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Last active October 30, 2020 09:15
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binja unimplemented instructions snip
#unlifted instructions
from collections import defaultdict
from binaryninja.enums import LowLevelILOperation
unlifted = defaultdict(list)
print('unlifted instructions in bndb')
for ll in bv.llil_instructions:
# TODO I need to update this to actually walk all of the LLIL operations in the tree
if ll.operation == LowLevelILOperation.LLIL_SET_FLAG:
ins = ll.src
ins = ll
if ins.operation != LowLevelILOperation.LLIL_UNIMPL:
addr = ins.address
dis = bv.get_disassembly(addr)
if dis is None:
print('unable to disassemble @ %#x' % addr)
mnem = dis.split(' ')[0]
total = 0
distinct = 0
for mnem in sorted(unlifted, key=lambda x: len(unlifted[x]), reverse=True):
pos = ', '.join(['%#x' % x for x in unlifted[mnem][:8]])
count = len(unlifted[mnem])
if count > 8: pos += ', ...'
print('%8d%16s [%s]' % (count, mnem, pos))
total += count
distinct += 1
print('%d unlifted from %d unique instructions' % (total, distinct))
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