New ASCA Research Group: Data Drive
Organizers: Prof. Robin Boast, Dr. Jan Hein Hoogstad, and Prof. Sander van Maas
Note: This text is work-in-progress and will periodically be updated as the project advances. The most up-to-date version can be found here:
In 'The Age of the World Picture' (1938), Martin Heidegger argues that modern science and technology rest in their entirety on computation. Importantly, he warns that these ever-growing numbers and increasingly complex calculations come with a uncontrollable, and all-encompassing shadow. According to Heidegger, however, this shadow does not only designate a loss of control, it also announces the coming of a new era :
"Everyday opinion sees in the shadow only the lack of light, if not light's complete denial. In truth, however, the shadow is a manifest, though impenetrable, testimony emitting of light. In keeping with this concept of shadow, we experience the inc