#!/usr/bin/env lumo |
(ns spacedl.spacedl |
(:require [cljs.nodejs :as node] |
[clojure.pprint :refer [pprint]] |
[clojure.string :as string :refer [join split starts-with?]] |
[cljs.core :refer [*command-line-args*]])) |
(node/enable-util-print!) |
(.on js/process "uncaughtException" #(js/console.error %)) |
(defonce http (node/require "http")) |
(defonce https (node/require "https")) |
(defonce fs (node/require "fs")) |
(defn page [gallery-url page-number] |
(string/replace gallery-url #"PageNumber=\d+&" (str "PageNumber=" page-number "&"))) |
(defn parse-image-url [{:keys [GalleryUrl Index UrlSignature URLFilename ImageKey PhotoBy Sizes]}] |
(let [size (->> [:O :5K :4K :X5 :X4 :X3] |
(filter #(Sizes %)) |
(first)) |
ext (-> size Sizes :ext) |
file-name (str URLFilename "-" (name size) "." ext)] |
(when size |
{:url (join "/" [GalleryUrl Index UrlSignature (name size) file-name]) |
:file-name file-name}))) |
(defn get-url [url cb] |
(.get (if (starts-with? url "https") https http) url cb)) |
(defn parse-page [url] |
(fn [resolve reject] |
(get-url url |
(fn [res] |
(let [body (atom "")] |
(-> res |
(.on "data" #(swap! body str (.toString %))) |
(.on "end" #(-> @body |
js/JSON.parse |
(js->clj :keywordize-keys true) |
resolve)))))))) |
(defn follow-redirects [url cb] |
(get-url |
url |
(fn [res] |
(if-let [location (aget (.-headers res) "location")] |
(follow-redirects location cb) |
(cb res))))) |
(defn save-file [{:keys [url file-name]} cb] |
(follow-redirects |
url |
(fn [res] |
(println "saving" url) |
(.pipe res (.createWriteStream fs file-name) |
(js/setTimeout cb 100))))) |
(defn save-links [[link & links]] |
(when link |
(if (.existsSync fs (:file-name link)) |
(do |
(println "skipping" (:file-name link)) |
(save-links links)) |
(save-file link #(save-links links))))) |
(defn parse-image-links [pages] |
(-> (map #(js/Promise. (parse-page %)) pages) |
(js/Promise.all) |
(.then #(->> % (map :Images) (apply concat) (map parse-image-url) set save-links)) |
(.catch js/console.error))) |
(defn parse-gallery [url {:keys [TotalItems TotalPages]}] |
(println "gallery contains" TotalPages "pages with" TotalItems "images") |
(parse-image-links (map (partial page url) (range TotalPages)))) |
(defn parse-url [url] |
(-> (js/Promise. (parse-page url)) |
(.then #(parse-gallery url (:Pagination %))) |
(.catch js/console.error))) |
(if (empty? *command-line-args*) |
(println "please provide a gallery URL as the argument") |
(parse-url (first *command-line-args*))) |
Just wanted to drop a thanks for this sample.
It has a lot of good examples when it is your first dive into lumo :)