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Last active December 18, 2021 08:27
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MinHeap in JS
class MinHeap {
constructor (comparator = (a, b) => a - b) {
this._data = []
this._comparator = comparator
push (...values) {
for (const v of values) {
let cIndex = this._data.push(v) - 1
while (cIndex > 0) {
const pIndex = Math.floor((cIndex - 1) / 2)
if (this._swap(pIndex, cIndex)) cIndex = pIndex
else break
return this
pop () {
if (this._data.length <= 1) return this._data.pop()
const min = this._data[0]
this._data[0] = this._data.pop()
return min
peek () {
return this._data[0]
_swap (pIndex, cIndex) {
const parent = this._data[pIndex]
const child = this._data[cIndex]
if (this._comparator(child, parent) < 0) {
this._data[pIndex] = child
this._data[cIndex] = parent
return true
return false
_heapify (pIndex) {
while (true) {
const lIndex = pIndex * 2 + 1
const rIndex = lIndex + 1
if (lIndex >= this._data.length) break
let mIndex = lIndex
if (rIndex < this._data.length) {
const left = this._data[lIndex]
const right = this._data[rIndex]
if (this._comparator(right, left) < 0) mIndex = rIndex
if (this._swap(pIndex, mIndex)) pIndex = mIndex
else break
get size () {
return this._data.length
* [Symbol.iterator] () {
while (this.size > 0) yield this.pop()
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