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Created May 24, 2024 18:11
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//Tasofidiy son generatsiya qilish
function lcg(&$seed) {
//ushbu qiymatlar CSda tasodifiy son generatsiyasi uchun eng ko'p statistikalarga asoslanib aniqlangan
$a = 1664525;
$c = 1013904223;
// 2ning 32-darajasi
$m = pow(2, 32);
$seed = ($a * $seed + $c) % $m;
return $seed;
//Diapazon asosida tasofidiy son generatsiya qilish
function lcg_with_range(&$seed, $min, $max) {
$random_number = lcg($seed);
return $min + ($random_number % ($max - $min + 1));
$seed = 123;
//$seed = microtime(true);
for ($i = 0; $i < 10; $i++) {
echo lcg_with_range($seed, 0, 10) . "\n";
function middleSquare($seed, $digits = 4) {
$numbers = [];
$numDigits = strlen((string)$seed);
// Kirish uzunligi juft ekanligiga ishonch hosil qilish
if ($numDigits % 2 != 0) {
echo "Kirish juft son bo'lishi lozim.\n";
for ($i = 0; $i < $digits; $i++) {
// Kavadratni hisoblash
$square = (string)($seed * $seed);
// Zarurat tug'ilganda kavadrat natijasining boshini 0 bilan to'ldirish
while (strlen($square) < $numDigits * 2) {
$square = "0" . $square;
// Markazdagi sonni olish
$start = (strlen($square) - $numDigits) / 2;
$seed = (int)substr($square, $start, $numDigits);
// Natijalarga qo'shish
$numbers[] = $seed;
return $numbers;
// Kirish
$seed = 12342;
$randomNumbers = middleSquare($seed, 10);
echo "Tasodify raqamlar: " . implode(", ", $randomNumbers) . "\n";
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