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Forked from yt-siden/insert_guard.vim
Created May 12, 2018 00:40
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Insert UUID-based include guard macro on VIM
" C/C++ insert UUID based include guard
function! s:insert_include_guard()
let s:uuid=system('uuidgen')
let s:uuid=strpart(s:uuid, 0, strlen(s:uuid)-1)
let s:uuid=substitute(s:uuid, '[a-f]', '\u\0', 'g')
let s:uuid=substitute(s:uuid, '\-', '_', 'g')
let s:uuid='UUID_'.s:uuid
call append(0, '#ifndef '.s:uuid)
call append(1, '#define '.s:uuid)
call append('$', '#endif //'.s:uuid)
command! -nargs=0 InsertIncludeGuard call s:insert_include_guard()
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