I have been working with a consortial college library system since 2007. Having spent this time teaching myself web development, I would like to join a small web team, whether independent or part of a larger company. I have recently been experimenting with Scrum methodology, and would be particularly interested in continuing. As an introvert and self-starter, I excel in a quiet work environment as an autonomous part of a team. My development to this point has been mostly solo, and I am looking forward to working with and learning from other developers.
@yitznewton | [email protected]
- Four years' experience with PHP5
- TDD (PHPUnit)
- symfony1
- experimental experience with symfony2
- Kohana framework (a fork of CodeIgniter)
- Silex
- Drupal
- Propel ORM
- Doctrine ORM
- JavaScript
- jQuery/jQuery UI
- xui.js
- JsTestDriver
- git, Mercurial, Subversion
- GIMP (image editor)
- Perl
- Expect
- Apache Solr
- Four years' experience administering Ubuntu Linux webservers
- Apache httpd
- nginx + php-fpm (compiled)
- Nagios
- puppet
FreERMS - symfony 1.4 PHP framework: an electronic resource management solution for libraries
EmeraldView - Kohana 2.3 PHP framework: a web frontend for the Greenstone Digital Library. Live example: http://www.tidhar.tourolib.org/
facpubs - symfony 1.4 PHP framework: an index of publications by faculty of an academic institution. Live example: http://facpubs.tourolib.org/
- iii-expect-perl: a Perl Expect console-scraping interface to the telnet/SSH client of a popular integrated library system; useful for automating procedures.
- Systems Manager, 2009-present
- Systems Librarian, 2007-2009
- Technical Services Assistant (part time), 2002-2007
- Develop library web applications
- Maintain the library's Drupal-powered main website
- Administer Linux web applications server
- Co-administer integrated library system
- Research and recommend new technologies for adoption by the libraries
- Supervise one technical support/development assistant
- Plan and execute projects to digitize books selected by library administration
- Train library staff in the use of relevant systems
- Master of Library Science: 2007, Queens College (CUNY)
- Bachelor of Arts, Sociology: 2003, Queens College (CUNY)
- Hiking
- Personality typology
- Talmud
- Philosophy
- Musical theater
- Epic fantasy literature