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<?php | |
# xxx/yyyBundle/Command/AddFulltextIndexesCommand.php | |
/** | |
* AddFulltextIndexesCommand.php | |
* | |
* @author Jérémy Hubert <[email protected]> | |
* @since lun. 26 sept. 2011 09:23:53 | |
*/ | |
namespace xxx\yyyBundle\Command; | |
use Symfony\Bundle\FrameworkBundle\Command\ContainerAwareCommand; | |
use Symfony\Component\Console\ConsoleInput\InputArgument; | |
use Symfony\Component\Console\Input\InputOption; | |
use Symfony\Component\Console\Input\InputInterface; | |
use Symfony\Component\Console\Output\OutputInterface; | |
use Symfony\Component\Console\Output\Output; | |
use Sensio\Bundle\GeneratorBundle\Command\Helper\DialogHelper; | |
use Doctrine\ORM\Query\ResultSetMappingBuilder; | |
class AddFulltextIndexesCommand extends ContainerAwareCommand | |
{ | |
public function configure() | |
{ | |
$this->setName('project:build-fulltext'); | |
$this->setDescription('Crée les champs fulltext pour rétablir la recherche'); | |
} | |
public function execute(InputInterface $input, OutputInterface $output) | |
{ | |
$connection = $this->getContainer()->get('doctrine')->getConnection(); | |
$dialog = $this->getDialogHelper(); | |
$dialog->writeSection($output, 'Création des liens pour la table Address'); | |
$connection->query("ALTER TABLE `xxx`.`Address` ADD FULLTEXT `search_indexes` ( `name` , `street` , `postal` , `city` , `state` , `country` )"); | |
$dialog->writeSection($output, 'Terminé.'); | |
} | |
protected function getDialogHelper() | |
{ | |
$dialog = $this->getHelperSet()->get('dialog'); | |
if (!$dialog || get_class($dialog) !== 'Sensio\Bundle\GeneratorBundle\Command\Helper\DialogHelper') { | |
$this->getHelperSet()->set($dialog = new DialogHelper()); | |
} | |
return $dialog; | |
} | |
} |
<?php | |
# xxx/yyyBundle/Entity/Address.php | |
/** | |
* Get name | |
* | |
* @return string | |
*/ | |
public function getName() | |
{ | |
return str_replace('##FTS_FIX##', '', $this->name); | |
} | |
/** | |
* fixFts Fonction qui permet de changer systématiquement le nom de l'addresse, | |
* pour parer le problème de DOC ID | |
* | |
* @ORM\preUpdate | |
*/ | |
public function fixFts() | |
{ | |
if (substr($this->name, -11, 11) == '##FTS_FIX##') { | |
$this->name = substr($this->name, 0, -11); | |
} else { | |
$this->name = $this->name . '##FTS_FIX##'; | |
} | |
} |
<?php | |
# xxx/yyyBundle/Repository/AddressRepository.php | |
public function search($address) { | |
return $this->createQueryBuilder('p') | |
->addSelect("MATCH_AGAINST (p.name, p.country, p.street, p.postal, p.city, p.state, :address 'IN NATURAL MODE') as score") | |
->add('where', 'MATCH_AGAINST(p.name, p.country, p.street, p.postal, p.city, p.state, :address) > 0.8') | |
->setParameter('address', $address) | |
->orderBy('score', 'desc') | |
->setMaxResults(5) | |
->getQuery() | |
->getResult(); | |
} |
# xxx/yyyBundle/Resources/config/config.yml | |
doctrine: | |
orm: | |
entity_managers: | |
default: | |
dql: | |
string_functions: | |
MATCH_AGAINST: xxx\yyyBundle\Extension\Doctrine\MatchAgainst |
<?php | |
# xxx/yyyBundle/Extension/Doctrine/MatchAgainst.php | |
/** | |
* MatchAgainst | |
* | |
* Definition for MATCH AGAINST MySQL instruction to be used in DQL Queries | |
* | |
* Usage: MATCH_AGAINST(column[, column, ...], :text ['SEARCH MODE']) | |
* | |
* @author Jérémy Hubert <[email protected]> | |
* using work of http://groups.google.com/group/doctrine-user/browse_thread/thread/69d1f293e8000a27 | |
*/ | |
namespace xxx\yyyBundle\Extension\Doctrine; | |
use Doctrine\ORM\Query\Lexer; | |
use Doctrine\ORM\Query\AST\Functions\FunctionNode; | |
/** | |
* "MATCH_AGAINST" "(" {StateFieldPathExpression ","}* InParameter {Literal}? ")" | |
*/ | |
class MatchAgainst extends FunctionNode { | |
public $columns = array(); | |
public $needle; | |
public $mode; | |
public function parse(\Doctrine\ORM\Query\Parser $parser) | |
{ | |
$parser->match(Lexer::T_IDENTIFIER); | |
$parser->match(Lexer::T_OPEN_PARENTHESIS); | |
do { | |
$this->columns[] = $parser->StateFieldPathExpression(); | |
$parser->match(Lexer::T_COMMA); | |
} | |
while ($parser->getLexer()->isNextToken(Lexer::T_IDENTIFIER)); | |
$this->needle = $parser->InParameter(); | |
while ($parser->getLexer()->isNextToken(Lexer::T_STRING)) { | |
$this->mode = $parser->Literal(); | |
} | |
$parser->match(Lexer::T_CLOSE_PARENTHESIS); | |
} | |
public function getSql(\Doctrine\ORM\Query\SqlWalker $sqlWalker) | |
{ | |
$haystack = null; | |
$first = true; | |
foreach ($this->columns as $column) { | |
$first ? $first = false : $haystack .= ', '; | |
$haystack .= $column->dispatch($sqlWalker); | |
} | |
$query = "MATCH(" . $haystack . | |
") AGAINST (" . $this->needle->dispatch($sqlWalker); | |
if($this->mode) { | |
$query .= " " . $this->mode->dispatch($sqlWalker) . " )"; | |
} else { | |
$query .= " )"; | |
} | |
return $query; | |
} | |
} |
Excellent script, thanks. Upgraded MySQL from 5.5 to 5.6 to make use of the new InnoDB fulltext searching with Doctrine 2 and got this working nicely.
Hi! Excellent script!
I have a problem when I tried to use wildcards and 'IN BOOLEAN MODE':
$query = $this->createQueryBuilder('us')
->where("MATCH_AGAINST (us.fullName, :search 'IN BOOLEAN MODE') > 0.0")
->setParameter('search', 'mike*');
Never returns results... if I use the query in mysql it works:
Thanks in advance!
I know why its not working but I dont know how to solve, its because Doctrine transform the query to this:
SELECT * FROM fos_user WHERE MATCH (fullName) AGAINST ('mike*' 'IN BOOLEAN MODE');
The problem is the quotes in 'IN BOOLEAN MODE' string...
To correct the issue with search mode change:
$query .= " " . $this->mode->dispatch($sqlWalker) . " )";
$query .= " " . trim($this->mode->dispatch($sqlWalker), "'") . " )";
We had to make a change as follows, to allow parameters, in the MatchAgainst
public function parse(\Doctrine\ORM\Query\Parser $parser)
do {
$this->columns[] = $parser->StateFieldPathExpression();
while (!$parser->getLexer()->isNextToken(Lexer::T_INPUT_PARAMETER));
// Got an input parameter
$this->needle = $parser->InputParameter();
This allows the following QueryBuilder
code (inside an EntityRepository
$qb = $this->createQueryBuilder("c")
->select("MATCH_AGAINST (c.firstName, c.lastName, c.username, :searchTerms) AS result")
// ...
Thanks @richsage I was having an issue with using a parameter and that fixed it.
Thanks!! It runs perfect!
In my case I was unable to run 'IN BOOLEAN MODE' option, so I have added it to getSql function like this:
$query .= " IN BOOLEAN MODE)";
and it runs ok!
Hi i'm trying to use it like this way:
$qb = $this->getPublishWorkFlowQueryBuilder() ->leftJoin('c.translations', 't') ->andWhere('MATCH_AGAINST (t.title, t.description, :search)') ->setParameter('locale', $locale) ->setParameter('now', new \DateTime()) ->setParameter('search', $searchPhrase);
and got an error
SELECT c FROM ......\Product c LEFT JOIN c.publishWorkflow w LEFT JOIN c.translations t WHERE (w.isActive = 1 AND w.isHidden = :hidden AND ((w.fromDate IS NULL AND w.toDate IS NULL) OR (w.fromDate <= :now AND w.toDate >= :now) OR (w.fromDate IS NOT NULL AND w.fromDate <= :now) OR (w.toDate IS NOT NULL AND w.toDate >= :now))) AND MATCH_AGAINST (t.title, t.description, :search)
Because it is expect something after MATCH_AGAINST function[Syntax Error] line 0, col -1: Error: Expected =, <, <=, <>, >, >=, !=, got end of string.
Hello, i'm trying to use this code on symfony 4, but i have this error
'Cannot autowire service "XXXBundle\Extensions\Doctrine\MatchAgainst": argument "$name" of method "__construct()" must have a type-hint or be given a value explicitly. '
Some one know how to fix it?
I'm sore. it is problem auto injects servises. Just need add to services.yml
exclude: '../../src/AppBundle/{Entity,Repository,Tests,Extensions}'
Take a look at the Yaml setup here Stackoverflow. The edited version should work. It seems like your Yaml tabs are not correct.
Sorry, but, after hours, unable to get a functional query... QueryException trigger an error : Expected known function, got 'MATCH_AGAINST'... Symfony 3 and just copy and paste the code above... Any idea ?
Sorry, but, after hours, unable to get a functional query... QueryException trigger an error : Expected known function, got 'MATCH_AGAINST'... Symfony 3 and just copy and paste the code above... Any idea ?
Most probably it is with the setup of the configuration.. Doctrine cant get function MATCH_AGAINST
trying to figure out what i did wrong:
$subDivRes = $em->createQueryBuilder()
->where("MATCH_AGAINST (o.name, :search) > 0.0")
->setParameter('search', $keyword)
but what im getting is:
An exception occurred while executing 'SELECT d0_.ID AS ID_0, d0_.NAME AS NAME_1, d0_.NAMEAR AS NAMEAR_2, d0_.CODE AS CODE_3 FROM DIVISIONS d0_ WHERE MATCH(d0_.NAME) AGAINST (? ) > 0.0' with params ["test"]:
ORA-00920: invalid relational operator
For some reason the AGAINST is taking the parameter as '?' instead of the provided one
PS: using symfony 4
Hey @wbelhomsi,
Did you ever figure out how to have it working with on Symfony 4?
Or, just use the well-maintained beberlei/doctrineextensions library.
WHERE MATCH (p.brand, p.name) AGAINST (:searchString) > 0
Installation with composer:
composer require beberlei/doctrineextensions
Setup with Symfony 4.3 (@darol100 😉):
MATCH: DoctrineExtensions\Query\Mysql\MatchAgainst
je tente depuis plus d'1h de mettre en place ce DQL et je suis confronté en permanence à cette erreur :
Error: Expected Literal, got ':title'
Aurais-tu une idée de la provenance de cette erreur ? Pour info, j'ai juste fait un copier/coller de ta requête en adaptant les champs et le paramètre.