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About Blobxfer option --inlcude and --strip-components

About Blobxfer option --inlcude and --strip-components


option: --include

Suppose you give --remote-path "container/1" to blobxfer in downloading blobs with blobxfer, as blobxfer use internally of pathlib on remote paths, you'll get all blobs whose vdirpath names include "container/1" like this:


If you want to get only blobs under "container/1/" vdirpath, use a --include <vdirpath> filter, e.g., --include "1/*"

option: --strip-components N

--strip-components N will strip the leading N components from the local file path on upload or remote file path on download. The default is 0.

Suppose you give --local-path "localdir", --remote-path "container/1" and --include "1/*" to blobxfer in downloading blobs with blobxfer, you'll get all blobs under vdirpath "1/", however they are downloaded to local path including exactly the same vdirpath like this:

 <storage>                                      <local>
 container/1/1.png     --- downloaded --->      localdir/1/1.png
 ctontainer/1/2/2.png  --- downloaded --->      localdir/1/2/2.png

If you want to download files to local directory without keeping vdirpath, strip the vdirpath by using --strip-components N, e.g.,

 --strip-components 1 if vdirpath you want to strip is only 1 dir like 1/1.png, then you will get the file without vdirpath, localdir/1.png 

 --strip-components 2 if vdirpath you want to strip is 2 dirs like 1/2/2.png, then you will get the file without vdirpath, localdir/2.png


 --strip-components 10 (big enough) if vdirpath you want to strip is 2 dirs like 1/2/3/3.png, then you will get the file vdirpath, localdir/3.png


You store blob files in your Azure blob storage with the following structure,

├── 1
│   ├── 1.png
│   └── 2
│       ├── 2.png
│       └── 3
│           └── 3.png
├── 10
│   ├── 10.png
│   └── 1010
│       ├── 1010-01.png
│       ├── 1010-02.png
│       └── 1010-03.png
└── 15
    └── 155
        └── 155.png

  1   2   3   (N)

Case 1

Suppose you give the following options to blobxfer in downloading blobs with blobxfer

  • --remote-path "container/1"
  • --strip-components 0
  • --local-path "localdir"

blobxfer downloads blob files to local like this:

├── 1
│   ├── 1.png
│   └── 2
│       ├── 2.png
│       └── 3
│           └── 3.png
├── 10
│   ├── 10.png
│   └── 1010
│       ├── 1010-01.png
│       ├── 1010-02.png
│       └── 1010-03.png
└── 15
    └── 155
        └── 155.png

Case 2

Suppose you give the following options to blobxfer in downloading blobs with blobxfer

  • --remote-path "container/1"
  • --strip-components 0
  • --local-path "localdir"
  • --include "1/*"

blobxfer downloads blob files to local like this:

└── 1
    ├── 1.png
    └── 2
        ├── 2.png
        └── 3
            └── 3.png

Case 3

Suppose you give the following options to blobxfer in downloading blobs with blobxfer

  • --remote-path "container/1"
  • --strip-components 1
  • --local-path "localdir"
  • --include "1/*"

blobxfer downloads blob files to local like this:

├── 1.png
└── 2
    ├── 2.png
    └── 3
        └── 3.png

Case 4

Suppose you give the following options to blobxfer in downloading blobs with blobxfer

  • --remote-path "container/1"
  • --strip-components 2
  • --local-path "localdir"
  • --include "1/*"

blobxfer downloads blob files to local like this:

├── 1.png
├── 2.png
└── 3
    └── 3.png

Case 5

Suppose you give the following options to blobxfer in downloading blobs with blobxfer

  • --remote-path "container/1"
  • --strip-components 3
  • --local-path "localdir"
  • --include "1/*"

blobxfer downloads blob files to local like this:

├── 1.png
├── 2.png
└── 3.png

Test Script


REMOTE_CONTAINER="container"          ## Container name
VDIRPATH="1"                          ## Virtual Dir Path
LOCAL_PATH="/Users/yoichika/localdir" ## Local dir path

blobxfer download --storage-account $STORAGE_ACCOUNT_NAME \
    --storage-account-key $STORAGE_ACCOUNT_KEY \
    --remote-path "$REMOTE_CONTAINER/$VDIRPATH" \
    --local-path $LOCAL_PATH \
    --include "$VDIRPATH/*" \
    --recursive \
    --strip-components 10 \
    --mode auto \
    --log-file out.txt \
    --skip-on-lmt-ge \
    --transfer-threads 10
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