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Yacine Rezgui yrezgui

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phhusson / gist:662af3573ad4fc91bb62e5fe7cde7250
Created March 14, 2022 13:12
Add rickroll Dialer option. Add rick.webm in assets
From f07ca2a26dcb0cc797dcc6fc0d2d4f16b89c481e Mon Sep 17 00:00:00 2001
From: Pierre-Hugues Husson <[email protected]>
Date: Mon, 14 Mar 2022 09:09:28 -0400
Subject: [PATCH] Add a rickroll button in heads-up notification to rickroll
Change-Id: Ibe72535fb3e93f69a531723dc96ede05663ee251
assets/rick.webm | Bin 0 -> 1232413 bytes
.../ | 145 ++++++++++++++++++
ianhanniballake / PickImageContracts.kt
Last active September 10, 2022 18:03
Gist showing how to write backward compatible ActivityResultContracts for supporting Android 13's new Photo Picker:
* Use this [ActivityResultContract] to seamlessly switch between
* the new [MediaStore.ACTION_PICK_IMAGES] and [Intent.ACTION_GET_CONTENT]
* based on the availability of the Photo Picker.
* Use [PickMultipleImages] if you'd like the user to be able to select multiple
* photos/videos.
* Input: the mimeType you'd like to receive. This should generally be
* either `image/\*` or `video/\*` for requesting only images or only videos
florina-muntenescu / build.gradle.kts
Created July 2, 2021 15:29
Proto DataStore config in Gradle Kotlin DSL
/* Copyright 2021 Google LLC.
SPDX-License-Identifier: Apache-2.0 */
plugins {
// find latest version number here:
id("") version "0.8.16"
fasterthanlime / cities.json
Created July 5, 2020 17:53 — forked from Miserlou/cities.json
1000 Largest US Cities By Population With Geographic Coordinates, in JSON
"city": "New York",
"growth_from_2000_to_2013": "4.8%",
"latitude": 40.7127837,
"longitude": -74.0059413,
"population": "8405837",
"rank": "1",
"state": "New York"
HashNuke / SwiftUI-SplitView-MacOS.swift
Last active January 27, 2025 16:52
Using a NSSplitViewController with SwiftUI on mac to render SwiftUI views as split panes. Drop this code into a playground to try it out. SORRY MAC-OS ONLY. DOES NOT WORK ON IOS
import AppKit
import SwiftUI
// Delete this line if not using a playground
import PlaygroundSupport
struct ContentView: View {
var body: some View {
// if spacing is not set to zero, there will be a gap after the first row
aendra-rininsland / gdpr-sar-template.txt
Created January 3, 2020 16:46
GDPR Subject Access Request -- Template
Hi there! Please forward this to your GDPR compliance department. Thank you!
To whom it may concern — I'm interested in what sorts of data your company collects about me.
To wit, I would like to file a Subject Access Request (SAR) under the EU General Data Protection Regulation (GDPR) for all personal information relating to myself using the following personal identifiers:
[ list which PII you feel or can prove is held by the entity in question ]
sebmarkbage /
Created September 4, 2019 20:33
Why is React doing this?

I heard some points of criticism to how React deals with reactivity and it's focus on "purity". It's interesting because there are really two approaches evolving. There's a mutable + change tracking approach and there's an immutability + referential equality testing approach. It's difficult to mix and match them when you build new features on top. So that's why React has been pushing a bit harder on immutability lately to be able to build on top of it. Both have various tradeoffs but others are doing good research in other areas, so we've decided to focus on this direction and see where it leads us.

I did want to address a few points that I didn't see get enough consideration around the tradeoffs. So here's a small brain dump.

"Compiled output results in smaller apps" - E.g. Svelte apps start smaller but the compiler output is 3-4x larger per component than the equivalent VDOM approach. This is mostly due to the code that is usually shared in the VDOM "VM" needs to be inlined into each component. The tr

unnamedd / MacEditorTextView.swift
Last active February 12, 2025 23:55
[SwiftUI] MacEditorTextView - A simple and small NSTextView wrapped by SwiftUI.
* MacEditorTextView
* Copyright (c) Thiago Holanda 2020-2021
* (the twitter account is now deleted, please, do not try to reach me there)
* MIT license
s1s1ty / post-mysql.go
Created July 31, 2018 07:25
package post
import (
models ""
pRepo ""
busypeoples /
Last active July 29, 2018 10:43
Data Structures in ReasonML: #7 Heap
/* Heap */
exception Not_Found;
module type Ord = {type t; let compare: (t, t) => int;};
module Integer = {
type t = int;
let compare = (a, b) => a - b;