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Last active December 5, 2024 15:39
Latex space saving tricks
%% Make everything look better.
%% Shrink space around figures.
%% This beats manually adding negative \vspace commands everywhere.
%\setlength{\textfloatsep}{20pt plus 2pt minus 4pt}
%\setlength{\textfloatsep}{10pt plus 2pt minus 4pt}
%\setlength{\textfloatsep}{10pt plus 1pt minus 2pt}
%% around equations
%% The wrapfigure environment is also a good way to use less space for a small figure.
%% It is finicky.
%% See:,_Figures_and_Captions#Wrapping_text_around_figures
%% Shrink space around enumerate and itemize
%% From:
%% Set it globally:
% \setlist{nosep} % or \setlist{noitemsep} to leave space around whole list
% \setlist{itemsep=1pt, topsep=3pt}
%% Or locally:
% \begin{enumerate}[itemsep=1pt, topsep=12pt, partopsep=0pt]
%% Less space around titles.
%% From:
%% or
%% Shrink the \paragraph command.
%\renewcommand{\paragraph}[1]{\noindent {\bf #1}}
%% Allow Latex to use a smaller minimum spacing between lines.
%% Shrink space between lines. You probably want to prefer baselinestretch in general.
%% From:
%% 6 lines in one inch with an 11pt font:
%% Shrink the spacing between lines in just the bibliography. This is good.
% \usepackage{setspace}
%% Then wrap the bibliography in a \begin{spacing}. You can wrap any section like this.
% \begin{spacing}{0.9}
% \bibliographystyle{...}
% \bibliography{references}
% \end{spacing}
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xiaohk commented Sep 13, 2021

Super helpful list!

I also like to use \looseness=-1 at the end of a paragraph to deal with widow words.

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