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yewtudotbe /
Last active February 13, 2025 21:34
Why was down? (July 2023)

On the 30th of June, my cloud provider, Oracle Cloud, decided to shutdown all my servers hosted on two Oracle Cloud accounts.
It is known that this provider will randomly ban accounts without any reason.

Why doesn't accept new registrations nor logging into an account?

Unfortunately and this is 100% my fault for forgetting that, I only had data duplication between servers located in the two Oracle Cloud accounts and no backups.
I thought that I wouldn't get all my accounts in trouble at the same time and able to recover the data from one of the two accounts but unfortunately this turned out otherwise.

Implementing some backup was something I had in my notes for a long time but I think I forgot about it, maybe due to the huge amount of work I spend on the open source projects.
I'm deeply sorry if you have lost your subscriptions list or playlists or watch history. I did try to contact Oracle Cloud for recovering the data, I'm waiting for their answer but you should be certain that they