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yoku0825 /
Created November 15, 2024 09:18
Public Key Retrieval is not allowed のテスト
import java.sql.Connection;
import java.sql.DriverManager;
import java.sql.SQLException;
public class MySQLConnectionExample {
// Define JDBC URL (database name, host, and port can be modified as needed)
private static final String URL_format = "jdbc:mysql://";
public static void main(String[] args) {
// Ensure that both username and password are provided as arguments
yoku0825 / gist:70bf826917ed45b602fe35b09db552ef
Last active July 10, 2024 08:34
ALTER TABLE .. ADD FULLTEXT KEY .. WITH PARSER ngram の時の create_temp_file
(gdb) b create_temp_file
+b create_temp_file
Breakpoint 1 at 0x206c8da: file /home/yoku0825/mysql-8.0.38/mysys/, line 277.
(gdb) c
[Switching to Thread 0x7f2da46f6700 (LWP 2201)]
Breakpoint 1, create_temp_file (to=to@entry=0x7f2da46efa30 "\240\372n\244-\177", dir=dir@entry=0x50262f0 "/tmp", prefix=prefix@entry=0x315be9f "ib", mode=mode@entry=194,
unlink_or_keep=unlink_or_keep@entry=UNLINK_FILE, MyFlags=MyFlags@entry=16) at /home/yoku0825/mysql-8.0.38/mysys/
$ mysql -h172.17.0.2 -vve "SELECT @@version; DROP DATABASE IF EXISTS d1;CREATE DATABASE d1; CREATE TABLE d1.t1 (num int, KEY(num)); CREAT
E TABLE d1.t2 (num int, KEY(num), FOREIGN KEY (num) REFERENCES t1(num)); DROP DATABASE d1;"
SELECT @@version
| @@version |
| 8.3.0 |
yoku0825 / gist:9db4ac205b607fd538aab5c384c7290b
Created April 8, 2024 14:55
Warning (Code 3170): Memory capacity of 5120 bytes for 'range_optimizer_max_mem_size' exceeded. Range optimization was not done for this query.
Breakpoint 1, push_warning_printf (thd=thd@entry=0x7f7244b6dd30, severity=severity@entry=Sql_condition::SL_WARNING, code=code@entry=3170,
format=0x7f729d06a9a4 "Memory capacity of %llu bytes for '%s' exceeded. %s") at /home/yoku0825/mysql-8.0.36/sql/
692 if (format == nullptr) format = ER_THD_NONCONST(thd, code);
(gdb) bt
#0 push_warning_printf (thd=thd@entry=0x7f7244b6dd30, severity=severity@entry=Sql_condition::SL_WARNING, code=code@entry=3170,
format=0x7f729d06a9a4 "Memory capacity of %llu bytes for '%s' exceeded. %s") at /home/yoku0825/mysql-8.0.36/sql/
#1 0x0000000000ce4123 in handle_condition (sql_errno=34, level=<optimized out>, thd=0x7f7244b6dd30, this=<optimized out>)
at /home/yoku0825/mysql-8.0.36/sql/range_optimizer/internal.h:90
#2 Range_optimizer_error_handler::handle_condition (this=<optimized out>, thd=0x7f7244b6dd30, sql_errno=<optimized out>, level=<optimized out>)
cd client
/opt/rh/devtoolset-11/root/usr/bin/g++ \
-std=c++17 \
-fno-omit-frame-pointer \
-ftls-model=initial-exec \
-B/opt/rh/devtoolset-11/root/usr/bin \
-O2 \
-g \
mysql81 9> SHOW PARSE_TREE SELECT user, host, db, user.select_priv AS global_select, db.select_priv AS schema_select FROM mysql.user LEFT JOIN mysql.db USING(user, host)\G
*************************** 1. row ***************************
Show_parse_tree: {
"text": "SELECT user, host, db, user.select_priv AS global_select, db.select_priv AS schema_select FROM mysql.user LEFT JOIN mysql.db USING(user, host)",
"type": "PT_select_stmt",
"components": [
"text": "SELECT user, host, db, user.select_priv AS global_select, db.select_priv AS schema_select FROM mysql.user LEFT JOIN mysql.db USING(user, host)",
"type": "PT_query_expression",
"components": [
yoku0825 / gist:73bd79fca85915e72a3d366ca81b9c14
Created February 2, 2023 06:20
MySQL Bugs: #109875: binlog_transaction_compression causes OOM when crash recovery happened
n time(i) total(B) useful-heap(B) extra-heap(B) stacks(B)
85 54,500,074,813 21,078,405,512 20,888,346,655 190,058,857 0
86 54,512,142,231 21,078,405,512 20,888,346,655 190,058,857 0
99.10% (20,888,346,655B) (heap allocation functions) malloc/new/new[], --alloc-fns, etc.
->40.12% (8,455,717,998B) 0x2078B1C: allocate (new_allocator.h:127)
| ->40.12% (8,455,717,998B) 0x2078B1C: allocate (alloc_traits.h:460)
| ->40.12% (8,455,717,998B) 0x2078B1C: _M_allocate (stl_vector.h:346)
| ->40.12% (8,455,717,998B) 0x2078B1C: void std::vector<unsigned char, std::allocator<unsigned char> >::_M_realloc_insert<unsigned char>(__gnu_cxx::__normal_iterator<unsigned char*, std::vector<unsigned
yoku0825 / CMakeLists.txt
Created December 17, 2022 15:23
yoku0825 / gist:2629031b69c06377f4dd5b5dc7552ef3
Created September 26, 2022 14:41
$ strace -e write /usr/mysql/8.0.30/bin/mysql -S /usr/mysql/8.0.30/data/mysql.sock -P 64080 --prompt="mysql80 \C> " -e "SELECT 1"
write(1, "+---+\n", 6+---+
) = 6
write(1, "| 1 |\n", 6| 1 |
) = 6
write(1, "+---+\n", 6+---+
) = 6
write(1, "| 1 |\n", 6| 1 |
) = 6
write(1, "+---+\n", 6+---+
yoku0825 / gist:bb8ce7f57e92e3800f8d9a1492038b27
Created September 10, 2022 02:37
Invisible auto_increment vs LAST_INSERT_ID
mysql80 15> SHOW CREATE TABLE t1\G
*************************** 1. row ***************************
Table: t1
Create Table: CREATE TABLE `t1` (
`num` bigint unsigned NOT NULL AUTO_INCREMENT /*!80023 INVISIBLE */,
`val` varchar(32) COLLATE utf8mb4_ja_0900_as_cs DEFAULT NULL,
UNIQUE KEY `num` (`num`)
) ENGINE=InnoDB DEFAULT CHARSET=utf8mb4 COLLATE=utf8mb4_ja_0900_as_cs
1 row in set (0.00 sec)