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Last active September 19, 2015 21:15
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Test the numerical stability of different techniques for computing normals.
from __future__ import print_function, division
from math import *
from numpy import *
from pprint import pprint
def get_rotation_matrix( axis, radians ):
Given the axis, angle rotation defined by 'axis' and 'radians', returns a
3x3 numpy.matrix M suitable for multiplying a 3-vector v: M*v.
NOTE: the angle is in radians, not degrees as glRotate*() takes.
## A CCW rotation of pi/2 radians about the z axis in the xy plane. Maps <1,0,0> to <0,1,0>.
dot( asarray( get_rotation_matrix( (0,0,1), pi/2 ) ), (1,0,0) )
## The matrix transforming a plane with arbitrary normal to the xy plane:
asarray( get_rotation_matrix( *get_axis_angle_rotation( plane_normal, (0,0,1) ) ) )
This function comes from
axis = asfarray( axis )
## This code comes from hmatrix.h / adt/mat3t.h
u = normalize( axis )
u1 = u[0]
u2 = u[1]
u3 = u[2]
U = asfarray([
[u1*u1, u1*u2, u1*u3],
[u2*u1, u2*u2, u2*u3],
[u3*u1, u3*u2, u3*u3]
S = asfarray([
[0, -u3, u2],
[u3, 0, -u1],
[-u2, u1, 0]
result = U + (identity(3) - U) * cos(radians) + S * sin(radians)
return result
def magnitude2( n ):
return dot( n, n )
def magnitude( n ):
return sqrt( magnitude2( n ) )
def normalize( n ):
n = n.copy()
mag = magnitude( n )
if mag != 0.:
n /= mag
return n
def random_unit_vector():
## Normalize any vector.
## What about all zeros?
# return normalize( random.random(3) )
while True:
v = random.random(3)
## Skip the zero vector.
if ( v == 0. ).all(): continue
## Reject points outside the unit sphere.
if magnitude2( v ) > 1.: continue
## If we're still here, we are good. Return the normalized vector.
return normalize( v )
def normal_naive0( f ):
n = cross( f[1] - f[0], f[2] - f[0] )
return n
def normal_naive1( f ):
n = cross( f[2] - f[1], f[0] - f[1] )
return n
def normal_naive2( f ):
n = cross( f[0] - f[2], f[1] - f[2] )
return n
def normal_all_average_before_normalizing( f ):
## Average without normalizing
n1 = cross( f[1] - f[0], f[2] - f[0] )
n2 = cross( f[2] - f[1], f[0] - f[1] )
n3 = cross( f[0] - f[2], f[1] - f[2] )
n = n1 + n2 + n3
return n
def normal_all_average_after_normalizing( f ):
n1 = normalize( cross( f[1] - f[0], f[2] - f[0] ) )
n2 = normalize( cross( f[2] - f[1], f[0] - f[1] ) )
n3 = normalize( cross( f[0] - f[2], f[1] - f[2] ) )
n = n1 + n2 + n3
return n
def normal_svd( f ):
## Subtract the centroid
centroid = average( f, axis = 0 )
centered = f - centroid
U, sigma, V = linalg.svd( centered )
## SVD will return the unit axes if all singular values are 0.
## It would be cheating if the target normal were (0,0,1).
if ( sigma < 1e-8 ).all(): print( 'SVD would be cheating if the target normal were (0,0,1).' )
#print( 'U:', U )
#print( 'sigma:', sigma )
#print( 'V:', V )
n = V[2]
## ALERT! We don't know whether it should be + or - n.
return n
def test_many_normals( fs, ns_should_be, perps_should_be = None ):
names = 'naive0', 'naive1', 'naive2', 'all_average_before_normalizing', 'all_average_after_normalizing', 'svd'
diff_errors = { name: 0. for name in names }
perp_errors = { name: 0. for name in names }
ground_truth_perp_error = 0.
if perps_should_be is None: perps_should_be = zeros( ( len( fs ), 0, 3 ) )
assert len( fs ) == len( ns_should_be )
assert len( fs ) == len( perps_should_be )
N = len( fs )
for f, n_should_be, perp_should_be in zip( fs, ns_should_be, perps_should_be ):
for name in names:
func = globals()[ 'normal_' + name ]
prenormalized_n = func( f )
## A patch for svd, which doesn't know the sign:
if dot( prenormalized_n, n_should_be ) < 0.: prenormalized_n = -prenormalized_n
n = normalize( prenormalized_n )
diff_err = abs( n - n_should_be ).sum()
diff_errors[ name ] += diff_err
for p in perp_should_be:
assert prenormalized_n.shape == p.shape
perp_err = abs( dot( prenormalized_n, p ) )
mag2 = magnitude2( prenormalized_n )
## We do have to appropriately normalize this error.
if mag2 > 0.:
perp_err *= 1./sqrt( mag2 )
perp_errors[ name ] += perp_err
## Let's also evaluate n_should_be with perp_should_be
for p in perp_should_be:
perp_err = abs( dot( n_should_be, p ) )
ground_truth_perp_error += perp_err
print( '# Total L1 error |n - what n should be|:' )
# pprint( errors )
pprint( sorted( diff_errors.iteritems(), key = lambda e: e[1] ) )
## Average
average_diff_errors = {}
for name, error in diff_errors.iteritems():
## Divide by 3, because there are three components for the normals.
assert 3 == ns_should_be.shape[1]
average_diff_errors[ name ] = error / (3*N)
print( '# Average L1 error |n - what n should be|:' )
# pprint( errors )
pprint( sorted( average_diff_errors.iteritems(), key = lambda e: e[1] ) )
## If we have no perpendicular vectors, return.
if perps_should_be.shape[1] == 0: return
print( '# Total prenormalized perpendicular dot error |dot( prenormalized n, perpendicular vector )|/|prenormalized n|:' )
# pprint( errors )
pprint( sorted( perp_errors.iteritems(), key = lambda e: e[1] ) )
## Average
average_perp_errors = {}
for name, error in perp_errors.iteritems():
average_perp_errors[ name ] = error / ( N * perps_should_be.shape[1] )
print( '# Average prenormalized perpendicular dot error |dot( prenormalized n, perpendicular vector )|/|prenormalized n|:' )
# pprint( errors )
pprint( sorted( average_perp_errors.iteritems(), key = lambda e: e[1] ) )
print( '# Ground truth normal perpendicular dot error |dot( true n, perpendicular vector )|:' )
print( 'total:', ground_truth_perp_error )
print( 'average:', ground_truth_perp_error / ( N * perps_should_be.shape[1] ) )
def test_one_normal( f ):
names = 'naive0', 'naive1', 'naive2', 'all_average_before_normalizing', 'all_average_after_normalizing', 'svd'
for name in names:
func = globals()[ 'normal_' + name ]
prenormalized_n = func( f )
n = normalize( prenormalized_n )
print( name, n, '(prenormalized:', prenormalized_n, ')' )
def test_thin( s = 100 ):
print( '### test_thin( s = %r )' % ( s, ) )
## The following line allows us to take string input.
s = float( s )
f = asfarray([
( 0,0,0 ),
( 1,0,0 ),
( 1./s,1./s,0 )
test_one_normal( f )
def test_random_rotation( N = 10000, s = 1e20 ):
print( '### test_random_rotation( N = %r, s = %r )' % ( N, s ) )
## The following line allows us to take string input.
N = int( N )
s = float( s )
## Pick three random points on the z = 0 plane.
fs = random.random( (N,3,3) )
fs[:,:,0] /= s
fs[:,:,2] = 0.
## Normals.
ns_should_be = zeros( ( N, 3 ) )
ns_should_be[:,2] = 1.
## Perpendicular vectors.
perps_should_be = zeros( ( N, 5, 3 ) )
perps_should_be[:,0,:] = (1,0,0)
perps_should_be[:,1,:] = (0,1,0)
for i in range( N ):
## Generate a random rotation matrix.
axis = random_unit_vector()
angle = pi*random.random()
R = get_rotation_matrix( axis, angle )
## Rotate the face vertices, the normal, and the first two perpendicular vectors.
fs[i] = [ dot( R, v ) for v in fs[i] ]
ns_should_be[i] = dot( R, ns_should_be[i] )
for j in range(2):
perps_should_be[i][j] = dot( R, perps_should_be[i][j] )
## Three more perpendicular vectors are the triangles' edges.
perps_should_be[:,2,:] = fs[:,2,:] - fs[:,1,:]
perps_should_be[:,3,:] = fs[:,1,:] - fs[:,0,:]
perps_should_be[:,4,:] = fs[:,0,:] - fs[:,2,:]
## Use only the triangles' edge vectors.
perps_should_be = perps_should_be[:,2:,:]
test_many_normals( fs, ns_should_be, perps_should_be )
def test_random_plane( N = 10000, s = 1e20 ):
print( '### test_random_plane( N = %r, s = %r )' % ( N, s ) )
## The following line allows us to take string input.
N = int( N )
s = float( s )
## Generate random points on a random plane.
## If we choose a plane normal with z > 0, we can lift a point in the z=0 plane
## appropriately.
## Pick three random points on the z = 0 plane.
fs = random.random( (N,3,3) )
fs[:,:,0] /= s
fs[:,:,2] = 0.
## Space for normals.
ns_should_be = zeros( ( N, 3 ) )
## Space for perpendicular vectors.
perps_should_be = zeros( ( N, 5, 3 ) )
perps_should_be[:,0,:] = (1,0,0)
perps_should_be[:,1,:] = (0,1,0)
## Generate a random unit normal with z>0, generate an offset, and lift the xy points.
for i in range( N ):
## Get a normal vector with positive z.
while True:
normal = random_unit_vector()
if normal[2] > .1: break
## Generate a random offset in [0,1).
offset = random.random()
## The function returning the z value for a given x,y.
def plane_z( xy ):
return ( dot( xy, normal[:2] ) + offset )/-normal[2]
## Generate z values for the xy points.
fs[i,:,2] = [ plane_z( v[:2] ) for v in fs[i] ]
## The normal is the plane's normal.
ns_should_be[i] = normal
## The first two perpendicular vectors are the unit +x, +y directions on the plane.
perps_should_be[i,0,2] = plane_z( perps_should_be[i,0,:2] )
perps_should_be[i,1,2] = plane_z( perps_should_be[i,1,:2] )
## Three more perpendicular vectors are the triangles' edges.
perps_should_be[:,2,:] = fs[:,2,:] - fs[:,1,:]
perps_should_be[:,3,:] = fs[:,1,:] - fs[:,0,:]
perps_should_be[:,4,:] = fs[:,0,:] - fs[:,2,:]
## Use only the triangles' edge vectors.
perps_should_be = perps_should_be[:,2:,:]
test_many_normals( fs, ns_should_be, perps_should_be )
def usage():
import sys
print( 'Usage:', sys.argv[0], 'thin [stretch-factor (default = 100)]', file = sys.stderr )
print( 'Usage:', sys.argv[0], 'random_rotation [number-of-triangles (default = 2000) [stretch-factor (default = 1e20)]]', file = sys.stderr )
print( 'Usage:', sys.argv[0], 'random_plane [number-of-triangles (default = 2000) [stretch-factor (default = 1e20)]]', file = sys.stderr )
if __name__ == '__main__':
import sys
if len( sys.argv ) == 1:
which = sys.argv[1]
func = globals()[ 'test_' + which ]
func( *sys.argv[2:] )
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