- 購入時のバージョンは10.9.4(Mervericks)
- homebrew が依存してる
- anyenv が依存してる (git)
最新: Version 6.1 (6A1052d)
ruby -e "$(curl -fsSL https://raw.githubusercontent.com/Homebrew/install/master/install)"
$ brew doctor
Your system is ready to brew.
$ brew install caskroom/cask/brew-cask
$ brew cask install google-chrome
$ brew cask install dropbox
$ brew cask install java
$ brew cask install virtualbox
$ brew cask install kobito
$ brew cask install google-japanese-ime
$ git clone https://github.com/riywo/anyenv ~/.anyenv
$ echo 'export PATH="$HOME/.anyenv/bin:$PATH"' >> ~/.bashrc
$ echo 'eval "$(anyenv init -)"' >> ~/.bashrc
$ anyenv install rbenv
$ anyenv install plenv
$ anyenv install pyenv
$ anyenv install ndenv
$ anyenv install goenv
$ exec $SHELL -l
$ anyenv version
goenv: couldn't find any version specified for use
goenv: # (バグってね?)
ndenv: system (set by /Users/tacke/.anyenv/envs/ndenv/version)
plenv: system (set by /Users/tacke/.anyenv/envs/plenv/version)
pyenv: system (set by /Users/tacke/.anyenv/envs/pyenv/version)
rbenv: system (set by /Users/tacke/.anyenv/envs/rbenv/version)
TODO: 言語をインストールする
homebrewで入れるといろいろ大変なのでhaskell platformのパッケージで。
Current release: 2014.2.0.0 New GHC: 7.8.3
$ sudo activate-hs
Haskell now set to:
GHC 7.8.3
Arch. x86_64
Platform 2014.2.0.0
View documentation with this command:
open /Library/Haskell/doc/start.html
Versions & Uninstallation This and prior versions of GHC and Haskell Platform can be found and then easily removed with the uninstallation command line utility:
This release includes an experimental command line utility to switch between multiple installed versions of the platform:/Library/Haskell/bin/activate-hs
Both utilities are safe to run with no arguments, and will give you more information when you do.
- システム環境設定
- キーボード
- 修飾キー
- Caps Lock に Control を割当て
brew cask install karabiner
- Change Key
- For Japanese
- コマンドキーの動作を優先モードv1