For this challenge you have to recreate the github repositories page ( for any given user. It has to show the repositories list with basic information about the repository. Also you must be able to search by name. The content must be comfortably visible in a standard display with a resolution of 1920×1080
You must use the Github API (It is public and free!) to fetch the information about any public user.
- React (Create React App is ok)
- Typescript
- CSS (SASS, SCSS, PostCSS is ok) (Frameworks like Bootstrap / Tailwind is ok)
- How to connect to an external API
- How reusable are the Components
- How to filter results
- How to create tests
- Repositories List
- Search by Repository Name
- Repository Card with Name and Description
- Basic Tests with Jest (Snapshot Tests)
- Basic Page Layout (Header, Content and Footer)
- Profile Info
- Filtering
- Activity Graph
- Detailed Repo Info Card
- Animations
- Icons (Font Awesome)
- Integration Tests (Jest)
- End to End Tests (Cypress)
- Resposive Layout
- Dark Mode / Light Mode
- Cell Recycling View
- Suspense / Loader
- Caching
- Pagination
- Anything... Your imagination is the limit