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Created February 29, 2012 08:45
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;;; -*- mode:lisp; package:makelc -*-
(eval-when (:compile-toplevel :load-toplevel :execute)
(require "compile"))
(defpackage :makelc
(:use :lisp :ed))
(in-package :makelc)
(export '(compile-package
(defmacro time (form)
`(let ((start (get-internal-real-time))
(result (multiple-value-list ,form)))
(format t "~&~V@{-~}~%~D msec~%~%" 30 (- (get-internal-real-time) start))
(values-list result)))
(defun not-compiled-functions (pkg)
(let ((fns nil)
(p (find-package pkg)))
(do-symbols (s p)
(when (and (fboundp s)
(not (macro-function s))
(eq p (symbol-package s)))
(let ((f (symbol-function s)))
(when (not (or (si:*builtin-function-p f)
(compiled-function-p f)
(not (functionp f))
(and (si:*closurep f)
(si:closure-variable f))))
(push s fns)))))
(nreverse fns)))
(defun compile-package (pkg)
(format t "compiling <~A> ...~%" pkg)
(dolist (f (not-compiled-functions pkg))
(format t "~A ..." f)
(goto-char (point-max))
(compile f)
(princ "ok"))
(error (c)
(format t "error~%*****~%~A~%*****"
(si:*condition-string c))))
(defun compile-files (&optional (dir "~/lisp"))
(let ((files (directory dir :absolute t :wild "*.l" :recursive t)))
(dolist (f files)
(compile-file f)
(goto-char (point-max))
(defun user::makelc ()
(let ((buf (create-new-buffer "*compile log*")))
(set-buffer buf)
(setup-temp-buffer buf)
(with-output-to-buffer (buf)
(compile-package :compiler)
(compile-package :lisp)
(compile-files "~/lisp")
(when (file-exist-p #0="~/xyzzy.wxp")
(delete-file #0#)))))


  • M-x makelc --- compilerパッケージとlispパッケージの関数をコンパイル後、~/lispフォルダ以下の*.lを再コンパイル
  • (makelc:compile-files dirname) --- 指定ディレクトリ以下の*.lを再コンパイル
  • (makelc:compile-package :packagename) --- 指定パッケージ内で定義されている未コンパイルの関数をコンパイル
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