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Created January 3, 2023 21:49
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Dynamic Subdomain C2 Exfil detection - Splunk Query
# Select events from all indexes
# Extract the subdomain from the domain field and add a new field called "subdomain"
| eval subdomain=split(domain, ".")[0]
# Format the time field into a more human-readable format and add a new field called "time"
| eval time=strftime(_time, "%Y-%m-%d %H:%M:%S")
# Bin the time field into 2 minute intervals and add a new field called "bin_time"
| bin _time as bin_time span=2m
# Count the number of unique subdomains contacted in each 2 minute interval and add a new field called "subdomain_count"
| stats count(subdomain) as subdomain_count by bin_time
# Filter the results to only include intervals where more than 6 subdomains were contacted
| where subdomain_count > 6
# Create an alert
| streamstats count as alert_count
| eval alert_text="More than 6 subdomains contacted in 2 minutes, investigate"
| eval alert_severity=if(alert_count=1,"warning","critical")
| eval alert_title="Subdomain Alert"
| eval trigger_time=now()
| table trigger_time, alert_title, alert_text, alert_severity
| sendalert
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