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Last active December 12, 2015 01:18
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glasslab@flash:~/newworkstation/vagrant-example$ ansible -m setup -u glasslab -k
SSH password: | success >> {
"ansible_facts": {
"ansible_all_ipv4_addresses": [
"ansible_all_ipv6_addresses": [
"ansible_architecture": "i386",
"ansible_bios_date": "08/05/2005",
"ansible_bios_version": "A03",
"ansible_cmdline": {
"BOOT_IMAGE": "/vmlinuz-3.2.0-39-generic-pae",
"ro": true,
"root": "/dev/mapper/flash-root"
"ansible_date_time": {
"date": "2013-04-17",
"day": "17",
"epoch": "1366218043",
"hour": "13",
"iso8601": "2013-04-17T17:00:43Z",
"iso8601_micro": "2013-04-17T17:00:43.284007Z",
"minute": "00",
"month": "04",
"second": "43",
"time": "13:00:43",
"tz": "EDT",
"year": "2013"
"ansible_default_ipv4": {
"address": "",
"alias": "eth0",
"gateway": "",
"interface": "eth0",
"macaddress": "00:14:22:3a:76:8b",
"mtu": "1500",
"netmask": "",
"network": "",
"type": "ether"
"ansible_default_ipv6": {
"address": "fe80::214:22ff:fe3a:768b",
"gateway": "fe80::218:e7ff:feff:8c2f",
"interface": "eth0",
"macaddress": "00:14:22:3a:76:8b",
"mtu": "1500",
"prefix": "64",
"scope": "link",
"type": "ether"
"ansible_devices": {
"fd0": {
"holders": [],
"host": "",
"model": null,
"partitions": {},
"removable": "1",
"rotational": "1",
"scheduler_mode": "cfq",
"sectors": "0",
"sectorsize": "512",
"size": "0.00 Bytes",
"support_discard": "0",
"vendor": null
"sda": {
"holders": [],
"host": "IDE interface: Intel Corporation N10/ICH7 Family SATA Controller [IDE mode] (rev 01)",
"model": "HDS728080PLA380",
"partitions": {
"sda1": {
"sectors": "497664",
"sectorsize": 512,
"size": "243.00 MB",
"start": "2048"
"sda2": {
"sectors": "2",
"sectorsize": 512,
"size": "1.00 KB",
"start": "501758"
"sda5": {
"sectors": "155746304",
"sectorsize": 512,
"size": "74.27 GB",
"start": "501760"
"removable": "0",
"rotational": "1",
"scheduler_mode": "cfq",
"sectors": "156250000",
"sectorsize": "512",
"size": "74.51 GB",
"support_discard": "0",
"vendor": "ATA"
"sr0": {
"holders": [],
"host": "IDE interface: Intel Corporation N10/ICH7 Family SATA Controller [IDE mode] (rev 01)",
"model": "DVD-ROM TS-H352C",
"partitions": {},
"removable": "1",
"rotational": "1",
"scheduler_mode": "cfq",
"sectors": "2097151",
"sectorsize": "512",
"size": "1024.00 MB",
"support_discard": "0",
"vendor": "TSSTcorp"
"ansible_distribution": "Ubuntu",
"ansible_distribution_release": "precise",
"ansible_distribution_version": "12.04",
"ansible_domain": "",
"ansible_eth0": {
"device": "eth0",
"ipv4": {
"address": "",
"netmask": "",
"network": ""
"ipv6": [
"address": "fe80::214:22ff:fe3a:768b",
"prefix": "64",
"scope": "link"
"macaddress": "00:14:22:3a:76:8b",
"mtu": "1500",
"type": "ether"
"ansible_form_factor": "Mini Tower",
"ansible_fqdn": "flash",
"ansible_hostname": "flash",
"ansible_interfaces": [
"ansible_kernel": "3.2.0-39-generic-pae",
"ansible_lo": {
"device": "lo",
"ipv4": {
"address": "",
"netmask": "",
"network": ""
"ipv6": [
"address": "::1",
"prefix": "128",
"scope": "host"
"macaddress": "00:00:00:00:00:00",
"mtu": "16436",
"type": "loopback"
"ansible_lsb": {
"codename": "precise",
"description": "Ubuntu 12.04.1 LTS",
"id": "Ubuntu",
"major_release": "12",
"release": "12.04"
"ansible_machine": "i686",
"ansible_memfree_mb": 139,
"ansible_memtotal_mb": 2003,
"ansible_mounts": [
"device": "/dev/mapper/flash-root",
"fstype": "ext4",
"mount": "/",
"options": "rw,errors=remount-ro"
"device": "/dev/sda1",
"fstype": "ext2",
"mount": "/boot",
"options": "rw"
"ansible_os_family": "Debian",
"ansible_pkg_mgr": "apt",
"ansible_processor": [
"Intel(R) Pentium(R) 4 CPU 3.20GHz"
"ansible_processor_cores": 1,
"ansible_processor_count": 1,
"ansible_product_name": "OptiPlex GX620",
"ansible_product_serial": "NA",
"ansible_product_uuid": "NA",
"ansible_product_version": "NA",
"ansible_python_version": "2.7.3",
"ansible_selinux": false,
"ansible_ssh_host_key_dsa_public": "AAAAB3Nza..........",
"ansible_ssh_host_key_rsa_public": "AAAAB3NzaC1yc2EA.......",
"ansible_swapfree_mb": 2035,
"ansible_swaptotal_mb": 2035,
"ansible_system": "Linux",
"ansible_system_vendor": "Dell Inc.",
"ansible_user_id": "glasslab",
"ansible_virtualization_role": "host",
"ansible_virtualization_type": "virtualbox"
"changed": false,
"verbose_override": true
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