation have not yet been defined for
// WASI. At this time, it should be interpreted as a request, and not a
// requirement.
// Mutating directories mode: Directory contents may be mutated.
// When this flag is unset on a descriptor, operations using the
// descriptor which would create, rename, delete, modify the data or
// metadata of filesystem objects, or obtain another handle which
// would permit any of those, shall fail with `error-code::read-only` if
// they would otherwise succeed.
// This may only be set on directories.
// DescriptorStat represents the record "wasi:filesystem/[email protected]#descriptor-stat".
// File attributes.
// Note: This was called `filestat` in earlier versions of WASI.
// record descriptor-stat {
// %type: descriptor-type,
// link-count: link-count,
// size: filesize,
// data-access-timestamp: option<datetime>,
// data-modification-timestamp: option<datetime>,
// status-change-timestamp: option<datetime>,
// }
type DescriptorStat struct {
// File type.
Type DescriptorType
// Number of hard links to the file.
LinkCount LinkCount
// For regular files, the file size in bytes. For symbolic links, the
// length in bytes of the pathname contained in the symbolic link.
Size FileSize
// Last data access timestamp.
// If the `option` is none, the platform doesn't maintain an access
// timestamp for this file.
DataAccessTimestamp cm.Option[wallclock.DateTime]
// Last data modification timestamp.
// If the `option` is none, the platform doesn't maintain a
// modification timestamp for this file.
DataModificationTimestamp cm.Option[wallclock.DateTime]
// Last file status-change timestamp.
// If the `option` is none, the platform doesn't maintain a
// status-change timestamp for this file.
StatusChangeTimestamp cm.Option[wallclock.DateTime]
// DescriptorType represents the enum "wasi:filesystem/[email protected]#descriptor-type".
// The type of a filesystem object referenced by a descriptor.
// Note: This was called `filetype` in earlier versions of WASI.
// enum descriptor-type {
// unknown,
// block-device,
// character-device,
// directory,
// fifo,
// symbolic-link,
// regular-file,
// socket
// }
type DescriptorType uint8
const (
// The type of the descriptor or file is unknown or is different from
// any of the other types specified.
DescriptorTypeUnknown DescriptorType = iota
// The descriptor refers to a block device inode.
// The descriptor refers to a character device inode.
// The descriptor refers to a directory inode.
// The descriptor refers to a named pipe.
// The file refers to a symbolic link inode.
// The descriptor refers to a regular file inode.
// The descriptor refers to a socket.
// DirectoryEntry represents the record "wasi:filesystem/[email protected]#directory-entry".
// A directory entry.
// record directory-entry {
// %type: descriptor-type,
// name: string,
// }
type DirectoryEntry struct {
// The type of the file referred to by this directory entry.
Type DescriptorType
// The name of the object.
Name string
// DirectoryEntryStream represents the resource "wasi:filesystem/[email protected]#directory-entry-stream".
// A stream of directory entries.
// resource directory-entry-stream
type DirectoryEntryStream cm.Resource
// ReadDirectoryEntry represents the method "read-directory-entry".
// Read a single directory entry from a `directory-entry-stream`.
// read-directory-entry: func() -> result<option<directory-entry>, error-code>
func (self DirectoryEntryStream) ReadDirectoryEntry() cm.Result[cm.Option[DirectoryEntry], cm.Option[DirectoryEntry], ErrorCode] {
var result cm.Result[cm.Option[DirectoryEntry], cm.Option[DirectoryEntry], ErrorCode]
return result
//go:wasmimport wasi:filesystem/[email protected] [method]
func (self DirectoryEntryStream) readDirectoryEntry(result *cm.Result[cm.Option[DirectoryEntry], cm.Option[DirectoryEntry], ErrorCode])
// ErrorCode represents the enum "wasi:filesystem/[email protected]#error-code".
// Error codes returned by functions, similar to `errno` in POSIX.
// Not all of these error codes are returned by the functions provided by this
// API; some are used in higher-level library layers, and others are provided
// merely for alignment with POSIX.
// enum error-code {
// access,
// would-block,
// already,
// bad-descriptor,
// busy,
// deadlock,
// quota,
// exist,
// file-too-large,
// illegal-byte-sequence,
// in-progress,
// interrupted,
// invalid,
// io,
// is-directory,
// loop,
// too-many-links,
// message-size,
// name-too-long,
// no-device,
// no-entry,
// no-lock,
// insufficient-memory,
// insufficient-space,
// not-directory,
// not-empty,
// not-recoverable,
// unsupported,
// no-tty,
// no-such-device,
// overflow,
// not-permitted,
// pipe,
// read-only,
// invalid-seek,
// text-file-busy,
// cross-device
// }
type ErrorCode uint8
const (
// Permission denied, similar to `EACCES` in POSIX.
ErrorCodeAccess ErrorCode = iota
// Resource unavailable, or operation would block, similar to `EAGAIN` and `EWOULDBLOCK`
// in POSIX.
// Connection already in progress, similar to `EALREADY` in POSIX.
// Bad descriptor, similar to `EBADF` in POSIX.
// Device or resource busy, similar to `EBUSY` in POSIX.
// Resource deadlock would occur, similar to `EDEADLK` in POSIX.
// Storage quota exceeded, similar to `EDQUOT` in POSIX.
// File exists, similar to `EEXIST` in POSIX.
// File too large, similar to `EFBIG` in POSIX.
// Illegal byte sequence, similar to `EILSEQ` in POSIX.
// Operation in progress, similar to `EINPROGRESS` in POSIX.
// Interrupted function, similar to `EINTR` in POSIX.
// Invalid argument, similar to `EINVAL` in POSIX.
// I/O error, similar to `EIO` in POSIX.
// Is a directory, similar to `EISDIR` in POSIX.
// Too many levels of symbolic links, similar to `ELOOP` in POSIX.
// Too many links, similar to `EMLINK` in POSIX.
// Message too large, similar to `EMSGSIZE` in POSIX.
// Filename too long, similar to `ENAMETOOLONG` in POSIX.
// No such device, similar to `ENODEV` in POSIX.
// No such file or directory, similar to `ENOENT` in POSIX.
// No locks available, similar to `ENOLCK` in POSIX.
// Not enough space, similar to `ENOMEM` in POSIX.
// No space left on device, similar to `ENOSPC` in POSIX.
// Not a directory or a symbolic link to a directory, similar to `ENOTDIR` in POSIX.
// Directory not empty, similar to `ENOTEMPTY` in POSIX.
// State not recoverable, similar to `ENOTRECOVERABLE` in POSIX.
// Not supported, similar to `ENOTSUP` and `ENOSYS` in POSIX.
// Inappropriate I/O control operation, similar to `ENOTTY` in POSIX.
// No such device or address, similar to `ENXIO` in POSIX.
// Value too large to be stored in data type, similar to `EOVERFLOW` in POSIX.
// Operation not permitted, similar to `EPERM` in POSIX.
// Broken pipe, similar to `EPIPE` in POSIX.
// Read-only file system, similar to `EROFS` in POSIX.
// Invalid seek, similar to `ESPIPE` in POSIX.
// Text file busy, similar to `ETXTBSY` in POSIX.
// Cross-device link, similar to `EXDEV` in POSIX.
// FileSize represents the type "wasi:filesystem/[email protected]#filesize".
// File size or length of a region within a file.
// type filesize = u64
type FileSize uint64
// LinkCount represents the type "wasi:filesystem/[email protected]#link-count".
// Number of hard links to an inode.
// type link-count = u64
type LinkCount uint64
// MetadataHashValue represents the record "wasi:filesystem/[email protected]#metadata-hash-value".
// A 128-bit hash value, split into parts because wasm doesn't have a
// 128-bit integer type.
// record metadata-hash-value {
// lower: u64,
// upper: u64,
// }
type MetadataHashValue struct {
// 64 bits of a 128-bit hash value.
Lower uint64
// Another 64 bits of a 128-bit hash value.
Upper uint64
// NewTimestamp represents the variant "wasi:filesystem/[email protected]#new-timestamp".
// When setting a timestamp, this gives the value to set it to.
// variant new-timestamp {
// no-change,
// now,
// timestamp(datetime),
// }
type NewTimestamp cm.Variant[uint8, wallclock.DateTime, wallclock.DateTime]
// NewTimestampNoChange returns a [NewTimestamp] of case "no-change".
// Leave the timestamp set to its previous value.
func NewTimestampNoChange() NewTimestamp {
var data struct{}
return cm.New[NewTimestamp](0, data)
// NoChange returns true if [NewTimestamp] represents the variant case "no-change".
func (self *NewTimestamp) NoChange() bool {
return cm.Tag(self) == 0
// NewTimestampNow returns a [NewTimestamp] of case "now".
// Set the timestamp to the current time of the system clock associated
// with the filesystem.
func NewTimestampNow() NewTimestamp {
var data struct{}
return cm.New[NewTimestamp](1, data)
// Now returns true if [NewTimestamp] represents the variant case "now".
func (self *NewTimestamp) Now() bool {
return cm.Tag(self) == 1
// NewTimestampTimestamp returns a [NewTimestamp] of case "timestamp".
// Set the timestamp to the given value.
func NewTimestampTimestamp(data wallclock.DateTime) NewTimestamp {
return cm.New[NewTimestamp](2, data)
// Timestamp returns a non-nil *[wallclock.DateTime] if [NewTimestamp] represents the variant case "timestamp".
func (self *NewTimestamp) Timestamp() *wallclock.DateTime {
return cm.Case[wallclock.DateTime](self, 2)
// OpenFlags represents the flags "wasi:filesystem/[email protected]#open-flags".
// Open flags used by `open-at`.
// flags open-flags {
// create,
// directory,
// exclusive,
// truncate,
// }
type OpenFlags uint8
const (
// Create file if it does not exist, similar to `O_CREAT` in POSIX.
OpenFlagsCreate OpenFlags = 1 << iota
// Fail if not a directory, similar to `O_DIRECTORY` in POSIX.
// Fail if file already exists, similar to `O_EXCL` in POSIX.
// Truncate file to size 0, similar to `O_TRUNC` in POSIX.
// PathFlags represents the flags "wasi:filesystem/[email protected]#path-flags".
// Flags determining the method of how paths are resolved.
// flags path-flags {
// symlink-follow,
// }
type PathFlags uint8
const (
// As long as the resolved path corresponds to a symbolic link, it is
// expanded.
PathFlagsSymlinkFollow PathFlags = 1 << iota
// FilesystemErrorCode represents the function "wasi:filesystem/[email protected]#filesystem-error-code".
// Attempts to extract a filesystem-related `error-code` from the stream
// `error` provided.
// Stream operations which return `stream-error::last-operation-failed`
// have a payload with more information about the operation that failed.
// This payload can be passed through to this function to see if there's
// filesystem-related information about the error to return.
// Note that this function is fallible because not all stream-related
// errors are filesystem-related errors.
// filesystem-error-code: func(err: borrow<error>) -> option<error-code>
func FilesystemErrorCode(err ioerror.Error) cm.Option[ErrorCode] {
var result cm.Option[ErrorCode]
filesystemErrorCode(err, &result)
return result
//go:wasmimport wasi:filesystem/[email protected] filesystem-error-code
func filesystemErrorCode(err ioerror.Error, result *cm.Option[ErrorCode])
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