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Created January 25, 2014 02:33
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Viewport Units with Coffee
class root.utils.ViewportHeight
'The VH unit is not well supported. Use data-tags instead.
data-viewport-unit="line-height: 100vh; height: 100vh;'
constructor: ({@element, @styles}={}) ->
@$element = $ @element
@$window = $ window
_getStyles: ->
# get styles as array
if not @_styles
styles = {}
for style in _.filter(@styles.split(';'), Boolean)
[key, value] = style.split(':')
styles[key.trim()] = @_getValue(value)
self._styles = styles
return self._styles
_bindHandlers: ->
$(window).resize _.debounce(@onResize, 50)
_getValue: (value) ->
# given a unit like 400vw or 400vh, set it to absolute pixel values
# map viewport units to viewport unit conversion functions
viewportUnitMap = {
'vh': @_vh,
'vw': @_vw,
'vmax': null,
'vmin': null,
value = value.replace(';', '').trim()
for unit, func of viewportUnitMap
if unit.substr(value)
return func(parseInt(value))
_vh: (value) =>
@$window.height() * value/100
_vw: (value) =>
@$window.width() * value/100
_vmax: (value) =>
return Math.max @_vh(value), @_vw(value)
_vmin: (value) =>
return Math.min @_vh(value), @_vw(value)
onResize: =>
# window has been resized. update CSS values of vh/vw equivalents
@$element.css @_getStyles()
$("[data-viewport-styles]").each (index, el) ->
new root.utils.ViewportHeight
element: el
styles: $(el).data('viewport-styles')
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