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Last active October 1, 2024 08:00
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Some bitmask helpers
import SparseBitmask, {
} from "./SparseBitmask";
import Bitmask from "./Bitmask";
import { memoized, numberHasher } from "./memo";
import { OrderedSet } from "./OrderedCollections";
interface TransformedPolygon {
toOutline(): Bitmask;
toFill(): Bitmask;
computeFlipsFromPolygonToMask(mask: Bitmask): number[][];
interface TransformedToSparse {
toOutline(): SparseBitmask;
toFill(): SparseBitmask;
const enum FillState {
const FILL_STATE_MACHINE: Record<FillState, Record<number, FillState>> = {
[FillState.Green]: {
3: FillState.Blue,
5: FillState.Red,
6: FillState.Yellow,
[FillState.Red]: {
3: FillState.Yellow,
5: FillState.Green,
6: FillState.Blue,
[FillState.Yellow]: {
12: FillState.Green,
15: FillState.Blue,
9: FillState.Red,
10: FillState.Yellow,
[FillState.Blue]: {
12: FillState.Red,
15: FillState.Yellow,
9: FillState.Green,
10: FillState.Blue,
const memoizedDrawLine = memoized(drawLine, numberHasher(4), 500);
export function transformPolygonToSparse(
polygon: [number, number][][],
width: number,
height: number
): TransformedToSparse {
const visited: number[][] = => []);
const startIndices: number[][] = => []);
polygon.forEach((ring, ringIndex) => {
for (let k = 0; k < ring.length; k += 1) {
const [x1, y1] = ring[k];
const [x2, y2] = k < ring.length - 1 ? ring[k + 1] : ring[0];
memoizedDrawLine(x1, y1, x2, y2).forEach(([i, j]) =>
visited[ringIndex].push(j * width + i)
const adjacentPixels = new Map<number, number>();
visited.forEach(ring => {
adjacentPixelsFromRing(ring, width, adjacentPixels);
return outlineAndFillFromAdjacentPixels(adjacentPixels, width, height);
export function transformPolygon(
polygon: [number, number][][],
width: number,
height: number
): TransformedPolygon {
const visited: number[][] = => []);
const startIndices: number[][] = => []);
polygon.forEach((ring, ringIndex) => {
for (let k = 0; k < ring.length; k += 1) {
const [x1, y1] = ring[k];
const [x2, y2] = k < ring.length - 1 ? ring[k + 1] : ring[0];
memoizedDrawLine(x1, y1, x2, y2).forEach(([i, j]) =>
visited[ringIndex].push(j * width + i)
const pixelToNode = new Uint16Array(width * height);
const adjacentPixel = new Bitmask(width * height * 4);
let node = 0;
let j = 0;
visited.forEach((ring, ringIndex) => {
ring.forEach((pixel, i) => {
if (
j < startIndices[ringIndex].length &&
i === startIndices[ringIndex][j]
) {
node += 1;
j += 1;
if (pixelToNode[pixel] === 0) pixelToNode[pixel] = node;
const prevPixel = i > 0 ? ring[i - 1] : ring[ring.length - 1];
if (pixel - prevPixel === width) {
adjacentPixel.flip(pixel * 4);
adjacentPixel.flip(prevPixel * 4 + 2);
if (pixel - prevPixel === 1) {
adjacentPixel.flip(pixel * 4 + 3);
adjacentPixel.flip(prevPixel * 4 + 1);
if (prevPixel - pixel === width) {
adjacentPixel.flip(pixel * 4 + 2);
adjacentPixel.flip(prevPixel * 4);
if (prevPixel - pixel === 1) {
adjacentPixel.flip(pixel * 4 + 1);
adjacentPixel.flip(prevPixel * 4 + 3);
let outline!: Bitmask;
let fill!: Bitmask;
const cachedFlips = new Map<Bitmask, number[][]>();
return {
toOutline() {
if (!outline) {
outline = new Bitmask(width * height);
pixelToNode.forEach((n, pixel) => {
if (n > 0) outline.set(pixel, 1);
return outline;
toFill() {
if (!fill) {
fill = this.toOutline().clone();
for (let j = 0; j < height; j += 1) {
let state = FillState.Green;
for (let i = 0; i < width; i += 1) {
const pixel = j * width + i;
const painted = fill.get(pixel);
if (painted) {
const junction = adjacentPixel.get(pixel * 4, 4);
state = FILL_STATE_MACHINE[state][junction] ?? state;
} else if (state !== FillState.Green) {
fill.set(pixel, 1);
return fill;
export function drawLine(
x1: number,
y1: number,
x2: number,
y2: number
): [number, number][] {
let i = Math.floor(x1);
let j = Math.floor(y1);
const iEnd = Math.floor(x2);
const jEnd = Math.floor(y2);
const dx = Math.abs(x2 - x1);
const dy = Math.abs(y2 - y1);
const di = x2 >= x1 ? 1 : -1;
const dj = y2 >= y1 ? 1 : -1;
let lhs = dx * (y2 >= y1 ? j + 1 - y1 : y1 - j);
let rhs = dy * (x2 >= x1 ? i + 1 - x1 : x1 - i);
const visited: [number, number][] = [];
visited.push([i, j]);
while (i !== iEnd || j !== jEnd) {
if (lhs < rhs) {
j += dj;
lhs += dx;
} else if (lhs > rhs) {
i += di;
rhs += dy;
} else if (dj > 0) {
j += dj;
lhs += dx;
} else {
i += di;
rhs += dy;
visited.push([i, j]);
return visited;
export function drawCircle(n: number): number[] {
Using a digital differential analyzer to compute the circle edge efficiently without trigonometry, or Pythagoras.
Start from the left edge and draw in a clockwise direction one pixel at a time until x = y line is reached.
(i.e 9 o'clock to 10:30)
Fill in rest of the circle by mirroring the edges.
topStack holds the values from 12 o'clock to 10:30.
bottomStack holds the values from 9 o'clock to 6 o'clock.
const indices: number[] = [];
const topStack: number[] = [];
const bottomStack: number[] = [];
const offset = (n - 1) / 2;
let x = -offset;
let y = n & 1 ? 0 : -0.5;
let row = 0;
let d = x * x + y * y - (n * n) / 4;
let deltaUp = 1 - 2 * y;
let deltaRight = 2 * x + 1;
// can shift origin first as subsequent digital differential analyzer operations were decoupled from exact value of xy
x += offset;
y += offset;
let lastPushed = -1;
const push = (index: number) => {
if (index === lastPushed) indices.pop();
else {
lastPushed = index;
while (y > x) {
y -= 1;
d += deltaUp;
deltaUp += 2;
while (d > 0) {
push(row * n + (y + 1));
push((row + 1) * n - (y + 1));
bottomStack.push(y + 1);
row += 1;
x += 1;
d += deltaRight;
deltaRight += 2;
if (y === x) {
push(row * n + y);
push((row + 1) * n - y);
row += 1;
while (topStack.length > 0) {
// eslint-disable-next-line @typescript-eslint/no-non-null-assertion
const x = topStack.pop()!;
push(row * n + x);
push((row + 1) * n - x);
row += 1;
if (n & 1) bottomStack.pop();
while (bottomStack.length > 0) {
// eslint-disable-next-line @typescript-eslint/no-non-null-assertion
const x = bottomStack.pop()!;
push(row * n + x);
push((row + 1) * n - x);
row += 1;
return indices;
export function adjacentPixelsFromRing(
ring: number[],
width: number,
adjacentPixels = new Map<number, number>()
): Map<number, number> {
ring.forEach((pixel, i) => {
const prevPixel = i > 0 ? ring[i - 1] : ring[ring.length - 1];
let currAdjacent = adjacentPixels.get(pixel) ?? 0;
let prevAdjacent = adjacentPixels.get(prevPixel) ?? 0;
// 1248 correspond to North, East, South, West
if (pixel - prevPixel === width) {
currAdjacent ^= 1;
prevAdjacent ^= 4;
if (pixel - prevPixel === 1) {
currAdjacent ^= 8;
prevAdjacent ^= 2;
if (prevPixel - pixel === width) {
currAdjacent ^= 4;
prevAdjacent ^= 1;
if (prevPixel - pixel === 1) {
currAdjacent ^= 2;
prevAdjacent ^= 8;
adjacentPixels.set(pixel, currAdjacent);
adjacentPixels.set(prevPixel, prevAdjacent);
return adjacentPixels;
export function outlineAndFillFromAdjacentPixels(
adjacentPixels: Map<number, number>,
width: number,
height: number
): TransformedToSparse {
let outline: SparseBitmask;
let fill: SparseBitmask;
return {
toOutline() {
if (!outline) {
outline = new SparseBitmask(width * height, false);
for (const pixel of adjacentPixels.keys()) {
outline.set(pixel, 1);
return outline;
toFill() {
if (!fill) {
fill = new SparseBitmask(width * height, true);
let runState = FillState.Green;
let nextRowStart = width;
for (const pixel of this.toOutline().getIndices()) {
if (pixel >= nextRowStart) {
if (runState !== FillState.Green) {
runState = FillState.Green;
while (pixel >= nextRowStart) {
nextRowStart += width;
const junction = adjacentPixels.get(pixel) ?? 0;
const nextState: FillState =
FILL_STATE_MACHINE[runState][junction] ?? runState;
if (runState === FillState.Green) {
if (nextState === FillState.Green && pixel + 1 < width * height) {
fill.flip(pixel + 1);
runState = nextState;
return fill;
export function pasteBitmask(
from: SparseBitmask,
fromWidth: number,
fromHeight: number,
x: number,
y: number,
toWidth: number,
toHeight: number,
outputRunEnds = true
): SparseBitmask {
// skip empty rows at the top
const indices = from.getIndices() as OrderedSet<number>;
if (indices.size === 0) {
return new SparseBitmask(toWidth * toHeight, outputRunEnds);
// eslint-disable-next-line @typescript-eslint/no-non-null-assertion
const first =!;
const firstRow = Math.trunc(first / fromWidth);
// compute the part of the pasted window that is within the output canvas
const sMinX = Math.max(-x, 0);
const sMinY = Math.max(-y, firstRow);
const sMaxX = Math.min(toWidth - x, fromWidth);
const sMaxY = Math.min(toHeight - y, fromHeight);
// sprite completely outside bound
if (sMinX >= sMaxX || sMinY >= sMaxY) {
return new SparseBitmask(toWidth * toHeight, outputRunEnds);
// convert to run lengths windowed by row for subsequent interlacing
const windowedRunLengths = getWindowedRunLengths(
// interlace run lengths with zero filled gaps
function* interlace(runLengths: Iterable<number>) {
const windowLength = sMaxX - sMinX;
const gapLength = toWidth - windowLength;
const interlaceStart = (y + sMinY) * toWidth + x + sMinX;
const interlaceEnd = (y + sMaxY - 1) * toWidth + (x + sMaxX - 1) + 1;
yield interlaceStart;
let rowLength = 0;
for (const runLength of runLengths) {
if (rowLength >= windowLength) {
yield gapLength;
rowLength = 0;
yield runLength;
if (runLength < 0) rowLength -= runLength;
else rowLength += runLength;
yield toWidth * toHeight - interlaceEnd;
const interlacedRunLengths = interlace(windowedRunLengths);
// recompose run end indices from run lengths
return new SparseBitmask(toWidth * toHeight, outputRunEnds).setIndices(
? runLengthsToRunEndIndices(interlacedRunLengths)
: runLengthsToOneBitIndices(interlacedRunLengths),
export function cutBitmask(
from: SparseBitmask,
fromWidth: number,
fromHeight: number,
x: number,
y: number,
toWidth: number,
toHeight: number,
outputRunEnds = true
): SparseBitmask {
return pasteBitmask(
export function offsetBitmask(
mask: SparseBitmask,
offsetX: number,
offsetY: number,
width: number,
height: number
): SparseBitmask {
return pasteBitmask(
* Decompose from bitmask into 1 or 0 run lengths that are windowed by each row
* Negative run length means 1, positive run length means 0
* Unlike run end indices that always indicate a change of sign, adjacent run lengths can be of the same sign
* Useful for windowing operations
function* getWindowedRunLengths(
mask: SparseBitmask,
width: number,
height: number,
minX = 0,
minY = 0,
maxX = width,
maxY = height
): Iterable<number> {
if (minX >= maxX || minY >= maxY) return;
let sign = 1;
let currRowStart = minY * width + minX;
let currRowEnd = minY * width + maxX;
const endIndex = (maxY - 1) * width + maxX;
let lastIndex = currRowStart;
for (const index of mask.getIndices(true)) {
while (index >= currRowEnd) {
yield sign * (currRowEnd - lastIndex);
currRowStart += width;
currRowEnd += width;
lastIndex = currRowStart;
if (currRowEnd > endIndex) return;
if (index >= currRowStart) {
yield sign * (index - lastIndex);
lastIndex = index;
sign = -sign;
if (sign < 0) {
while (lastIndex < endIndex) {
yield lastIndex - currRowEnd;
currRowStart += width;
currRowEnd += width;
lastIndex = currRowStart;
} else if (lastIndex < currRowEnd) {
yield currRowEnd - lastIndex;
// ignore empty rows at the bottom
export function* runLengthsToRunEndIndices(
runLengths: Iterable<number>
): Iterable<number> {
let expectedSign = -1;
let offset = 0;
for (const runLength of runLengths) {
if (runLength < 0) {
if (expectedSign < 0) {
yield offset;
expectedSign = 1;
offset -= runLength;
} else if (runLength > 0) {
if (expectedSign > 0) {
yield offset;
expectedSign = -1;
offset += runLength;
export function* runLengthsToOneBitIndices(
runLengths: Iterable<number>
): Iterable<number> {
let offset = 0;
for (const runLength of runLengths) {
if (runLength < 0) {
const runEnd = offset - runLength;
while (offset < runEnd) {
yield offset;
offset += 1;
} else if (runLength > 0) {
offset += runLength;
export function getWeight(
mask: SparseBitmask,
width: number,
height: number
): number {
if (mask.length !== width * height) {
throw new Error("mismatch parameters");
if (!mask.isRunEnds) return mask.getIndicesCount();
let lastIndex = -1;
let weight = 0;
for (const index of mask.getIndices()) {
if (lastIndex >= 0) {
weight += index - lastIndex;
lastIndex = -1;
} else {
lastIndex = index;
if (lastIndex >= 0) {
weight += width * height - lastIndex;
return weight;
export function getFilledRatio(
mask: SparseBitmask,
width: number,
height: number
): number {
if (mask.length !== width * height) {
throw new Error("mismatch parameters");
return getWeight(mask, width, height) / (width * height);
export function getCentroid(
mask: SparseBitmask,
width: number,
height: number
): [number, number] {
if (mask.length !== width * height) {
throw new Error("mismatch parameters");
let sumX = 0;
let sumY = 0;
let weight = 0;
if (mask.isRunEnds) {
const indices = mask.getIndices() as OrderedSet<number>;
if (indices.size === 0) return [width / 2, height / 2];
// eslint-disable-next-line @typescript-eslint/no-non-null-assertion
const first =!;
let x = 0;
let y = Math.trunc(first / width);
const runLengths = getWindowedRunLengths(mask, width, height, x, y);
for (const runLength of runLengths) {
if (x >= width) {
x = 0;
y += 1;
if (runLength < 0) {
const dw = -runLength;
sumX += (x + dw * 0.5) * dw;
sumY += (y + 0.5) * dw;
weight += dw;
x -= runLength;
} else {
x += runLength;
} else {
for (const index of mask.getIndices()) {
const x = index % width;
const y = Math.trunc(index / width);
sumX += x + 0.5;
sumY += y + 0.5;
weight += 1;
if (weight === 0) return [width / 2, height / 2];
return [sumX / weight, sumY / weight];
export function getBoundingBox(
mask: SparseBitmask,
width: number,
height: number
): [number, number, number, number] {
if (mask.length !== width * height) {
throw new Error("mismatch parameters");
let minX = width;
let minY = height;
let maxX = 0;
let maxY = 0;
if (mask.isRunEnds) {
const indices = mask.getIndices() as OrderedSet<number>;
if (indices.size === 0) return [minX, minY, maxX, maxY];
// eslint-disable-next-line @typescript-eslint/no-non-null-assertion
const first =!;
let x = 0;
let y = Math.trunc(first / width);
const runLengths = getWindowedRunLengths(mask, width, height, x, y);
for (const runLength of runLengths) {
if (x >= width) {
x = 0;
y += 1;
if (runLength < 0) {
minX = Math.min(minX, x);
minY = Math.min(minY, y);
maxX = Math.max(maxX, x - runLength);
maxY = Math.max(maxY, y);
x -= runLength;
} else {
x += runLength;
} else {
for (const index of mask.getIndices()) {
const x = index % width;
const y = Math.trunc(index / width);
minX = Math.min(minX, x);
minY = Math.min(minY, y);
maxX = Math.max(maxX, x + 1);
maxY = Math.max(maxY, y);
return [minX, minY, maxX, maxY];
export function getOutlineFromFill(
mask: SparseBitmask,
width: number,
height: number
): SparseBitmask {
if (mask.length !== width * height) {
throw new Error("mismatch parameters");
const p4 = mask.asRunEndIndices();
// filter pixels where at least one adjacent pixel is unpainted
const p0 = offsetBitmask(p4, -1, -1, width, height);
const p1 = offsetBitmask(p4, 0, -1, width, height);
const p2 = offsetBitmask(p4, 1, -1, width, height);
const p3 = offsetBitmask(p4, -1, 0, width, height);
const p5 = offsetBitmask(p4, 1, 0, width, height);
const p6 = offsetBitmask(p4, -1, 1, width, height);
const p7 = offsetBitmask(p4, 0, 1, width, height);
const p8 = offsetBitmask(p4, 1, 1, width, height);
let intersect: Iterable<number> = p0.getIndices();
intersect = intersectionRunEnds(intersect, p1.getIndices());
intersect = intersectionRunEnds(intersect, p2.getIndices());
intersect = intersectionRunEnds(intersect, p3.getIndices());
intersect = intersectionRunEnds(intersect, p5.getIndices());
intersect = intersectionRunEnds(intersect, p6.getIndices());
intersect = intersectionRunEnds(intersect, p7.getIndices());
intersect = intersectionRunEnds(intersect, p8.getIndices());
const outline = new SparseBitmask(width * height, true).setIndices(
subtractionRunEnds(p4.getIndices(), intersect),
return outline;
export function getExtOutlineFromFill(
mask: SparseBitmask,
width: number,
height: number
): SparseBitmask {
if (mask.length !== width * height) {
throw new Error("mismatch parameters");
const p4 = mask.asRunEndIndices();
// merge all adjacent pixels and remove the original mask
const p0 = offsetBitmask(p4, -1, -1, width, height);
const p1 = offsetBitmask(p4, 0, -1, width, height);
const p2 = offsetBitmask(p4, 1, -1, width, height);
const p3 = offsetBitmask(p4, -1, 0, width, height);
const p5 = offsetBitmask(p4, 1, 0, width, height);
const p6 = offsetBitmask(p4, -1, 1, width, height);
const p7 = offsetBitmask(p4, 0, 1, width, height);
const p8 = offsetBitmask(p4, 1, 1, width, height);
let union: Iterable<number> = p0.getIndices();
union = unionRunEnds(union, p1.getIndices());
union = unionRunEnds(union, p2.getIndices());
union = unionRunEnds(union, p3.getIndices());
union = unionRunEnds(union, p5.getIndices());
union = unionRunEnds(union, p6.getIndices());
union = unionRunEnds(union, p7.getIndices());
union = unionRunEnds(union, p8.getIndices());
return new SparseBitmask(width * height, true).setIndices(
subtractionRunEnds(union, p4.getIndices()),
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