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Created September 25, 2021 08:31
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Leetcode 11
import Foundation
private class Solution {
/// Area = d * h
/// which
/// d === i - j
/// h === min(Ai, Aj)
/// whatever pair of i, j, tallest one is more possible to have greater value
/// so that will move the shorter one to the center
func maxArea(_ height: [Int]) -> Int {
var m = Int.min
func helper(_ p1:Int, _ p2: Int) {
if p1 == p2 {return}
let h = min(height[p1], height[p2])
let d = p2 - p1
let area = h * d
switch true {
case height[p1] < height[p2]: helper(p1 + 1, p2)
default: helper(p1, p2 - 1)
m = max(m, area)
helper(0, height.count - 1)
return m
func maxArea_Accepted_While(_ height: [Int]) -> Int {
var m = Int.min, p1 = 0, p2 = height.count - 1
while true {
if p1 == p2 {break}
let h = min(height[p1], height[p2])
let d = p2 - p1
let area = h * d
switch true {
case height[p1] < height[p2]: p1 += 1
default: p2 -= 1
m = max(m, area)
return m
/// Time Limit Exceeded
func maxArea_attempt1_TLE(_ height: [Int]) -> Int {
var m = Int.min
for p1 in height.indices {
var p2 = height.count - 1
while true {
if p1 > p2 {break}
let h = min(height[p1], height[p2])
let d = p2 - p1
let area = h * d
p2 -= 1
m = max(m, area)
return m
import XCTest
final class _11Tests: XCTestCase {
func test1() throws {
let height = [1,8,6,2,5,4,8,3,7]
XCTAssertEqual(Solution().maxArea(height), 49)
func test2() throws {
let height = [1,1]
XCTAssertEqual(Solution().maxArea(height), 1)
func test3() throws {
let height = [4,3,2,1,4]
XCTAssertEqual(Solution().maxArea(height), 16)
func test4() throws {
let height = [1,2,1]
XCTAssertEqual(Solution().maxArea(height), 2)
func test5() throws {
let height = [1,2]
XCTAssertEqual(Solution().maxArea(height), 1)
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