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yohanesnuwara yohanesnuwara

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yohanesnuwara / marmousi_fatiando_scalar.ipynb
Created January 18, 2020 08:13 — forked from eusoubrasileiro/marmousi_fatiando_scalar.ipynb
Running scalar wave equation marmousi data set from madagascar.
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Sorry, this file is invalid so it cannot be displayed.
yohanesnuwara /
Created March 7, 2020 06:48 — forked from cbellei/
Tridiagonal Matrix Algorithm solver in Python
import numpy as np
## Tri Diagonal Matrix Algorithm(a.k.a Thomas algorithm) solver
def TDMAsolver(a, b, c, d):
TDMA solver, a b c d can be NumPy array type or Python list type.
refer to
and to
nf = len(d) # number of equations
def xplot(axisx, axisy, axisz):
plt.scatter(axisx, axisy, c=axisz, s=5, cmap='gist_rainbow')
yohanesnuwara /
Created March 24, 2020 05:54
Check and remove NaN values in DataFrame
import pandas as pd
# create dataframe from data
data = pd.DataFrame({"Column_1": numpy_1, "Column_2": numpy_2, "Column_3": numpy_3})
# print original size of data before NaN values removal
print("Original size of data:", len(data), "rows")
# look up the number of rows with NaN data
print("How many data with NaN values?")


A lot of GitHub projects need to have pretty math formulas in READMEs, wikis or other markdown pages. The desired approach would be to just write inline LaTeX-style formulas like this:

$e^{i \pi} = -1$

Unfortunately, GitHub does not support inline formulas. The issue is tracked here.


yohanesnuwara /
Last active October 15, 2024 09:44
Tensor rotation in Tilted Transverse Isotropy (TTI)
Tensor rotation in Tilted Transverse Isotropy (TTI) for the 36 stiffness elements
Discussion which I started here:
@author: Yohanes Nuwara
@email: [email protected]
Possible extension of this work (may need collaboration):
* Verify that the rotation is right by calculating its tensor invariants
* Test in real lab: Does the theoretically rotated tensor represent the true stiffness of the TTI rock?
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yohanesnuwara / Rdatasets.csv
Created January 4, 2021 03:30
Datasets stored in R packages
We can make this file beautiful and searchable if this error is corrected: It looks like row 6 should actually have 12 columns, instead of 8 in line 5.
"AER","Affairs","Fair's Extramarital Affairs Data",601,9,2,0,2,0,7,"",""
"AER","ArgentinaCPI","Consumer Price Index in Argentina",80,2,0,0,0,0,2,"",""
"AER","BankWages","Bank Wages",474,4,2,0,3,0,1,"",""
"AER","BenderlyZwick","Benderly and Zwick Data: Inflation, Growth and Stock Returns",31,5,0,0,0,0,5,"",""
"AER","BondYield","Bond Yield Data",60,2,0,0,
yohanesnuwara / meteorite-landings.csv
Created April 15, 2021 16:23
Data for Pandas practice
We can't make this file beautiful and searchable because it's too large.
Aachen,1,Valid,L5,21,Fell,1880,50.775000,6.083330,"(50.775000, 6.083330)"
Aarhus,2,Valid,H6,720,Fell,1951,56.183330,10.233330,"(56.183330, 10.233330)"
Abee,6,Valid,EH4,107000,Fell,1952,54.216670,-113.000000,"(54.216670, -113.000000)"
Acapulco,10,Valid,Acapulcoite,1914,Fell,1976,16.883330,-99.900000,"(16.883330, -99.900000)"
Achiras,370,Valid,L6,780,Fell,1902,-33.166670,-64.950000,"(-33.166670, -64.950000)"
Adhi Kot,379,Valid,EH4,4239,Fell,1919,32.100000,71.800000,"(32.100000, 71.800000)"
Adzhi-Bogdo (stone),390,Valid,LL3-6,910,Fell,1949,44.833330,95.166670,"(44.833330, 95.166670)"
Agen,392,Valid,H5,30000,Fell,1814,44.216670,0.616670,"(44.216670, 0.616670)"
Aguada,398,Valid,L6,1620,Fell,1930,-31.600000,-65.233330,"(-31.600000, -65.233330)"
yohanesnuwara /
Created July 2, 2021 08:05
Calculate probability of neutron porosity from drilling torque
import statviz
# Choose lithology
lith = 'marl' # sandstone, claystone, marl
# Two variables to plot against
x, y = 'TORQUE', 'BPHI'
# Bounds of each variable to evaluate probabilities
xbound, ybound = (20e3, 22.5e3), (20, 30)