Supposedly, you are on macOS. You want to stream live to YouTube, VK, and maybe a few other platforms.
First, install OBS, ffmpeg, and mac-local-rtmp-server.
Then, create this script:
vk=9385443863383_8393931956757_jsuqjadrew # your key goes here
youtube=sxhe-iktg-w4cj-44rg-3rgf # replace with your key
ffmpeg -i rtmp:// \
-c:v copy -c:a copy -map 0 -f tee \
Start mac-local-rtmp-server
, you should see its icon in the menu bar.
Start OBS, go to "Settings/Stream/Destination", and configure it like this:
Server: rtmp://
Stream key: swordfish
Now, click "Start streaming" in OBS.
Finally, run the bash script and let it stream.
BTW, I didn't manage to configure my script to stream to Twitter/X. Do you know how this can be done?