features | npm | yarn |
lock file | package-lock.json | yarn.lock |
using workspaces | supported | supported |
remote scripts | supported using the npx |
supported using yarn dlx |
license check | not supported | check each package license while downloading |
ref: https://phoenixnap.com/kb/yarn-vs-npm
As described in yarn-vs-npm, Yarn seems to have huge advantages over npm:
- Yarn Advantages
- Supports parallel installation and Zero installs, both of which dramatically increase performance.
- Newer versions of Yarn offer a more secure form of version locking.
- Active user community.
- Yarn Disadvantages
- Yarn doesn't work with Node.js versions older than version 5.
- Yarn has shown problems when trying to install native modules.
Also, here is another "Yarn better than NPM" description
Yarn installs dependency packages in parallel, whereas NPM installs them sequentially. As a result, Yarn outperforms NPM when installing bigger files. Both tools can save dependent files to the offline cache
ref: https://www.imaginarycloud.com/blog/npm-vs-yarn-which-is-better/
yarn installation
npm install -g yarn
# Initialize a project
yarn init
# Run tests for the current package
yarn test
# Check for outdated packages
yarn outdated
# Publish a package
yarn publish
# Run a script
yarn run
# Manage local package cache
yarn cache clean
# Log in or out
yarn login/logout # use `npm login` instead
# Install dependencies
# Install packages
# install package as a dependent one (you need this package to run)
yarn add [package name]
# install package as a dev dependency? (you need it such as test suites but you don't need it (test suites ) to run the app in its normal state)
yarn install [package name] --dev
# Uninstall packages
yarn remove [package name]
# Update manager
yarn upgrade
# Update packages
yarn upgrade [package name]
# Install packages globally
yarn global add [package name]
# Uninstall packages globally
yarn global remove [package name]
# Interactive dependency update
yarn upgrade-interactive
# Run package remotely
yarn dlx
# Check licenses
yarn licenses ls
# run Jest
yarn jest
# Initialize a project
npm init
# Run tests for the current package
npm test
# Check for outdated packages
npm outdated
# Publish a package
npm publish
# Run a script
npm run
# Manage local package cache
npm cache clean
# Log in or out
npm login/logout
npm login --scope=@my-company-name
npm login --scope=@my-company-name --registry=http://your-server-address:8080
# ref: https://stackoverflow.com/questions/38211512/login-to-npm-with-multiple-scopes
# Install dependencies
npm install
# Install packages
npm install [package name]
npm install git+https://account_name/repository_name.git
## SSH
npm install git+ssh://[email protected]:account_name/repository_name.git
## Local
npm install ../local_package_name
# install package as a dependent one (you need this package to run)
npm install [package name] --save
# install package as a dev dependency? (you need it such as test suites but you don't need it (test suites ) to run the app in its normal state)
npm install [package name] --save-dev
# Uninstall packages
npm uninstall [package name]
# Update manager
npm update
# Update packages
npm update [package name]
# Install packages globally
npm install --global [package name]
# Uninstall packages globally
npm uninstall --global [package name]
# Interactive dependency update
npm run upgrade-interactive