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Created December 27, 2015 12:23
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// create CUSTOMER table
db.execSQL("CREATE TABLE \"CUSTOMER\" (" + //
"\"_id\" INTEGER PRIMARY KEY ," + // 0: id
"\"NAME\" TEXT NOT NULL );"); // 1: name
// create NOTE table
db.execSQL("CREATE TABLE \"NOTE\" (" + //
"\"_id\" INTEGER PRIMARY KEY ," + // 0: id
"\"TEXT\" TEXT NOT NULL ," + // 1: text
"\"COMMENT\" TEXT," + // 2: comment
"\"DATE\" INTEGER);"); // 3: date
// create ORDERS table
db.execSQL("CREATE TABLE \"ORDERS\" (" + //
"\"_id\" INTEGER PRIMARY KEY ," + // 0: id
"\"DATE\" INTEGER," + // 1: date
"\"CUSTOMER_ID\" INTEGER NOT NULL );"); // 2: customerId
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