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Created June 1, 2019 14:33
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Generate @font-faces from the font files of a given directory
# Generate @font-faces from font files in a given directory.
# Very basic; doesn't suppport multiple files per @font-face
from pathlib import Path
import sys
font_formats = {"ttf":"truetype", "otf":"opentype", "woff":"woff", "woff2":"woff2"}
dir = ""
# You can pass the directory in an argument
if len(sys.argv) > 1:
dir = sys.argv[1]
# Getting all the files
files = Path(dir)
# Keeping only the font files
font_files = [file for file in files.iterdir() if file.suffix[1:].lower() in font_formats]
if len(font_files) > 1:
font_family = ""
# Determining the font family
c = 0
while c < min(len(font_files[0].stem),len(font_files[-1].stem)) and font_files[0].stem[c] == font_files[-1].stem[c]:
font_family += font_files[0].stem[c]
font_family = font_family.rstrip("-_")
# Going through all the fonts
for font in font_files:
# Removing case & separator characters
cleaname = font.stem.lower().translate({ord(i): None for i in "-_ "})
font_weight = 400
font_style = "normal"
font_format = font_formats[font.suffix[1:].lower()]
# Guessing the font-weight from the filename
if "heavy" in cleaname or\
"extrablack" in cleaname or\
"ultrablack" in cleaname:
font_weight = 900
elif "black" in cleaname or \
"extrabold" in cleaname or \
"ultrabold" in cleaname:
font_weight = 800
elif "semibold" in cleaname or \
"demibold" in cleaname:
font_weight = 600
elif "bold" in cleaname:
font_weight = 700
elif "medium" in cleaname:
font_weight = 500
elif "book" in cleaname or \
"demi" in cleaname:
font_weight = 350
elif "extralight" in cleaname or \
"ultralight" in cleaname:
font_weight = 200
elif "light" in cleaname:
font_weight = 300
elif "thin" in cleaname or \
"hairline" in cleaname:
font_weight = 100
# Guessing the font-style from the filename
if "italic" in cleaname:
font_style = "italic"
font_face_template = "@font-face {{\n"\
"\tfont-family: '{family}';\n"\
"\tsrc: url('{filename}') format('{format}');\n"\
"\tfont-weight: {weight};\n"\
"\tfont-style: {style};\n"\
# Just printing, up to you to redirect the output to whatever you want
print(font_face_template.format(family=font_family,, format=font_format, weight=font_weight, style=font_style))
print("There's like one font file... just do it by hand!")
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