- iTerm2 - If you want to customise your terminal
- BetterTouchTool - Actually makes your touchbar useful
- Rambox - Puts all your chat apps and emails into one convenient place
- IntelliJ - IDE of choice
- VSCode - If you don't want an IDE but still want to get shit done
- Sublime Text - Better than Notes
- Postman - For all your API stuff
- XCode - Cos development on Mac just needs this
- Docker - Cos VMs are a thing of the past(?)
- VirtualBox - In case you still need to deal with pesky VMs
- Android Studio - For your mobile development stuff
- Spotify - Increases productivity
- Vanilla - To hide all your menu bar icons for that minimalistic feelz
- IINA - Video player
- Homebrew - The be-all-end-all package manager for Mac
- AdoptOpenJdk - Or any java dialect of choice really
- Maven - For your Java dependencies
- Go - I like Go
- AWS - To interact with your AWS stuff
- GCP - To interact with your GCP stuff
- Protobuf - gRPC is actually nice
- Python3 - Mac's Python is actually v2. So. Upgrade it.
- Pyenv - To manage your python versioning
- Flutter - For your mobile app development
- Kotlin - This is why Scala is a thing of the past
- Scala - You are probably only needing this for Spark
- Rust - Cos you wanna be a hipster but you hate C++
- Node - To spin up all your JS stuff
- Yarn - Package manager for JS. You will probably need this if you are a web dev.
- ripgrep - Cos grep just doesn't cut it anymore
- oh-my-zsh - Love this. Just organises your zsh configs so nicely
- PowerLevel10k - My shell needs fancy icons
- z - Typing out full paths are for plebs
- zsh-autosuggestions - Pressing up and down takes too long
- zsh-syntax-highlighting - My shell needs pretty colours
- homebrew-command-not-found - I have no idea what to brew install
ssh-keygen -t rsa -b 2048 -C "[email protected]"
- Just generate one and use it forever
Pick your poison. I am not wading into this war. So I am just giving a bunch of choices.
- Chrome - I just wanna surf the web with all my bookmarks
- Chromium - I like Chrome. I don't like Google.
- Firefox - I hate Google
- Brave - I hate ads
- Vivaldi - I used to use Opera
- Tor - I am paranoid
- Browserosaurus - Not really a browser, but it helps you select your preferred browser, especially when you have multiple browsers