// ==UserScript== |
// @name 网易云音乐歌词推送 |
// @namespace https://youthlin.com/ |
// @match *://music.163.com/* |
// @noframes true |
// @grant GM.xmlHttpRequest |
// @version 1.0 |
// @author Youth.霖 |
// @description 需要保持播放列表打开状态。创建于 2023/5/19 16:41:26 |
// ==/UserScript== |
(function () { |
'use strict'; |
// https://gist.github.com/youthlin/be34fa9bb50b37ac39aa0ce59265632b |
setTimeout(() => {// 延迟 1s 启动 |
console.log('网易云音乐歌词推送启动中...') |
function makeSureLyricsShow() { |
if (!document.querySelector('#g_playlist')) {// 确保播放列表开启 |
document.querySelector('[data-action="panel"]')?.click(); |
} |
} |
setInterval(makeSureLyricsShow, 1000) |
function send(data) { |
if (data.lyrics) {// 推送当前歌词 |
GM.xmlHttpRequest({ // 需要 @grant GM.xmlHttpRequest 授权 |
method: "GET", |
url: `http://localhost:51917/set?current=${encodeURI(data.lyrics)}`, |
}); |
} |
if (data.title && data.by) {// 推送当前播放曲目 - 艺术家 |
GM.xmlHttpRequest({ // 需要 @grant GM.xmlHttpRequest 授权 |
method: "GET", |
url: `http://localhost:51917/set?title=${encodeURI(data.title)}&by=${encodeURI(data.by)}`, |
}); |
} |
} |
function addTitleObserver() {// 监听播放曲目变动 |
// 当前播放 |
const title = document.querySelector('.words .name')?.innerText |
const by = document.querySelector('.words .by')?.innerText |
if (title && by) { |
console.log('当前播放', title, by) |
send({ title, by }) |
} |
// 监听后续变动 |
new MutationObserver(records => { |
for (let record of records) { |
let title = '' |
let by = '' |
for (let node of record.addedNodes) { |
if (node.classList?.contains('name')) { |
title = node.innerText |
} |
if (node.classList?.contains('by')) { |
by = node.innerText |
} |
} |
console.log(`检测到切歌 ${title} - ${by}`) |
send({ title, by }) |
} |
}).observe(document.querySelector('.words'), { |
childList: true, |
characterData: true,// node 的文本内容变动 |
}) |
} |
let foundLyricsNode = false |
function addLyricsObserver() {// 监听歌词变动 |
if (foundLyricsNode) return |
const node = document.querySelector('.listlyric'); |
if (node) { |
let last = ''; |
new MutationObserver(records => { |
for (let record of records) { |
if (record.target.classList.contains('z-sel')) { |
const lyrics = record.target.innerText |
if (lyrics != last) { |
last = lyrics |
console.log(lyrics) |
send({ lyrics }) |
} |
break |
} |
} |
}).observe(node, { |
childList: true, // 直接子节点 |
subtree: true, // 所有后代 |
attributes: true, // 属性 |
attributeFilter: ['class'], |
}) |
foundLyricsNode = true |
addTitleObserver() |
console.log('歌词监听节点:', node) |
} else { |
console.log('歌词监听节点未找到 1s 后重试') |
setTimeout(addLyricsObserver, 1000)// 1s 后重试 |
} |
} |
addLyricsObserver() |
// 切割控制 |
function handleAction() { |
GM.xmlHttpRequest({ |
method: "GET", |
url: `http://localhost:51917/action/get`, |
onerror: r => { |
setTimeout(handleAction, 1000) |
}, |
onloadend: r => { |
const action = r.response.trim() |
console.log(action) |
switch (action) { |
case 'nop': break; |
case 'prev': |
document.querySelector('a[data-action="prev"]')?.click() |
break; |
case 'toggle': |
let node = document.querySelector('a[data-action="play"]') |
if (!node) { |
node = document.querySelector('a[data-action="pause"]') |
} |
console.log('toggle node', node) |
if (node) { |
node.click() |
} |
break; |
case 'next': |
document.querySelector('a[data-action="next"]')?.click() |
break; |
} |
setTimeout(handleAction, 0) |
}, |
}); |
} |
handleAction() |
console.log('网易云音乐歌词推送已启动') |
}, 1000); |
})() |