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Last active November 27, 2015 03:20
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type IFizzBuzz =
abstract member check : int -> bool
abstract member getVal : unit -> string
type Fizz() =
interface IFizzBuzz with
member x.check n = (n % 3 = 0)
member x.getVal() = "Fizz"
type Buzz() =
interface IFizzBuzz with
member x.check n = (n % 5 = 0)
member x.getVal() = "Buzz"
type FizzBuzz(handlers : IFizzBuzz list) =
member x.eval n =
let result =
("", handlers)
||> Seq.fold (fun acc h ->
if h.check(n) then acc + h.getVal()
else acc)
if result = "" then string n
else result
let fb =
new FizzBuzz(
new Fizz()
new Buzz()
[1..100] |> |> printfn "%A"
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