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Last active December 30, 2020 09:44
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Print Slurm bank account usage/quota minutes for a given resource
# This gist has moved under as of 2020-12-30.
# Usage: sacctmins <acct> <resc>
# Reference for Slurm commands:
# A previous revision used sreport and sacctmgr, respectively.
share_info=$(sshare -lnpA "$1" | head -n 1)
# Usage (u) and capacity (c).
u=$(echo "$share_info" | cut -d \| -f 5)
c=$(echo "$share_info" | cut -d \| -f 10 | sed -n "s,.*\<$2\>=\([1-9][0-9]*\).*,\1,;Tx;p;:x")
u=$((u / 60)) # Quotient is floored.
if [ "$#" -ne 2 ] || [ -z "$c" ]; then
exit 1
printf "$1 $2 : %d of %d mins (%d of %d h) %d%%\n" "$u" "$c" "$((u / 60))" "$((c / 60))" "$((100 * u / c))"
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