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Created October 28, 2021 03:10
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A small script to be used as sendmail for debugging mailing functions in php.
* @file
* Mock Sendmail
* A small script to be used as sendmail for debugging mailing functions in php.
* Usage:
* php -d sendmail_path='php ./sendmail.php' email_sending_script.php
* Or you'd need to specify in php.ini the 'sendmail_path' as 'php FULL_PATH_TO/sendmail.php'.
* Then in PHP, use mail() normally. For example:
* <code>
* mail('[email protected]', 'Subject', "<p>A very long message</p>\n<p>Thanks</p>", ['X-User-Agent' => 'hello_php']);
* </code>
* To specify the JSON capture file for the specific call, you can add the capture filename:
* <code>
* mail(
* '[email protected]',
* 'Subject',
* "<p>A very long message</p>\n<p>Thanks</p>",
* ['X-User-Agent' => 'hello_php'],
* '--capture-file="' . __DIR__ . '/email-call-123.json"',
* );
* </code>
* @see
* @see
// Allow script user to specify the path of the file to capture.
$options = getopt('', [
]) + [
'capture-file' => './mock-sendmail-capture.json',
$capture_filename = $options['capture-file'];
// Capture all the inputs.
$stdin = stream_get_contents(fopen('php://stdin', 'r'));
file_put_contents($capture_filename, json_encode([
'argv' => $argv,
'stdin' => $stdin,
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